America are the Victems of african Americans Devient mass deception of racism at Missouri univerity

Is this a devient decption of HATE to promote RACISM against anyone not black?

  • Total voters
Nov 10, 2015
The fact that blacks use racism casually spoken openly in every college, work place and the streets is very real. It has the same effect on a subconscious assault, devaluing the individual and as a whole. It’s just that it is deeply rooted and we do not condition our selves every day to the point that we are murdering everyone because they are different. (Tolerance)

‘You can’t be racist toward white people. Racism is based systemic/institutional oppression since there is no sociopolitical infrastructure working against white people, white people can’t be affected by racism!’

This is the biggest lie ever spoken by anyone, cause and effect. The social and political factors are there, we see the assaults against our sons who are in schools and using adult racist slogans to solicit sex from our daughters and isolating them with the use of racism as a weapon to call them racists because of rejection. PORNO on YOUTUBE that expressly advertise racism dehumanizing women using racism and black racist slogans that are is traumatizing / confusing our children. Devaluing white women...

The fact that Black slogans such as ‘Once you go ‘B(L)ack’, you never go back.’ Is a racist slogan designed form of racism from institutionalized oppression based upon the hatred of whites in this country, it is designed to alienate white women from their own race with racism as a weapon. This is a crime across this country. And that’s RAPE! Racism is also designed to silence the white man in many ways and one of them is ‘you do not talk about the blacks’. The fact that NO ONE CARES only perpetuates these assaults and the DEVIDE that provoke racial words that is intended as retaliation, I cannot speak for the media because they are living in a bubble.

Blacks cannot assimilate rejection or tolerance on any level resulting to using racism as a weapon and instant assaults that’s given them a stigmata and an influence. Using anything and everything to achieve a goal regardless of the truth. It becomes institutionalize when the feelings of one is mutual within a group and the actions that lures others to fall into line when Institutional oppression is invisible to those who are ‘seemingly’ unaffected by it. Hence Followers who are forced into a situation by an overt institution that would result in retaliation ( a very well known form of intimidations, threats of assaults that they know, no one will step in to stop or intervene ) in many forms and ways that would set them aside for future targeting of racism and assaults. Another way of describing it is a suicide pact to commit suicide.

The word is RACISM is was used as a weapon against the President of the MissouriUniversity. Not only that, but the real threat of extreme and deliberate threat of an assault on him should he have gotten out of his car when he was surrounded, prevented from leaving. (HOSTAGE ) The president knew assault would have ensued like everyone across America knew we were under attack when the second commercial airliner crashed into the world trade towers. The fact police was involved is a red flag of actions that was treating him as a Ni--er like they do the police and white males in this country. Demonizing whites. I say this because the black community defines this word as ( To disenfranchise ) ‘Meaning to isolate, to deprive (someone) of their rights, help, support to separate them from the public.’

Institutional oppression is evident when the staff and the student body / facalty members were envolved. This is greatly practiced in this form of ‘institutionalization’ oppression... A deliberate process whereby a person entering are re-programmed to accept and conform to the strict controls that enables the institution to manage a large number of people with a minimum of necessary staff.

This is always seen during such outbursts called ‘protests’ where you have one as the leader chanting and ranting, acting out as the others recite and are being ‘CONDITIONED’ to conform to an institutional oppression. This was evident when Lorde came to this country and the masses were seen and heard but this was with the use of mass media that drew in those fanatical and radicals who dwell on such events. The direct assault on someone who sang a song about how they see culture in this country.

The fact that blacks said she was talking about the blacks and kept labeling her as racist is the conditioning on the masses that was brought about by mass assaults across this country and the influence that follows while they project into controlling others by (FEAR). It is a proven fact that victims of this form of crime fall in line and are controlled at many levels and it is called ‘CONDITIONING’

To many it seems are being abused on a massive scale by one race of people, there are all sorts of emotional, physical, financial, social and spiritual hurdles to over come. (Traumatic Bonding) Shame, Denial, guilt. Buying into the myth that the abuse is really our fault, that we somehow provoked it, deserve it, or are otherwise responsible for it. Most abusers shift the blame onto their victims, making us responsible for their emotional and often physical ‘WELL-BEING’, and it can be very hard realizing that they alone are responsible for their actions. That translates into Traumatic bonding. It is seen in domestic violence victims. It is also found in people who have been held hostage and prisoners in this form of warfare that has occurred in New York City and California when *BLM TERRORIST ORGANIZATION* invaded businesses and establishments and used college students to help in the ‘CONDITIONING’ of their victims by trying to brain washing them. The fact that there was an extreme real threat of brutal assault by the blacks present that would have occurred if they resisted in any way. (REJECTION OF THE MESSAGE).

When the person who is isolating, abusing and dehumanizing you is also the person who is providing you with the basics, or some pain relief or affections, a form of traumatic bonding that can occur which leads to an irrational feeling of bonding to the abuser and this feeling of being traumatically bonded is often mistaken for love. The victim looses their own beliefs and identity and instead takes on the beliefs of their captors.

Where do you go when something like this happens, they isolated the president of the university to the extreme from every resource and this was deliberate. This was because of hate of an individual and it is an assault against every American in this country. It has nothing to do with racism.

The prejudice against the president was used and that is a crime on a mass scale, when you have mass conditioning on this level and those who fall in line. You have riots, assaults, rape, murder, destruction, intimidation on a mass scale and such crimes we seen raised against the president of the university. The ‘RACIST SLOGANS OF THE BLACK COMMUNITY” has a lot to do with the institutionalization conditioning in this country and of other groups that conform communities and to the mass media. The fact that one decided not to eat was because of (BIAS) he did not like the president and he plotted, calculated, thought ahead, planning, and weighing in how others would react / perceive his plight / actions. The ‘B(L)ack’ football players responded to his actions. This was his devious intentions to lure mass media in order to push his agenda of a deliberate assault by using the mass that feels the way he does when he used racism as the motive of operandi to ( NI**ER/DISENFRANCHISE ) to lure for more media coverage and to focus his assault against the president.

