“America was founded as an Atheist and Christian Nation” 21st Century sin & salvation Christian agrees with Unitarian Deist John Adams.

Back of the bus - NotfooledbyW, post: 25863588 to 25845838

NotfooledbyW, post: 25844988
You have no right to expect non-Christian Americans to go to the back of the bus based on their minority Religious beliefs status.

Correll, post: 25845838
2. Nothing I have said, justifies you accusing me of wanting non-Christians to go to the "back of the bus".

I said you ‘expect’ non-Christians to go to the back of the bus. That’s from what you say. That is your Christian majority “made the American nation moral crap” that you want every non-Christian to accept.

You keep saying that America was founded as a Christian nation because of a massive majority of Christians who lived here in 1776

Correll, post: 25761928 to 25761539
So, despite Christians being a massive majority from the beginning of this nation and all the way up to today..

But you don’t know if there was a majority of Christians living on American soil when the Constitution was written.

So why do you have to tell me something that is not true? Why do you insist on separating non-Christians from the founding of our common nation and then being so kind that you tolerate us?

Why must you do that?

1. I do keep saying that American was founded as a Christian Nation. I also keep saying that it was founded with a commitment to respect and protect the religious freedom of it's religious minorities. You have done NOTHING to support your supposed fear, which I must say, it is odd that you are only mentioning it at this late date.

2. Possibly because you know it is a bullshit "fear" and hesitated to put it out there.

3. I have not separated out the non-Christians from the Founding. Minorites of a group are just as much a part of the group as anyone else. and nothing I have done has denied that.

4. And the fact that you have to call our difference of opinion a "lie" from me, is you being the liar and the asshole.
Proving Christian majority does not a Christian Nation make/ NotfooledbyW, post: 25865177 to 25845838

1. Funny, you as a lib will consider a man a woman if he identifies that way, but require proof from a man that identifies as a Christian. That is you showing that you are being dishonest.

I don’t require proof from anyone living today with respect to their being a Christian or not? That’s another one of your Christian Nation lies.

I have posted this;

“ Church Membership In America Percentage of population that belongs to a church: 1776 17% 1850 34 1860 37 1870 35 1890 45 1906 51 1916 53 1926 56 1952 59 1980 62 1995 65* *Estimated. Source: "The Churching of America: 1776-1990" by Roger Finke and Rodney Stark and Gallup Organization data“

It shows there is supportable data that the number of Americans who were affiliated with a Christian Church in America did not become a majority number until 1906 in the year of your Lord.

And America has increased its church going Christian majority since 1906 to 65%.

So you bloomin’ Christian Nation idiot, you should be able to comprehend that I have no argument that the majority religion in America since the turn of the century in which I was born is Christianity. That’s a given . I don’t dispute that. Get that in your thick dishonest skull. I fully agree that America right now is a majority religion in America whether churched or not. Because churched has been the majority since 1906. Do you get it?

Now none of that means in any way that America - the nation - is Christian. It is absurd to identify - the nation - as a Christian Nation. A nation is.....
  1. a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
How in the hell do you identify a large body of diverse people as a Christian Nation at least where a third of the population are everything but Christians and do not believe anything that Christians believe.

The “nation” is not doomed to burn in eternal hell after Armageddon if the nation does not believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ and other Church doctrine.

Christians in America are expecting Jesus Christ to come back to earth and become King of Kings of all nations.

The NATION of WASHINGTON ADAMS JEFFERSON and MADISON will not become ruled by a Christian King of all nations unless the Constitution is Amended and ratified.

Christians believe: Jesus' sovereignty will extend beyond human political systems and into all of creation.

What is the reason for the 1000-year reign of Christ?

(30) Revelation 18:1-24. The destruction of commercial and governmental Babylon—the New World Order for which man has yearned ever since his rebellion at Babylon—now occurs, possibly during the seventh vial since it fits there (verse 19) just before earth’s final judgment. It will totally collapse the Antichrist’s system and further pave the way for the best event of the Tribulation.

(31) Revelation 19:11-21. We finally witness the Glorious Appearing of Christ in Power and Great Glory as King of kings and Lord of lords to set up His thousand-year reign on this earth.

Tim LaHaye, No Fear of the Storm, (Multnomah, Sisters, OR; 1992), pp. 51-57
This will be a Christian Nation should it ever come to pass:

“We finally witness the Glorious Appearing of Christ in Power and Great Glory as King of kings and Lord of lords to set up His thousand-year reign on this earth.”

