America is the "Michael Brown" Among Nations

Mad Scientist

Feels Good!
Sep 15, 2008
Read this yesterday via ZeroHedge and it's spot on! Go on and read the whole thing because it's not just about Michael Brown. I dare ya'.
Kicked to the Curb KUNSTLER
He truly symbolized our country: an overgrown, oafish, wannabe thug making one bad choice after another until his final, suicidal lurch against authority — followed by all the exculpatory lying on his behalf: the “gentle giant,” hands up, don’t shoot! This is exactly how America acts on the world stage these days. We are the Michael Brown among nations, high on exceptionalism, stoned on entitlement, swaggering moronically from one place to another grabbing what we feel like, smashing things up as we go.
Read this yesterday via ZeroHedge and it's spot on! Go on and read the whole thing because it's not just about Michael Brown. I dare ya'.
Kicked to the Curb KUNSTLER
He truly symbolized our country: an overgrown, oafish, wannabe thug making one bad choice after another until his final, suicidal lurch against authority — followed by all the exculpatory lying on his behalf: the “gentle giant,” hands up, don’t shoot! This is exactly how America acts on the world stage these days. We are the Michael Brown among nations, high on exceptionalism, stoned on entitlement, swaggering moronically from one place to another grabbing what we feel like, smashing things up as we go.
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