The reality that he also knew his actions would impact others in this virtualization. In doing so, a chain of events that turned this protest into a crime that is against every American not just the president of that university and goes beyond the intellectual understanding of the factuality and staff that also increased the assault on the president of the university by alienating him and conforming to the mass assaults we have just seen. I say ‘ASSAULT’ because this was a deception and deliberate use of racism as a weapon as a cover up to use anyone and everyone to achieve a common goal because they ( HATE ‘D ) the president for the lack of action, not racism as it was stated many times during the live video reports. A BIAS motivated event with deception and deviant intentions at the hart of this protest to motivate others to act. Acting out wanting attention and he got what he was after. Teachers all over this country are being assaulted and it’s because they want attention. Its not just that college, its everywhere. I watch a room full of black students and one black student raising a chair/table over his head and was threatening a black substitute teacher being threatened with assault with a deadly weapon. Demanding her to follow his directions as the other students acted out with him. Others who act out because they do not like the situation they are in because of their own actions. MANY STUDENTS that are BLACK acting out and using Aggression, assaults, intimidation, racially institutionally charged oppression with intent to assault while this influence draws in others because they do not want to be the target. ( FOLLOWERS / MASS / RIOTS / CRIME / ASSAULT / VICTEMS ) LOOK IT UP ON YOUTUBE if you do not believe me. CRIME, ASSAULT, MASS ASSAULT, NO RESPECT, NO RETREAT OR SURRENDER. ( (( ((( NO MERCY ))) )) ). All because they are self vindicating that targets everyone in this country especially teachers that are suppose to be in control to educate them. Only to be the targets of these degenerates, primitive Neanderthals... I was recently confronted by a degenerate.. ( You have to ask me to talk to me )

When ‘B(L)acks do not like someone, there is no respect and that showed when they shrouded the president of the university’s car preventing him from leaving. ( HOSTAGE ) with the very real intent to assault should he act. This is also another tactic being used which is a criminal intent, using Mass media to a plight that is directed to isolate, humiliate, draw unwanted attention, discriminate, alienate, dehumanizing, intimidate in discrediting the value of the presidents position. The words ( TO SAVE A LIFE ) as the football team said was the direct intentions of Jonathan Butler’s deviant deceptions to promote and incite the movement of racism. This put every student and the public’s safety at great risk that could have resulted in riots and even more looting.

I have heard blacks use Racism against women as a weapon. Do not blame me, it is what I have seen and heard at bars and on the streets of Ohio and at work. I was even told this directly by blacks. This is a form of racism that is directed at every nationality and it should be considered as ‘DATE RAPE’ because it is used into forcing, seducing, persuading or luring the opposite sex or trapping ( Against their initial judgment or preference ) into sex by using racism as a weapon in conjunction with racially charged black slogans. I was confronted by a foreigner that said ‘Dot not talk about the black people, you will piss them off.’ And that was said to me at work because I was talking about the riots.

When the blacks are telling you that you have to have a black friend and then under the same breath are calling you racist if you don’t. THAT IS A DIRECT ASSAULT! All it is, is that they want to get their hands on your daughters and into your lives to show everyone how self important they are. Saying they are better than you.

Just because whites do not appear to be ‘OFFENDED’ when they are, does not justify the blacks ‘INTOLERANCE’, instant ‘ASSAULTS’, ‘RACIAL SLURS’ against everyone who’s not black and CRY RACISM when slurs are spoken. They have themselves to blame and just because we act out in retaliation, it’s because you are just as guilty. The Swastika is clearly not a black racist symbol and this only proves their willing to use anything and everything to justify committing this form of mass crime against the university. The symbol has always been identified with the Jews not black people The blacks in this college has committed a massive crime by over stating facts by being hyper sensitive and using institutional oppressive unity to assault the head of the university. Trying to lay a foundation of racism as a cover up of race hate or just hatred of whites in this case. If the shoe fits, wear it. The blacks use slurs fluently against the whites everywhere, streets, schools, work which I have been directly been the victim of and many of the whites do not care and it effects them just the same, just on another level. It is no different just because ‘SOME WHITES’ do not care more than others. The ‘BLACK CRUTCHES’ of slavery is unwarranted because I do not see the JEWS acting out after their ancestors were directly targeted and slaughtered in the billions. The blacks drags around ‘My ancestors were slaves’ and entering town halls demanding special privileges stating that their ancestors practically built this country. They cannot live without calling themselves victims while denying that they are in fact racist. INTOLLERANT OF OTHERS!

The black influence is not a positive one in any community that is not ‘BLACK’. Lorde is a major red flag everywhere and shows the massive scales of oppression across this country when every news broadcaster and the people of this nation were accusing her of being racist. THIS IS AN ATTACK ON EVERYONE, against her and a message around the world! ‘ YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE BLACKS ‘

The song was about culture, how people see the rich and the poor react at trying or even wanting to be rich. There are clear definition and the blacks are no different. Rap songs singing N’ers as if it is going out of style and calling whites slurs publicly as if it is something that is casual and is a good thing and it is no different. They openly call whites these slurs and the foreign communities are now conforming along in this racial black divide. The glasses I’m using is defiantly not yours, when writing a book you need a fresh pair of eyes because you are bias of your own work.

War is not defined by its choice of weapons, but racism is one that is dividing this nation and destroying the very definition of ‘Diversity’, ‘Tolerance’ because neither is being used. Just BLUNT FORCE ASSAULTS against every nationality that is in this country. There is no such thing as a peaceful protest.

Law makers are involved while they continue to use institutionalized oppression to displace blame on Americans. The law makers should consider pressing charges and find them all for their actions against an act against the entire nation and all businesses for the abuse of racism that is clearly not the case for this protest. In recent NBC News, they accused the news reporter of not caring. Blaming them for their well-being, victimizing everyone for their actions. Blaming Jacob Rascon of not caring, accusing him and targeting him for just asking questions, victimizing him into apologizing drawing on his sympathies and outpour of compassion for something he did not do or commit. ALL WHILE THEY ATTACKED HIM IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE COUNTRY! Accusing him of the same thing they accused the president of the university, they must be taken to COURT JAIL PRISON and their applications withdrawn and banned from the college. It is for education not for persecution of anyone who does not believe what they believe. Traumatizing bonding him in ways he does not understand or is able to comprehend. Still, the group will never face a court room for their heinous crimes against everyone and with everyone buying into the traumatic bonding of this form of assault. It is very real and they continue to keep victimizing everyone in this country. Watching them on a bull horn ranting for a fight for freedom,
The fact that blacks use racism casually spoken openly in every college, work place and the streets is very real. It has the same effect on a subconscious assault, devaluing the individual and as a whole. It’s just that it is deeply rooted and we do not condition our selves every day to the point that we are murdering everyone because they are different. (Tolerance)

‘You can’t be racist toward white people. Racism is based systemic/institutional oppression since there is no sociopolitical infrastructure working against white people, white people can’t be affected by racism!’