America never has been nor shall it ever be a Christian Nation since all the Armageddon stuff is Hocus Pocus as the Great Thomas Jefferson said.
Last edited:
Back of the bus - NotfooledbyW, post: 25863588 to 25845838

NotfooledbyW, post: 25844988
You have no right to expect non-Christian Americans to go to the back of the bus based on their minority Religious beliefs status.

Correll, post: 25845838
2. Nothing I have said, justifies you accusing me of wanting non-Christians to go to the "back of the bus".

I said you ‘expect’ non-Christians to go to the back of the bus. That’s from what you say. That is your Christian majority “made the American nation moral crap” that you want every non-Christian to accept.

You keep saying that America was founded as a Christian nation because of a massive majority of Christians who lived here in 1776

Correll, post: 25761928 to 25761539
So, despite Christians being a massive majority from the beginning of this nation and all the way up to today..

But you don’t know if there was a majority of Christians living on American soil when the Constitution was written.

So why do you have to tell me something that is not true? Why do you insist on separating non-Christians from the founding of our common nation and then being so kind that you tolerate us?

Why must you do that?

1. I do keep saying that American was founded as a Christian Nation. I also keep saying that it was founded with a commitment to respect and protect the religious freedom of it's religious minorities. You have done NOTHING to support your supposed fear, which I must say, it is odd that you are only mentioning it at this late date.

2. Possibly because you know it is a bullshit "fear" and hesitated to put it out there.

3. I have not separated out the non-Christians from the Founding. Minorites of a group are just as much a part of the group as anyone else. and nothing I have done has denied that.

4. And the fact that you have to call our difference of opinion a "lie" from me, is you being the liar and the asshole.
1. I do keep saying that American was founded as a Christian Nation. I also keep saying that it was founded with a commitment to respect and protect the religious freedom of it's religious minorities. You have done NOTHING to support your supposed fear, which I must say, it is odd that you are only mentioning it at this late date.
stop trolling corel - this country was specifically founded as a sectarian society from its beginning before even the constitution was written.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
the amendment does not grant freedom of religion it merely prevents prohibition of its non intrusive nature.
NotfooledbyW, post: 25865358 to 25864941

3. I have not separated out the non-Christians from the Founding. Minorites of a group are just as much a part of the group as anyone else. and nothing I have done has denied that.

You have pulled the 1776 Christian majority out of your ass. That’s your flaw that’s your lie. You have not proven a Christian majority in Colonial America in 1776.

If 17 percent were churched - that means you have to identify 35% who were unaffiliated with religion to get a Christian majority, you can’t - there is no way. So when you say it you are lying.

You are confusing Christian dominance at that time with Christian belief.

I think the true poll of the Revolutionary generation’s view on religion was the representative governmental delegates vote to ratify a secular Constitution.

in that case you should be declaring America was founded as a secular nation or cease trying to identify the nation to one Particular religion.

But for that you would need to believe in honesty.
I don’t require proof from anyone living today with respect to their being a Christian or not? That’s another one of your Christian Nation lies.

My point was, obviously, that you DO require proof of a person who identifies as Christian, instead of taking them at their word,

while NOT requiring any proof of a man claiming that he is a woman, no matter how extreme the evidence that his word is delusional.

WOW. I was pretty clear on that. That you were unable to understand it, shows how insanely poor your communication skills are.
Back of the bus - NotfooledbyW, post: 25863588 to 25845838

NotfooledbyW, post: 25844988
You have no right to expect non-Christian Americans to go to the back of the bus based on their minority Religious beliefs status.

Correll, post: 25845838
2. Nothing I have said, justifies you accusing me of wanting non-Christians to go to the "back of the bus".

I said you ‘expect’ non-Christians to go to the back of the bus. That’s from what you say. That is your Christian majority “made the American nation moral crap” that you want every non-Christian to accept.

You keep saying that America was founded as a Christian nation because of a massive majority of Christians who lived here in 1776

Correll, post: 25761928 to 25761539
So, despite Christians being a massive majority from the beginning of this nation and all the way up to today..

But you don’t know if there was a majority of Christians living on American soil when the Constitution was written.

So why do you have to tell me something that is not true? Why do you insist on separating non-Christians from the founding of our common nation and then being so kind that you tolerate us?

Why must you do that?

