America Is Soft????


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Obama....the pampered little priss who spends more time golfing then any President in our history is telling us that we're soft.

Let me tell you something prick. We don't need an empty-suit like you constantly telling us how fucked up we are. We don't need you apologizing for us to our enemies and then telling us we're lazy and soft.

If we wanted someone to talk shit about us we'd listen to any number of our critics outside this great country.


We don't need you, a man who is supposed to be a public servant, a man who spends most of his time ether complaining about how tough Bush made his job, or making up excuses why he can't fulfill his promises, telling us we are soft.


Man-up bitch. We're tired of your crying and whining. Start taking responsibility for your own actions and stop trying to blame us for your problems.

Rant over.
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Obama....the pampered little priss who spends more time golfing then any President in our history is telling us that we're soft.

Let me tell you something prick. We don't need an empty-suit like you constantly telling us how fucked up we are. We don't need you apologizing for us to our enemies and then telling us we're lazy and soft.

If we wanted someone to talk shit about us we'd listen to any number of our critics outside this great country.


We don't need you, a man who is supposed to be a public servant, a man who spends most of his time ether complaining about how tough Bush made his job, or making up excuses why he can't fulfill his promises, telling us we are soft.


Man-up bitch. We're tired of your crying and whining. Start taking responsibility for your own actions and stop trying to blame us for or anyone else you can dream up for them.

Rant over.

He's kind of right. Look at all the people complaining about the terrorist enemy combatant we just killed.

Obama....the pampered little priss who spends more time golfing then any President in our history is telling us that we're soft.

Let me tell you something prick. We don't need an empty-suit like you constantly telling us how fucked up we are. We don't need you apologizing for us to our enemies and then telling us we're lazy and soft.

If we wanted someone to talk shit about us we'd listen to any number of our critics outside this great country.


We don't need you, a man who is supposed to be a public servant, a man who spends most of his time ether complaining about how tough Bush made his job, or making up excuses why he can't fulfill his promises, telling us we are soft.


Man-up bitch. We're tired of your crying and whining. Start taking responsibility for your own actions and stop trying to blame us for or anyone else you can dream up for them.

Rant over.

He's kind of right. Look at all the people complaining about the terrorist enemy combatant we just killed.

He's the last person in this country that should be complaining about 'We The People' being soft.

Obama....the pampered little priss who spends more time golfing then any President in our history is telling us that we're soft.

Let me tell you something prick. We don't need an empty-suit like you constantly telling us how fucked up we are. We don't need you apologizing for us to our enemies and then telling us we're lazy and soft.

If we wanted someone to talk shit about us we'd listen to any number of our critics outside this great country.


We don't need you, a man who is supposed to be a public servant, a man who spends most of his time ether complaining about how tough Bush made his job, or making up excuses why he can't fulfill his promises, telling us we are soft.


Man-up bitch. We're tired of your crying and whining. Start taking responsibility for your own actions and stop trying to blame us for your problems.

Rant over.
Judging by your pissy attitude, you are coming off as the "priss."
Having female hormonal problems?

Obama....the pampered little priss who spends more time golfing then any President in our history is telling us that we're soft.

Let me tell you something prick. We don't need an empty-suit like you constantly telling us how fucked up we are. We don't need you apologizing for us to our enemies and then telling us we're lazy and soft.

If we wanted someone to talk shit about us we'd listen to any number of our critics outside this great country.


We don't need you, a man who is supposed to be a public servant, a man who spends most of his time ether complaining about how tough Bush made his job, or making up excuses why he can't fulfill his promises, telling us we are soft.


Man-up bitch. We're tired of your crying and whining. Start taking responsibility for your own actions and stop trying to blame us for your problems.

Rant over.
Judging by your pissy attitude, you are coming off as the "priss."
Having female hormonal problems?

Fuck you too fuck-wad.

I would be only too happy to discuss that with you in person.
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The America I've seen is not the soft America some pampered little prick from Harvard sees.

Obviously he hasn't had to deal with what most of us deal with in our lives.

I don't appreciate this stuck up motherfucker telling me we're the ones that are soft.