This is the biggest lie ever spoken by anyone, cause and effect. The social and political factors are there, we see the assaults against our sons who are in schools and using adult racist slogans to solicit sex from our daughters and isolating them with the use of racism as a weapon to call them racists because of rejection. PORNO on YOUTUBE that expressly advertise racism dehumanizing women using racism and black racist slogans that are is traumatizing / confusing our children. Devaluing white women...

The fact that Black slogans such as ‘Once you go ‘B(L)ack’, you never go back.’ Is a racist slogan designed form of racism from institutionalized oppression based upon the hatred of whites in this country, it is designed to alienate white women from their own race with racism as a weapon. This is a crime across this country. And that’s RAPE! Racism is also designed to silence the white man in many ways and one of them is ‘you do not talk about the blacks’. The fact that NO ONE CARES only perpetuates these assaults and the DEVIDE that provoke racial words that is intended as retaliation, I cannot speak for the media because they are living in a bubble.

Blacks cannot assimilate rejection or tolerance on any level resulting to using racism as a weapon and instant assaults that’s given them a stigmata and an influence. Using anything and everything to achieve a goal regardless of the truth. It becomes institutionalize when the feelings of one is mutual within a group and the actions that lures others to fall into line when Institutional oppression is invisible to those who are ‘seemingly’ unaffected by it. Hence Followers who are forced into a situation by an overt institution that would result in retaliation ( a very well known form of intimidations, threats of assaults that they know, no one will step in to stop or intervene ) in many forms and ways that would set them aside for future targeting of racism and assaults. Another way of describing it is a suicide pact to commit suicide.

The word is RACISM is was used as a weapon against the President of the MissouriUniversity. Not only that, but the real threat of extreme and deliberate threat of an assault on him should he have gotten out of his car when he was surrounded, prevented from leaving. (HOSTAGE ) The president knew assault would have ensued like everyone across America knew we were under attack when the second commercial airliner crashed into the world trade towers. The fact police was involved is a red flag of actions that was treating him as a Ni--er like they do the police and white males in this country. Demonizing whites. I say this because the black community defines this word as ( To disenfranchise ) ‘Meaning to isolate, to deprive (someone) of their rights, help, support to separate them from the public.’

Institutional oppression is evident when the staff and the student body / facalty members were envolved. This is greatly practiced in this form of ‘institutionalization’ oppression... A deliberate process whereby a person entering are re-programmed to accept and conform to the strict controls that enables the institution to manage a large number of people with a minimum of necessary staff.

This is always seen during such outbursts called ‘protests’ where you have one as the leader chanting and ranting, acting out as the others recite and are being ‘CONDITIONED’ to conform to an institutional oppression. This was evident when Lorde came to this country and the masses were seen and heard but this was with the use of mass media that drew in those fanatical and radicals who dwell on such events. The direct assault on someone who sang a song about how they see culture in this country.

The fact that blacks said she was talking about the blacks and kept labeling her as racist is the conditioning on the masses that was brought about by mass assaults across this country and the influence that follows while they project into controlling others by (FEAR). It is a proven fact that victims of this form of crime fall in line and are controlled at many levels and it is called ‘CONDITIONING’

To many it seems are being abused on a massive scale by one race of people, there are all sorts of emotional, physical, financial, social and spiritual hurdles to over come. (Traumatic Bonding) Shame, Denial, guilt. Buying into the myth that the abuse is really our fault, that we somehow provoked it, deserve it, or are otherwise responsible for it. Most abusers shift the blame onto their victims, making us responsible for their emotional and often physical ‘WELL-BEING’, and it can be very hard realizing that they alone are responsible for their actions. That translates into Traumatic bonding. It is seen in domestic violence victims. It is also found in people who have been held hostage and prisoners in this form of warfare that has occurred in New York City and California when *BLM TERRORIST ORGANIZATION* invaded businesses and establishments and used college students to help in the ‘CONDITIONING’ of their victims by trying to brain washing them. The fact that there was an extreme real threat of brutal assault by the blacks present that would have occurred if they resisted in any way. (REJECTION OF THE MESSAGE).

When the person who is isolating, abusing and dehumanizing you is also the person who is providing you with the basics, or some pain relief or affections, a form of traumatic bonding that can occur which leads to an irrational feeling of bonding to the abuser and this feeling of being traumatically bonded is often mistaken for love. The victim looses their own beliefs and identity and instead takes on the beliefs of their captors.

Where do you go when something like this happens, they isolated the president of the university to the extreme from every resource and this was deliberate. This was because of hate of an individual and it is an assault against every American in this country. It has nothing to do with racism.

The prejudice against the president was used and that is a crime on a mass scale, when you have mass conditioning on this level and those who fall in line. You have riots, assaults, rape, murder, destruction, intimidation on a mass scale and such crimes we seen raised against the president of the university. The ‘RACIST SLOGANS OF THE BLACK COMMUNITY” has a lot to do with the institutionalization conditioning in this country and of other groups that conform communities and to the mass media. The fact that one decided not to eat was because of (BIAS) he did not like the president and he plotted, calculated, thought ahead, planning, and weighing in how others would react / perceive his plight / actions. The ‘B(L)ack’ football players responded to his actions. This was his devious intentions to lure mass media in order to push his agenda of a deliberate assault by using the mass that feels the way he does when he used racism as the motive of operandi to ( NI**ER/DISENFRANCHISE ) to lure for more media coverage and to focus his assault against the president.