1. I do keep saying that American was founded as a Christian Nation. I also keep saying that it was founded with a commitment to respect and protect the religious freedom of it's religious minorities. You have done NOTHING to support your supposed fear, which I must say, it is odd that you are only mentioning it at this late date.

2. Possibly because you know it is a bullshit "fear" and hesitated to put it out there.

3. I have not separated out the non-Christians from the Founding. Minorites of a group are just as much a part of the group as anyone else. and nothing I have done has denied that.

4. And the fact that you have to call our difference of opinion a "lie" from me, is you being the liar and the asshole.
1. I do keep saying that American was founded as a Christian Nation. I also keep saying that it was founded with a commitment to respect and protect the religious freedom of it's religious minorities. You have done NOTHING to support your supposed fear, which I must say, it is odd that you are only mentioning it at this late date.
stop trolling corel - this country was specifically founded as a sectarian society from its beginning before even the constitution was written.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
the amendment does not grant freedom of religion it merely prevents prohibition of its non intrusive nature.

It explicitly states that there shall be no law, "prohibiting the free exercise" of religion.

You are insane.
You have pulled the 1776 Christian majority out of your ass. That’s your flaw that’s your lie. You gave proven no Christian majority in Colonial America in 1776.

Excellent circular debating Wally. We were discussing your claim that I wanted to somewho exclude the non-Christian minority of the Founders from.. something.

YOu made that point, I pointed out that it was completely without merit..

and you change the subject to another point.

You libs, you got nothing but varying levels of dishonesty, do you?

DO you realize that such employing such evasive and dishonest tactics, shows that on some level, you know you are lying?
My point was, obviously, that you DO require proof of a person who identifies as Christian, instead of taking them at their word,

No I don’t - read my text. You are lying.

I require you You THAT IS YOU to provide proof of how YOU determined that 35% of unchurched people I 1776 America were in fact Christians.
My point was, obviously, that you DO require proof of a person who identifies as Christian, instead of taking them at their word,

No I don’t - read my text. You are lying.

I require you You THAT IS YOU to provide proof of how YOU determined that 35% of unchurched people I 1776 America were in fact Christians.

Yeah, we talked about that before. You faded away when I got serious. YOu ready to try again, or you going to fade away again?
Yeah, we talked about that before. You faded away when I got serious. YOu ready to try again, or you going to fade away again?

I have made seen no proof of anything from you;

I require you, You M, THAT IS YOU to provide proof of how YOU determined that 35% of unchurched people in 1776 America were in fact Christians.

Why are you stalling?
Yeah, we talked about that before. You faded away when I got serious. YOu ready to try again, or you going to fade away again?

I have made seen no proof of anything from you;

I require you, You M, THAT IS YOU to provide proof of how YOU determined that 35% of unchurched people in 1776 America were in fact Christians.

Why are you stalling?

I told you, it was an impression I got from my reading of history.

Your position after that was that there was not good data on the time period so that no one could say what the numbers were with certainty.

I asked you if you wanted to investigate it, and if you would admit that your position was at least partially based on YOUR belief that it was NOT majority Christian.

And you faded away.

As you will do so now.

THe core part of circular debating, Wally, is to never admit what the true basis of your position is, because then you can be forced to admit that you are wrong.

YOu need to keep jumping around.

You are a sophist.
Back of the bus - NotfooledbyW, post: 25863588 to 25845838

NotfooledbyW, post: 25844988
You have no right to expect non-Christian Americans to go to the back of the bus based on their minority Religious beliefs status.

Correll, post: 25845838
2. Nothing I have said, justifies you accusing me of wanting non-Christians to go to the "back of the bus".

I said you ‘expect’ non-Christians to go to the back of the bus. That’s from what you say. That is your Christian majority “made the American nation moral crap” that you want every non-Christian to accept.

You keep saying that America was founded as a Christian nation because of a massive majority of Christians who lived here in 1776

Correll, post: 25761928 to 25761539
So, despite Christians being a massive majority from the beginning of this nation and all the way up to today..

But you don’t know if there was a majority of Christians living on American soil when the Constitution was written.

So why do you have to tell me something that is not true? Why do you insist on separating non-Christians from the founding of our common nation and then being so kind that you tolerate us?

Why must you do that?

1. I do keep saying that American was founded as a Christian Nation. I also keep saying that it was founded with a commitment to respect and protect the religious freedom of it's religious minorities. You have done NOTHING to support your supposed fear, which I must say, it is odd that you are only mentioning it at this late date.