He's the one that never takes responsibility for his own polices.

It's fine for others here to call America soft, but not Obama.

Obama....the pampered little priss who spends more time golfing then any President in our history is telling us that we're soft.

Let me tell you something prick. We don't need an empty-suit like you constantly telling us how fucked up we are. We don't need you apologizing for us to our enemies and then telling us we're lazy and soft.

If we wanted someone to talk shit about us we'd listen to any number of our critics outside this great country.


We don't need you, a man who is supposed to be a public servant, a man who spends most of his time ether complaining about how tough Bush made his job, or making up excuses why he can't fulfill his promises, telling us we are soft.


Man-up bitch. We're tired of your crying and whining. Start taking responsibility for your own actions and stop trying to blame us for your problems.

Rant over.
Judging by your pissy attitude, you are coming off as the "priss."
Having female hormonal problems?

Fuck you too fuck-wad.

I would be only too happy to discuss that with you in person.
You don't have much self control do you? I own your every move, you are my bitch from this day on because that's how I roll.
murkins aint soft !
Although my gardener could kick his ass all over Wamart.
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Obama....the pampered little priss who spends more time golfing then any President in our history is telling us that we're soft.

Let me tell you something prick. We don't need an empty-suit like you constantly telling us how fucked up we are. We don't need you apologizing for us to our enemies and then telling us we're lazy and soft.

If we wanted someone to talk shit about us we'd listen to any number of our critics outside this great country.


We don't need you, a man who is supposed to be a public servant, a man who spends most of his time ether complaining about how tough Bush made his job, or making up excuses why he can't fulfill his promises, telling us we are soft.


Man-up bitch. We're tired of your crying and whining. Start taking responsibility for your own actions and stop trying to blame us for or anyone else you can dream up for them.

Rant over.

He's kind of right. Look at all the people complaining about the terrorist enemy combatant we just killed.
people from his feminine party are the ones complaining !!:eusa_whistle:
What we see before us now is Obama's vision of America in his image...divided against itself as Obama is a troubled human being, and portends to project us against ourselves.

Just look at his childhood...his history by the writings of his own hand......and the people he has chosen to surround himself with, the path he took?

HIS vision is NOT America by any stretch...antithesis...alternate...his projection onto US.

Obama's vision is NOT my America. It never will be.
What we see before us now is Obama's vision of America in his image...divided against itself as Obama is a troubled human being, and portends to project us against ourselves.

Just look at his childhood...his history by the writings of his own hand......and the people he has chosen to surround himself with, the path he took?

HIS vision is NOT America by any stretch...antithesis...alternate...his projection onto US.

Obama's vision is NOT my America. It never will be.

It's comparable to some of the Carter "malaise speech" that attempted to point fingers at America itself.

Both Obama and Carter could never admit they were the cause of the malaise they've caused.
I hear people bitch about the speech Carter gave warning us what we were like, and how we needed to change. We ended up proving him right.
I guess the truth hurts some times.
We are soft, this PC culture has made us afread to stand up to idiots that don't know what they are talking about. Look at the feild of Republicans. Every one of them know what a screwup we have in office, yet none of them get up there and say it in real mans language.

Perry started straight talking, now he has backed down, like a spineless whimp. This country needs a drill-sargent not another suit spewing talking points
I hear people bitch about the speech Carter gave warning us what we were like, and how we needed to change. We ended up proving him right.
I guess the truth hurts some times.

yeah mudmissle. Man up will ya' :eusa_eh: Almost every thread you start is chock full of righteous indignation. So predictable.
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Obama, why is he so soft in the middle, when the rest of his life is so hard?

He needs a photo opportunity, a shot at redemption.

He'll end up a cartoon, in a cartoon graveyard.

(Mixing political commentary, music and humor is not as easy as it looks people)
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I hear people bitch about the speech Carter gave warning us what we were like, and how we needed to change. We ended up proving him right.
I guess the truth hurts some times.

Explain to me how this inspires us in times that we need leadership???

Far as I'm concerned he has not led by example.

He is in no position to criticize us even if we do deserve it.

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