The reality that he also knew his actions would impact others in this virtualization. In doing so, a chain of events that turned this protest into a crime that is against every American not just the president of that university and goes beyond the intellectual understanding of the factuality and staff that also increased the assault on the president of the university by alienating him and conforming to the mass assaults we have just seen. I say ‘ASSAULT’ because this was a deception and deliberate use of racism as a weapon as a cover up to use anyone and everyone to achieve a common goal because they ( HATE ‘D ) the president for the lack of action, not racism as it was stated many times during the live video reports. A BIAS motivated event with deception and deviant intentions at the hart of this protest to motivate others to act. Acting out wanting attention and he got what he was after. Teachers all over this country are being assaulted and it’s because they want attention. Its not just that college, its everywhere. I watch a room full of black students and one black student raising a chair/table over his head and was threatening a black substitute teacher being threatened with assault with a deadly weapon. Demanding her to follow his directions as the other students acted out with him. Others who act out because they do not like the situation they are in because of their own actions. MANY STUDENTS that are BLACK acting out and using Aggression, assaults, intimidation, racially institutionally charged oppression with intent to assault while this influence draws in others because they do not want to be the target. ( FOLLOWERS / MASS / RIOTS / CRIME / ASSAULT / VICTEMS ) LOOK IT UP ON YOUTUBE if you do not believe me. CRIME, ASSAULT, MASS ASSAULT, NO RESPECT, NO RETREAT OR SURRENDER. ( (( ((( NO MERCY ))) )) ). All because they are self vindicating that targets everyone in this country especially teachers that are suppose to be in control to educate them. Only to be the targets of these degenerates, primitive Neanderthals... I was recently confronted by a degenerate.. ( You have to ask me to talk to me )

When ‘B(L)acks do not like someone, there is no respect and that showed when they shrouded the president of the university’s car preventing him from leaving. ( HOSTAGE ) with the very real intent to assault should he act. This is also another tactic being used which is a criminal intent, using Mass media to a plight that is directed to isolate, humiliate, draw unwanted attention, discriminate, alienate, dehumanizing, intimidate in discrediting the value of the presidents position. The words ( TO SAVE A LIFE ) as the football team said was the direct intentions of Jonathan Butler’s deviant deceptions to promote and incite the movement of racism. This put every student and the public’s safety at great risk that could have resulted in riots and even more looting.

I have heard blacks use Racism against women as a weapon. Do not blame me, it is what I have seen and heard at bars and on the streets of Ohio and at work. I was even told this directly by blacks. This is a form of racism that is directed at every nationality and it should be considered as ‘DATE RAPE’ because it is used into forcing, seducing, persuading or luring the opposite sex or trapping ( Against their initial judgment or preference ) into sex by using racism as a weapon in conjunction with racially charged black slogans. I was confronted by a foreigner that said ‘Dot not talk about the black people, you will piss them off.’ And that was said to me at work because I was talking about the riots.

When the blacks are telling you that you have to have a black friend and then under the same breath are calling you racist if you don’t. THAT IS A DIRECT ASSAULT! All it is, is that they want to get their hands on your daughters and into your lives to show everyone how self important they are. Saying they are better than you.

Just because whites do not appear to be ‘OFFENDED’ when they are, does not justify the blacks ‘INTOLERANCE’, instant ‘ASSAULTS’, ‘RACIAL SLURS’ against everyone who’s not black and CRY RACISM when slurs are spoken. They have themselves to blame and just because we act out in retaliation, it’s because you are just as guilty. The Swastika is clearly not a black racist symbol and this only proves their willing to use anything and everything to justify committing this form of mass crime against the university. The symbol has always been identified with the Jews not black people The blacks in this college has committed a massive crime by over stating facts by being hyper sensitive and using institutional oppressive unity to assault the head of the university. Trying to lay a foundation of racism as a cover up of race hate or just hatred of whites in this case. If the shoe fits, wear it. The blacks use slurs fluently against the whites everywhere, streets, schools, work which I have been directly been the victim of and many of the whites do not care and it effects them just the same, just on another level. It is no different just because ‘SOME WHITES’ do not care more than others. The ‘BLACK CRUTCHES’ of slavery is unwarranted because I do not see the JEWS acting out after their ancestors were directly targeted and slaughtered in the billions. The blacks drags around ‘My ancestors were slaves’ and entering town halls demanding special privileges stating that their ancestors practically built this country. They cannot live without calling themselves victims while denying that they are in fact racist. INTOLLERANT OF OTHERS!

The black influence is not a positive one in any community that is not ‘BLACK’. Lorde is a major red flag everywhere and shows the massive scales of oppression across this country when every news broadcaster and the people of this nation were accusing her of being racist. THIS IS AN ATTACK ON EVERYONE, against her and a message around the world! ‘ YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE BLACKS ‘

The song was about culture, how people see the rich and the poor react at trying or even wanting to be rich. There are clear definition and the blacks are no different. Rap songs singing N’ers as if it is going out of style and calling whites slurs publicly as if it is something that is casual and is a good thing and it is no different. They openly call whites these slurs and the foreign communities are now conforming along in this racial black divide. The glasses I’m using is defiantly not yours, when writing a book you need a fresh pair of eyes because you are bias of your own work.

War is not defined by its choice of weapons, but racism is one that is dividing this nation and destroying the very definition of ‘Diversity’, ‘Tolerance’ because neither is being used. Just BLUNT FORCE ASSAULTS against every nationality that is in this country. There is no such thing as a peaceful protest.