2. Possibly because you know it is a bullshit "fear" and hesitated to put it out there.

3. I have not separated out the non-Christians from the Founding. Minorites of a group are just as much a part of the group as anyone else. and nothing I have done has denied that.

4. And the fact that you have to call our difference of opinion a "lie" from me, is you being the liar and the asshole.
1. I do keep saying that American was founded as a Christian Nation. I also keep saying that it was founded with a commitment to respect and protect the religious freedom of it's religious minorities. You have done NOTHING to support your supposed fear, which I must say, it is odd that you are only mentioning it at this late date.
stop trolling corel - this country was specifically founded as a sectarian society from its beginning before even the constitution was written.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
the amendment does not grant freedom of religion it merely prevents prohibition of its non intrusive nature.

It explicitly states that there shall be no law, "prohibiting the free exercise" of religion.

You are insane.
It explicitly states that there shall be no law, "prohibiting the free exercise" of religion.

You are insane.
no, the amendment only states a prohibition from preventing the free exercise of religion as a right for all people, not for a specific religion but from the standpoint of admissible when exercised. you again are simply a troll refusing the truth of the invalidity of your religious, christian beliefs having legal jurisdiction in a secular document.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
stop lying corel - the text of the amendment is all that matters and is the law.
I told you, it was an impression I got from my reading of history.

And that is not proof so you are not being honest whenever you write that the massive majority or a simple majority of colonists were Christians. That is because you do not know if the massive majority of colonists were Christians. You do not know but you keep saying as a fact that they were.

All we can somewhat scholarly know is that 17% were affiliated with a Christian Church in 1776.

Since you do not know it to be a fact and you insist on and on that it is a fact you are willfully using a lie to justify ignoring all the other non-Christian influences that went into founding America and putting forth the Christian nationalists lie and propaganda that America was founded as a Christian NATION.
A huge threat to religious freedom in America and the world has been removed - Thank You Joe. You are a great American and a great Christian.

Thanks Joe !
Don’t confuse the malignant force of Trumpism in American politics with true Christian forces.

And once Trumpism is removed from our WHITE HOUSE will the Christian political forces he had and used abandon and reject him and the rot he stood for?
Why Why Why?
Trump - race riots - insurrection - white Christian nationalism - death by virus - religiously affiliated Americans taking a nosedive .....recession - lies and corruption - and many white Christians still cling to him.
“Perhaps unsurprisingly, then, Gallup's numbers show numbers of religiously affiliated Americans taking a nosedive during the Trump years, dropping from 55% of Americans belonging to a church to 47%.​

The 200k number is a joke. If you want to be taken seriously, don't joke like that.

Christian nationalism is a barrier to mass vaccination against COVID-19Monique Deal Barlow, Georgia State UniversityApril 1, 2021 7.33am EDT​

While the majority of Americans either intend to get the COVID-19 vaccine or have already received their shots, getting white evangelicals to vaccination sites may prove more of a challenge – especially those who identify as Christian nationalists​

The killing of George Floyd has inspired an outpouring of white empathy in a way that the shootings of Trayvon Martin, Walter Scott or Tamir Rice – just to name a few – did not. Although white people have been part of the black freedom struggle since the days of the Underground Railroad, their current participation is unlike anything we have ever seen.​

Protests in hundreds of cities, in every state, have had large and sometimes majority-white crowds.​

The January 6th Save America March, where then-President Donald Trump incited a crowd to attack the U.S. Capitol, opened with a prayer. Trump’s longtime spiritual adviser and White House adviser, the Florida televangelist Paula White, called on God to “give us a holy boldness in this hour.” Standing at the same podium where, an hour later, Trump would exhort the crowd to “fight like hell,” White called the election results into question, asking God to let the people “have the assurance of a fair and a just election.” Flanked by a row of American flags, White implored God to “let every adversary against democracy, against freedom, against life, against liberty, against justice, against peace, against righteousness be overturned right now in the name of Jesus.”​

“America was founded as an Atheist and Christian Nation” 21st Century sin & salvation Christian agrees with Unitarian Deist John Adams.

As many of you know there is a rift in American culture that exists between mostly a small percentage of religious Americans who happen to be mostly whitehave a certain chronic demand that we all accept that America was founded as a “Christian Nation.” and non-Christians

Although a large majority of practicing Christians are complacent or non- supportive regarding this religious national identity issue it constantly comes up as a thorn in the side of political discourse resulting in breakdown upon breakdown whenever religion is part of a political discussion.

