America is not racist, now.


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020
So then why are Republican politicians running around with their hair on fire, making it a point to proclaim how America is not a racist country?
Because Lilly white Democrats have been gathering Black voters by campaigning that America is racist and that they possess the magic formula to solve the problem. But now, after the negro Republican explained that America is not racist, the Lilly white Democrat is changing his words. Why is that???

"I don't think the American people are racist," he said, "but I think after 400 years, African Americans have been left in a position where they are so far behind the eight ball in terms of education and health, in terms of opportunity."

What does he mean that Black people are "so far behind"??? What is this going to do for your crusade? Dementia Joe is putting you "behind the eight ball." Whatever that is supposed to mean?

There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to claim that you, a Black man, has a better education and are smarter than me - right? You're not going to claim that you received an inferior education than me - are you???

I'm a drug-addicted alcoholic community college art-school drop-out writing a thesis proclaiming that we need to have a constitutional convention that gathers the diversity of people that previous generations could not gather. (because non-whites did not have the education to be able to participate)

Here's an article from the far left-leaning magazine The Atlantic.
When Michael Young, a British sociologist, coined the term meritocracy in 1958, it was in a dystopian satire. At the time, the world he imagined, in which intelligence fully determined who thrived and who languished, was understood to be predatory, pathological, far-fetched. Today, however, we’ve almost finished installing such a system, and we have embraced the idea of a meritocracy with few reservations, even treating it as virtuous. That can’t be right. Smart people should feel entitled to make the most of their gift. But they should not be permitted to reshape society so as to instate giftedness as a universal yardstick of human worth.
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All the education and money in the world cannot change evolution and IQ levels
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All the education and money in the world cannot change evolution and IQ levels
I believe that there are hypocrisies in Black people's ghetto culture that can be eliminated, and subsequently, effectually better their abilities to reason.

There are some hypocrisies in white people's culture, but it is less adverse, but nonetheless, adversely affecting.
All the education and money in the world cannot change evolution and IQ levels
I believe that there are hypocrisies in Black people's ghetto culture that can be eliminated, and subsequently, effectually better their abilities to reason.

There are some hypocrisies in white people's culture, but it is less adverse, but nonetheless, adversely affecting.
I see as black Africans attain more freedom, the natural "ghetto culture" has increased
All the education and money in the world cannot change evolution and IQ levels
I believe that there are hypocrisies in Black people's ghetto culture that can be eliminated, and subsequently, effectually better their abilities to reason.

There are some hypocrisies in white people's culture, but it is less adverse, but nonetheless, adversely affecting.
I see as black Africans attain more freedom, the natural "ghetto culture" has increased
'Mo money, 'mo problems.
All the education and money in the world cannot change evolution and IQ levels
Sucks for you.
I don't live in the inner-city, so It don't [sic] effect me
So, you feel as if you can get by just fine with your low IQ and regressive evolution?
I see you're trying to achieve equality with your critical race theory
Save the gibberish, Jitler.
So then why are Republican politicians running around with their hair on fire, making it a point to proclaim how America is not a racist country?
Because Lilly white Democrats have been gathering Black voters by campaigning that America is racist and that they possess the magic formula to solve the problem. But now, after the negro Republican explained that America is not racist, the Lilly white Democrat is changing his words. Why is that???

"I don't think the American people are racist," he said, "but I think after 400 years, African Americans have been left in a position where they are so far behind the eight ball in terms of education and health, in terms of opportunity."

What does he mean that Black people are "so far behind"??? What is this going to do for your crusade? Dementia Joe is putting you "behind the eight ball." Whatever that is supposed to mean?

There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to claim that you, a Black man, has a better education and are smarter than me - right? You're not going to claim that you received an inferior education than me - are you???

I'm a drug-addicted alcoholic community college art-school drop-out writing a thesis proclaiming that we need to have a constitutional convention that gathers the diversity of people that previous generations could not gather. (because non-whites did not have the education to be able to participate)

Here's an article from the far left-leaning magazine The Atlantic.
When Michael Young, a British sociologist, coined the term meritocracy in 1958, it was in a dystopian satire. At the time, the world he imagined, in which intelligence fully determined who thrived and who languished, was understood to be predatory, pathological, far-fetched. Today, however, we’ve almost finished installing such a system, and we have embraced the idea of a meritocracy with few reservations, even treating it as virtuous. That can’t be right. Smart people should feel entitled to make the most of their gift. But they should not be permitted to reshape society so as to instate giftedness as a universal yardstick of human worth.
America is racist and white democrats have not done what you claim. The negro republican was a sellout.
So then why are Republican politicians running around with their hair on fire, making it a point to proclaim how America is not a racist country?
Because Lilly white Democrats have been gathering Black voters by campaigning that America is racist and that they possess the magic formula to solve the problem. But now, after the negro Republican explained that America is not racist, the Lilly white Democrat is changing his words. Why is that???

"I don't think the American people are racist," he said, "but I think after 400 years, African Americans have been left in a position where they are so far behind the eight ball in terms of education and health, in terms of opportunity."

What does he mean that Black people are "so far behind"??? What is this going to do for your crusade? Dementia Joe is putting you "behind the eight ball." Whatever that is supposed to mean?

There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to claim that you, a Black man, has a better education and are smarter than me - right? You're not going to claim that you received an inferior education than me - are you???

I'm a drug-addicted alcoholic community college art-school drop-out writing a thesis proclaiming that we need to have a constitutional convention that gathers the diversity of people that previous generations could not gather. (because non-whites did not have the education to be able to participate)

Here's an article from the far left-leaning magazine The Atlantic.
When Michael Young, a British sociologist, coined the term meritocracy in 1958, it was in a dystopian satire. At the time, the world he imagined, in which intelligence fully determined who thrived and who languished, was understood to be predatory, pathological, far-fetched. Today, however, we’ve almost finished installing such a system, and we have embraced the idea of a meritocracy with few reservations, even treating it as virtuous. That can’t be right. Smart people should feel entitled to make the most of their gift. But they should not be permitted to reshape society so as to instate giftedness as a universal yardstick of human worth.
America is racist and white democrats have not done what you claim. The negro republican was a sellout.
America is one of the least racist countries on the planet. Are there some Americans who are racists? Yes, we see them posting here every day and they aren’t just white. If you want to see real racism, go to Germany, France, Japan, China or Latin America. If you aren’t ethnic German, you can never become a citizen with full tights just ask the “Turks” the Germans have been importing for the last fifty years. The UAE and Saudis import mostly East Asians and use them as virtual slaves. The Japanese totally suppress the Ainu minority and along with the Chinese regard anyone not fully racially pure as barbarians and second class citizens.
I simply REFUSE to accept the notion that genetics is the sole factor in intelligence. It may only be 10%. 50% if cultural/rearing. The remaining 40% is individual will and FOCUS.

Now, focus may be a greater genetic factor, but they make medicine for that. So, there's still no excuse. Culture/rearing remains the greatest single factor.

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