Law makers are involved while they continue to use institutionalized oppression to displace blame on Americans. The law makers should consider pressing charges and find them all for their actions against an act against the entire nation and all businesses for the abuse of racism that is clearly not the case for this protest. In recent NBC News, they accused the news reporter of not caring. Blaming them for their well-being, victimizing everyone for their actions. Blaming Jacob Rascon of not caring, accusing him and targeting him for just asking questions, victimizing him into apologizing drawing on his sympathies and outpour of compassion for something he did not do or commit. ALL WHILE THEY ATTACKED HIM IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE COUNTRY! Accusing him of the same thing they accused the president of the university, they must be taken to COURT JAIL PRISON and their applications withdrawn and banned from the college. It is for education not for persecution of anyone who does not believe what they believe. Traumatizing bonding him in ways he does not understand or is able to comprehend. Still, the group will never face a court room for their heinous crimes against everyone and with everyone buying into the traumatic bonding of this form of assault. It is very real and they continue to keep victimizing everyone in this country. Watching them on a bull horn ranting for a fight for freedom,

Yo, we "True Americans" know what color skin is Racist? Take a look at Sharpton, Obama, Holder, Lynch, Etc.!!!

trump-hell-hole (1) (1) (1) (1).jpg
The fact that blacks use racism casually spoken openly in every college, work place and the streets is very real. It has the same effect on a subconscious assault, devaluing the individual and as a whole. It’s just that it is deeply rooted and we do not condition our selves every day to the point that we are murdering everyone because they are different. (Tolerance)

‘You can’t be racist toward white people. Racism is based systemic/institutional oppression since there is no sociopolitical infrastructure working against white people, white people can’t be affected by racism!’

This is the biggest lie ever spoken by anyone, cause and effect. The social and political factors are there, we see the assaults against our sons who are in schools and using adult racist slogans to solicit sex from our daughters and isolating them with the use of racism as a weapon to call them racists because of rejection. PORNO on YOUTUBE that expressly advertise racism dehumanizing women using racism and black racist slogans that are is traumatizing / confusing our children. Devaluing white women...

The fact that Black slogans such as ‘Once you go ‘B(L)ack’, you never go back.’ Is a racist slogan designed form of racism from institutionalized oppression based upon the hatred of whites in this country, it is designed to alienate white women from their own race with racism as a weapon. This is a crime across this country. And that’s RAPE! Racism is also designed to silence the white man in many ways and one of them is ‘you do not talk about the blacks’. The fact that NO ONE CARES only perpetuates these assaults and the DEVIDE that provoke racial words that is intended as retaliation, I cannot speak for the media because they are living in a bubble.

Blacks cannot assimilate rejection or tolerance on any level resulting to using racism as a weapon and instant assaults that’s given them a stigmata and an influence. Using anything and everything to achieve a goal regardless of the truth. It becomes institutionalize when the feelings of one is mutual within a group and the actions that lures others to fall into line when Institutional oppression is invisible to those who are ‘seemingly’ unaffected by it. Hence Followers who are forced into a situation by an overt institution that would result in retaliation ( a very well known form of intimidations, threats of assaults that they know, no one will step in to stop or intervene ) in many forms and ways that would set them aside for future targeting of racism and assaults. Another way of describing it is a suicide pact to commit suicide.

The word is RACISM is was used as a weapon against the President of the MissouriUniversity. Not only that, but the real threat of extreme and deliberate threat of an assault on him should he have gotten out of his car when he was surrounded, prevented from leaving. (HOSTAGE ) The president knew assault would have ensued like everyone across America knew we were under attack when the second commercial airliner crashed into the world trade towers. The fact police was involved is a red flag of actions that was treating him as a Ni--er like they do the police and white males in this country. Demonizing whites. I say this because the black community defines this word as ( To disenfranchise ) ‘Meaning to isolate, to deprive (someone) of their rights, help, support to separate them from the public.’

Institutional oppression is evident when the staff and the student body / facalty members were envolved. This is greatly practiced in this form of ‘institutionalization’ oppression... A deliberate process whereby a person entering are re-programmed to accept and conform to the strict controls that enables the institution to manage a large number of people with a minimum of necessary staff.

This is always seen during such outbursts called ‘protests’ where you have one as the leader chanting and ranting, acting out as the others recite and are being ‘CONDITIONED’ to conform to an institutional oppression. This was evident when Lorde came to this country and the masses were seen and heard but this was with the use of mass media that drew in those fanatical and radicals who dwell on such events. The direct assault on someone who sang a song about how they see culture in this country.

The fact that blacks said she was talking about the blacks and kept labeling her as racist is the conditioning on the masses that was brought about by mass assaults across this country and the influence that follows while they project into controlling others by (FEAR). It is a proven fact that victims of this form of crime fall in line and are controlled at many levels and it is called ‘CONDITIONING’

To many it seems are being abused on a massive scale by one race of people, there are all sorts of emotional, physical, financial, social and spiritual hurdles to over come. (Traumatic Bonding) Shame, Denial, guilt. Buying into the myth that the abuse is really our fault, that we somehow provoked it, deserve it, or are otherwise responsible for it. Most abusers shift the blame onto their victims, making us responsible for their emotional and often physical ‘WELL-BEING’, and it can be very hard realizing that they alone are responsible for their actions. That translates into Traumatic bonding. It is seen in domestic violence victims. It is also found in people who have been held hostage and prisoners in this form of warfare that has occurred in New York City and California when *BLM TERRORIST ORGANIZATION* invaded businesses and establishments and used college students to help in the ‘CONDITIONING’ of their victims by trying to brain washing them. The fact that there was an extreme real threat of brutal assault by the blacks present that would have occurred if they resisted in any way. (REJECTION OF THE MESSAGE).

When the person who is isolating, abusing and dehumanizing you is also the person who is providing you with the basics, or some pain relief or affections, a form of traumatic bonding that can occur which leads to an irrational feeling of bonding to the abuser and this feeling of being traumatically bonded is often mistaken for love. The victim looses their own beliefs and identity and instead takes on the beliefs of their captors.

Where do you go when something like this happens, they isolated the president of the university to the extreme from every resource and this was deliberate. This was because of hate of an individual and it is an assault against every American in this country. It has nothing to do with racism.

The prejudice against the president was used and that is a crime on a mass scale, when you have mass conditioning on this level and those who fall in line. You have riots, assaults, rape, murder, destruction, intimidation on a mass scale and such crimes we seen raised against the president of the university. The ‘RACIST SLOGANS OF THE BLACK COMMUNITY” has a lot to do with the institutionalization conditioning in this country and of other groups that conform communities and to the mass media. The fact that one decided not to eat was because of (BIAS) he did not like the president and he plotted, calculated, thought ahead, planning, and weighing in how others would react / perceive his plight / actions. The ‘B(L)ack’ football players responded to his actions. This was his devious intentions to lure mass media in order to push his agenda of a deliberate assault by using the mass that feels the way he does when he used racism as the motive of operandi to ( NI**ER/DISENFRANCHISE ) to lure for more media coverage and to focus his assault against the president.