So, thanks to input from Andylusion, a self identified Christian who brought to my attention what John Adams had to say as if he were commenting on this issue today. Was America founded as a Christian?

Here is an excerpt from what he wrote to his friend and Fellow founding father.
Who composed that army of fine young fellows that was then before my eyes? There were among them Roman Catholics, English Episcopalians, Scotch and American Presbyterians, Methodists, Moravians, Anabaptists, German Lutherans, German Calvinists, Universalists, Arians, Priestleyans, Socinians, Independents, Congregationalists, Horse Protestants, and House Protestants, Deists and Atheists, and Protestants “qui ne croyent rien.” Very few, however, of several of these species; nevertheless, all educated in the general principles of Christianity, and the general principles of English and American liberty.​
* Protestants “qui ne croyent rien.” supposedly refers to Protestants who believe in nothing.​

I‘m suggesting we follow the wisdom and advice from John Adams and all believers and non-believers alike and accept a phrase commemorating America’s religious identity read as follows:

“America was founded as an Atheist and Christian Nation” which includes every law abiding belief system in between.


I believe in God and consider myself someone who wants to follow the example of Jesus Christ. I certainly am broken and don't always do what I want.

I don't know the value of declaring we are a "Christian Nation". I do know there would be great value in BEHAVING as if we were a christian nation.

We would help each other and we would not judge each other...........
Back of the bus - NotfooledbyW, post: 25863588 to 25845838

NotfooledbyW, post: 25844988
You have no right to expect non-Christian Americans to go to the back of the bus based on their minority Religious beliefs status.

Correll, post: 25845838
2. Nothing I have said, justifies you accusing me of wanting non-Christians to go to the "back of the bus".

I said you ‘expect’ non-Christians to go to the back of the bus. That’s from what you say. That is your Christian majority “made the American nation moral crap” that you want every non-Christian to accept.

You keep saying that America was founded as a Christian nation because of a massive majority of Christians who lived here in 1776

Correll, post: 25761928 to 25761539
So, despite Christians being a massive majority from the beginning of this nation and all the way up to today..

But you don’t know if there was a majority of Christians living on American soil when the Constitution was written.

So why do you have to tell me something that is not true? Why do you insist on separating non-Christians from the founding of our common nation and then being so kind that you tolerate us?

Why must you do that?

1. I do keep saying that American was founded as a Christian Nation. I also keep saying that it was founded with a commitment to respect and protect the religious freedom of it's religious minorities. You have done NOTHING to support your supposed fear, which I must say, it is odd that you are only mentioning it at this late date.

2. Possibly because you know it is a bullshit "fear" and hesitated to put it out there.

3. I have not separated out the non-Christians from the Founding. Minorites of a group are just as much a part of the group as anyone else. and nothing I have done has denied that.

4. And the fact that you have to call our difference of opinion a "lie" from me, is you being the liar and the asshole.
1. I do keep saying that American was founded as a Christian Nation. I also keep saying that it was founded with a commitment to respect and protect the religious freedom of it's religious minorities. You have done NOTHING to support your supposed fear, which I must say, it is odd that you are only mentioning it at this late date.
stop trolling corel - this country was specifically founded as a sectarian society from its beginning before even the constitution was written.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
the amendment does not grant freedom of religion it merely prevents prohibition of its non intrusive nature.

It explicitly states that there shall be no law, "prohibiting the free exercise" of religion.

You are insane.
It explicitly states that there shall be no law, "prohibiting the free exercise" of religion.

You are insane.
no, the amendment only states a prohibition from preventing the free exercise of religion as a right for all people, not for a specific religion but from the standpoint of admissible when exercised. you again are simply a troll refusing the truth of the invalidity of your religious, christian beliefs having legal jurisdiction in a secular document.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
stop lying corel - the text of the amendment is all that matters and is the law.
Again, "...free exercise thereof..." entirely obviates your spurious and specious claim that the 1st Amendment guarantees you freedom from religion....Though you are free to not participate in religious demonstrations in public, you have absolutely no business or right to try and quell them.
Don’t confuse the malignant force of Trumpism in American politics with true Christian forces.

And once Trumpism is removed from our WHITE HOUSE will the Christian political forces he had and used abandon and reject him and the rot he stood for?

If they see it the same way you do, then yes.

If they don't see it the way you do, they might chose to go a different path.

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