The reality that he also knew his actions would impact others in this virtualization. In doing so, a chain of events that turned this protest into a crime that is against every American not just the president of that university and goes beyond the intellectual understanding of the factuality and staff that also increased the assault on the president of the university by alienating him and conforming to the mass assaults we have just seen. I say ‘ASSAULT’ because this was a deception and deliberate use of racism as a weapon as a cover up to use anyone and everyone to achieve a common goal because they ( HATE ‘D ) the president for the lack of action, not racism as it was stated many times during the live video reports. A BIAS motivated event with deception and deviant intentions at the hart of this protest to motivate others to act. Acting out wanting attention and he got what he was after. Teachers all over this country are being assaulted and it’s because they want attention. Its not just that college, its everywhere. I watch a room full of black students and one black student raising a chair/table over his head and was threatening a black substitute teacher being threatened with assault with a deadly weapon. Demanding her to follow his directions as the other students acted out with him. Others who act out because they do not like the situation they are in because of their own actions. MANY STUDENTS that are BLACK acting out and using Aggression, assaults, intimidation, racially institutionally charged oppression with intent to assault while this influence draws in others because they do not want to be the target. ( FOLLOWERS / MASS / RIOTS / CRIME / ASSAULT / VICTEMS ) LOOK IT UP ON YOUTUBE if you do not believe me. CRIME, ASSAULT, MASS ASSAULT, NO RESPECT, NO RETREAT OR SURRENDER. ( (( ((( NO MERCY ))) )) ). All because they are self vindicating that targets everyone in this country especially teachers that are suppose to be in control to educate them. Only to be the targets of these degenerates, primitive Neanderthals... I was recently confronted by a degenerate.. ( You have to ask me to talk to me )

When ‘B(L)acks do not like someone, there is no respect and that showed when they shrouded the president of the university’s car preventing him from leaving. ( HOSTAGE ) with the very real intent to assault should he act. This is also another tactic being used which is a criminal intent, using Mass media to a plight that is directed to isolate, humiliate, draw unwanted attention, discriminate, alienate, dehumanizing, intimidate in discrediting the value of the presidents position. The words ( TO SAVE A LIFE ) as the football team said was the direct intentions of Jonathan Butler’s deviant deceptions to promote and incite the movement of racism. This put every student and the public’s safety at great risk that could have resulted in riots and even more looting.

I have heard blacks use Racism against women as a weapon. Do not blame me, it is what I have seen and heard at bars and on the streets of Ohio and at work. I was even told this directly by blacks. This is a form of racism that is directed at every nationality and it should be considered as ‘DATE RAPE’ because it is used into forcing, seducing, persuading or luring the opposite sex or trapping ( Against their initial judgment or preference ) into sex by using racism as a weapon in conjunction with racially charged black slogans. I was confronted by a foreigner that said ‘Dot not talk about the black people, you will piss them off.’ And that was said to me at work because I was talking about the riots.

When the blacks are telling you that you have to have a black friend and then under the same breath are calling you racist if you don’t. THAT IS A DIRECT ASSAULT! All it is, is that they want to get their hands on your daughters and into your lives to show everyone how self important they are. Saying they are better than you.

Just because whites do not appear to be ‘OFFENDED’ when they are, does not justify the blacks ‘INTOLERANCE’, instant ‘ASSAULTS’, ‘RACIAL SLURS’ against everyone who’s not black and CRY RACISM when slurs are spoken. They have themselves to blame and just because we act out in retaliation, it’s because you are just as guilty. The Swastika is clearly not a black racist symbol and this only proves their willing to use anything and everything to justify committing this form of mass crime against the university. The symbol has always been identified with the Jews not black people The blacks in this college has committed a massive crime by over stating facts by being hyper sensitive and using institutional oppressive unity to assault the head of the university. Trying to lay a foundation of racism as a cover up of race hate or just hatred of whites in this case. If the shoe fits, wear it. The blacks use slurs fluently against the whites everywhere, streets, schools, work which I have been directly been the victim of and many of the whites do not care and it effects them just the same, just on another level. It is no different just because ‘SOME WHITES’ do not care more than others. The ‘BLACK CRUTCHES’ of slavery is unwarranted because I do not see the JEWS acting out after their ancestors were directly targeted and slaughtered in the billions. The blacks drags around ‘My ancestors were slaves’ and entering town halls demanding special privileges stating that their ancestors practically built this country. They cannot live without calling themselves victims while denying that they are in fact racist. INTOLLERANT OF OTHERS!

The black influence is not a positive one in any community that is not ‘BLACK’. Lorde is a major red flag everywhere and shows the massive scales of oppression across this country when every news broadcaster and the people of this nation were accusing her of being racist. THIS IS AN ATTACK ON EVERYONE, against her and a message around the world! ‘ YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE BLACKS ‘

The song was about culture, how people see the rich and the poor react at trying or even wanting to be rich. There are clear definition and the blacks are no different. Rap songs singing N’ers as if it is going out of style and calling whites slurs publicly as if it is something that is casual and is a good thing and it is no different. They openly call whites these slurs and the foreign communities are now conforming along in this racial black divide. The glasses I’m using is defiantly not yours, when writing a book you need a fresh pair of eyes because you are bias of your own work.

War is not defined by its choice of weapons, but racism is one that is dividing this nation and destroying the very definition of ‘Diversity’, ‘Tolerance’ because neither is being used. Just BLUNT FORCE ASSAULTS against every nationality that is in this country. There is no such thing as a peaceful protest.

Law makers are involved while they continue to use institutionalized oppression to displace blame on Americans. The law makers should consider pressing charges and find them all for their actions against an act against the entire nation and all businesses for the abuse of racism that is clearly not the case for this protest. In recent NBC News, they accused the news reporter of not caring. Blaming them for their well-being, victimizing everyone for their actions. Blaming Jacob Rascon of not caring, accusing him and targeting him for just asking questions, victimizing him into apologizing drawing on his sympathies and outpour of compassion for something he did not do or commit. ALL WHILE THEY ATTACKED HIM IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE COUNTRY! Accusing him of the same thing they accused the president of the university, they must be taken to COURT JAIL PRISON and their applications withdrawn and banned from the college. It is for education not for persecution of anyone who does not believe what they believe. Traumatizing bonding him in ways he does not understand or is able to comprehend. Still, the group will never face a court room for their heinous crimes against everyone and with everyone buying into the traumatic bonding of this form of assault. It is very real and they continue to keep victimizing everyone in this country. Watching them on a bull horn ranting for a fight for freedom,

This is a lot of butt hurt. How long did it take you to write this?
The fact that blacks use racism casually spoken openly in every college, work place and the streets is very real. It has the same effect on a subconscious assault, devaluing the individual and as a whole. It’s just that it is deeply rooted and we do not condition our selves every day to the point that we are murdering everyone because they are different. (Tolerance)

‘You can’t be racist toward white people. Racism is based systemic/institutional oppression since there is no sociopolitical infrastructure working against white people, white people can’t be affected by racism!’

This is the biggest lie ever spoken by anyone, cause and effect. The social and political factors are there, we see the assaults against our sons who are in schools and using adult racist slogans to solicit sex from our daughters and isolating them with the use of racism as a weapon to call them racists because of rejection. PORNO on YOUTUBE that expressly advertise racism dehumanizing women using racism and black racist slogans that are is traumatizing / confusing our children. Devaluing white women...

The fact that Black slogans such as ‘Once you go ‘B(L)ack’, you never go back.’ Is a racist slogan designed form of racism from institutionalized oppression based upon the hatred of whites in this country, it is designed to alienate white women from their own race with racism as a weapon. This is a crime across this country. And that’s RAPE! Racism is also designed to silence the white man in many ways and one of them is ‘you do not talk about the blacks’. The fact that NO ONE CARES only perpetuates these assaults and the DEVIDE that provoke racial words that is intended as retaliation, I cannot speak for the media because they are living in a bubble.

Blacks cannot assimilate rejection or tolerance on any level resulting to using racism as a weapon and instant assaults that’s given them a stigmata and an influence. Using anything and everything to achieve a goal regardless of the truth. It becomes institutionalize when the feelings of one is mutual within a group and the actions that lures others to fall into line when Institutional oppression is invisible to those who are ‘seemingly’ unaffected by it. Hence Followers who are forced into a situation by an overt institution that would result in retaliation ( a very well known form of intimidations, threats of assaults that they know, no one will step in to stop or intervene ) in many forms and ways that would set them aside for future targeting of racism and assaults. Another way of describing it is a suicide pact to commit suicide.

The word is RACISM is was used as a weapon against the President of the MissouriUniversity. Not only that, but the real threat of extreme and deliberate threat of an assault on him should he have gotten out of his car when he was surrounded, prevented from leaving. (HOSTAGE ) The president knew assault would have ensued like everyone across America knew we were under attack when the second commercial airliner crashed into the world trade towers. The fact police was involved is a red flag of actions that was treating him as a Ni--er like they do the police and white males in this country. Demonizing whites. I say this because the black community defines this word as ( To disenfranchise ) ‘Meaning to isolate, to deprive (someone) of their rights, help, support to separate them from the public.’

Institutional oppression is evident when the staff and the student body / facalty members were envolved. This is greatly practiced in this form of ‘institutionalization’ oppression... A deliberate process whereby a person entering are re-programmed to accept and conform to the strict controls that enables the institution to manage a large number of people with a minimum of necessary staff.

This is always seen during such outbursts called ‘protests’ where you have one as the leader chanting and ranting, acting out as the others recite and are being ‘CONDITIONED’ to conform to an institutional oppression. This was evident when Lorde came to this country and the masses were seen and heard but this was with the use of mass media that drew in those fanatical and radicals who dwell on such events. The direct assault on someone who sang a song about how they see culture in this country.

The fact that blacks said she was talking about the blacks and kept labeling her as racist is the conditioning on the masses that was brought about by mass assaults across this country and the influence that follows while they project into controlling others by (FEAR). It is a proven fact that victims of this form of crime fall in line and are controlled at many levels and it is called ‘CONDITIONING’

To many it seems are being abused on a massive scale by one race of people, there are all sorts of emotional, physical, financial, social and spiritual hurdles to over come. (Traumatic Bonding) Shame, Denial, guilt. Buying into the myth that the abuse is really our fault, that we somehow provoked it, deserve it, or are otherwise responsible for it. Most abusers shift the blame onto their victims, making us responsible for their emotional and often physical ‘WELL-BEING’, and it can be very hard realizing that they alone are responsible for their actions. That translates into Traumatic bonding. It is seen in domestic violence victims. It is also found in people who have been held hostage and prisoners in this form of warfare that has occurred in New York City and California when *BLM TERRORIST ORGANIZATION* invaded businesses and establishments and used college students to help in the ‘CONDITIONING’ of their victims by trying to brain washing them. The fact that there was an extreme real threat of brutal assault by the blacks present that would have occurred if they resisted in any way. (REJECTION OF THE MESSAGE).

When the person who is isolating, abusing and dehumanizing you is also the person who is providing you with the basics, or some pain relief or affections, a form of traumatic bonding that can occur which leads to an irrational feeling of bonding to the abuser and this feeling of being traumatically bonded is often mistaken for love. The victim looses their own beliefs and identity and instead takes on the beliefs of their captors.

Where do you go when something like this happens, they isolated the president of the university to the extreme from every resource and this was deliberate. This was because of hate of an individual and it is an assault against every American in this country. It has nothing to do with racism.

The prejudice against the president was used and that is a crime on a mass scale, when you have mass conditioning on this level and those who fall in line. You have riots, assaults, rape, murder, destruction, intimidation on a mass scale and such crimes we seen raised against the president of the university. The ‘RACIST SLOGANS OF THE BLACK COMMUNITY” has a lot to do with the institutionalization conditioning in this country and of other groups that conform communities and to the mass media. The fact that one decided not to eat was because of (BIAS) he did not like the president and he plotted, calculated, thought ahead, planning, and weighing in how others would react / perceive his plight / actions. The ‘B(L)ack’ football players responded to his actions. This was his devious intentions to lure mass media in order to push his agenda of a deliberate assault by using the mass that feels the way he does when he used racism as the motive of operandi to ( NI**ER/DISENFRANCHISE ) to lure for more media coverage and to focus his assault against the president.

The reality that he also knew his actions would impact others in this virtualization. In doing so, a chain of events that turned this protest into a crime that is against every American not just the president of that university and goes beyond the intellectual understanding of the factuality and staff that also increased the assault on the president of the university by alienating him and conforming to the mass assaults we have just seen. I say ‘ASSAULT’ because this was a deception and deliberate use of racism as a weapon as a cover up to use anyone and everyone to achieve a common goal because they ( HATE ‘D ) the president for the lack of action, not racism as it was stated many times during the live video reports. A BIAS motivated event with deception and deviant intentions at the hart of this protest to motivate others to act. Acting out wanting attention and he got what he was after. Teachers all over this country are being assaulted and it’s because they want attention. Its not just that college, its everywhere. I watch a room full of black students and one black student raising a chair/table over his head and was threatening a black substitute teacher being threatened with assault with a deadly weapon. Demanding her to follow his directions as the other students acted out with him. Others who act out because they do not like the situation they are in because of their own actions. MANY STUDENTS that are BLACK acting out and using Aggression, assaults, intimidation, racially institutionally charged oppression with intent to assault while this influence draws in others because they do not want to be the target. ( FOLLOWERS / MASS / RIOTS / CRIME / ASSAULT / VICTEMS ) LOOK IT UP ON YOUTUBE if you do not believe me. CRIME, ASSAULT, MASS ASSAULT, NO RESPECT, NO RETREAT OR SURRENDER. ( (( ((( NO MERCY ))) )) ). All because they are self vindicating that targets everyone in this country especially teachers that are suppose to be in control to educate them. Only to be the targets of these degenerates, primitive Neanderthals... I was recently confronted by a degenerate.. ( You have to ask me to talk to me )

When ‘B(L)acks do not like someone, there is no respect and that showed when they shrouded the president of the university’s car preventing him from leaving. ( HOSTAGE ) with the very real intent to assault should he act. This is also another tactic being used which is a criminal intent, using Mass media to a plight that is directed to isolate, humiliate, draw unwanted attention, discriminate, alienate, dehumanizing, intimidate in discrediting the value of the presidents position. The words ( TO SAVE A LIFE ) as the football team said was the direct intentions of Jonathan Butler’s deviant deceptions to promote and incite the movement of racism. This put every student and the public’s safety at great risk that could have resulted in riots and even more looting.

I have heard blacks use Racism against women as a weapon. Do not blame me, it is what I have seen and heard at bars and on the streets of Ohio and at work. I was even told this directly by blacks. This is a form of racism that is directed at every nationality and it should be considered as ‘DATE RAPE’ because it is used into forcing, seducing, persuading or luring the opposite sex or trapping ( Against their initial judgment or preference ) into sex by using racism as a weapon in conjunction with racially charged black slogans. I was confronted by a foreigner that said ‘Dot not talk about the black people, you will piss them off.’ And that was said to me at work because I was talking about the riots.

When the blacks are telling you that you have to have a black friend and then under the same breath are calling you racist if you don’t. THAT IS A DIRECT ASSAULT! All it is, is that they want to get their hands on your daughters and into your lives to show everyone how self important they are. Saying they are better than you.

Just because whites do not appear to be ‘OFFENDED’ when they are, does not justify the blacks ‘INTOLERANCE’, instant ‘ASSAULTS’, ‘RACIAL SLURS’ against everyone who’s not black and CRY RACISM when slurs are spoken. They have themselves to blame and just because we act out in retaliation, it’s because you are just as guilty. The Swastika is clearly not a black racist symbol and this only proves their willing to use anything and everything to justify committing this form of mass crime against the university. The symbol has always been identified with the Jews not black people The blacks in this college has committed a massive crime by over stating facts by being hyper sensitive and using institutional oppressive unity to assault the head of the university. Trying to lay a foundation of racism as a cover up of race hate or just hatred of whites in this case. If the shoe fits, wear it. The blacks use slurs fluently against the whites everywhere, streets, schools, work which I have been directly been the victim of and many of the whites do not care and it effects them just the same, just on another level. It is no different just because ‘SOME WHITES’ do not care more than others. The ‘BLACK CRUTCHES’ of slavery is unwarranted because I do not see the JEWS acting out after their ancestors were directly targeted and slaughtered in the billions. The blacks drags around ‘My ancestors were slaves’ and entering town halls demanding special privileges stating that their ancestors practically built this country. They cannot live without calling themselves victims while denying that they are in fact racist. INTOLLERANT OF OTHERS!

The black influence is not a positive one in any community that is not ‘BLACK’. Lorde is a major red flag everywhere and shows the massive scales of oppression across this country when every news broadcaster and the people of this nation were accusing her of being racist. THIS IS AN ATTACK ON EVERYONE, against her and a message around the world! ‘ YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE BLACKS ‘

The song was about culture, how people see the rich and the poor react at trying or even wanting to be rich. There are clear definition and the blacks are no different. Rap songs singing N’ers as if it is going out of style and calling whites slurs publicly as if it is something that is casual and is a good thing and it is no different. They openly call whites these slurs and the foreign communities are now conforming along in this racial black divide. The glasses I’m using is defiantly not yours, when writing a book you need a fresh pair of eyes because you are bias of your own work.

War is not defined by its choice of weapons, but racism is one that is dividing this nation and destroying the very definition of ‘Diversity’, ‘Tolerance’ because neither is being used. Just BLUNT FORCE ASSAULTS against every nationality that is in this country. There is no such thing as a peaceful protest.

Law makers are involved while they continue to use institutionalized oppression to displace blame on Americans. The law makers should consider pressing charges and find them all for their actions against an act against the entire nation and all businesses for the abuse of racism that is clearly not the case for this protest. In recent NBC News, they accused the news reporter of not caring. Blaming them for their well-being, victimizing everyone for their actions. Blaming Jacob Rascon of not caring, accusing him and targeting him for just asking questions, victimizing him into apologizing drawing on his sympathies and outpour of compassion for something he did not do or commit. ALL WHILE THEY ATTACKED HIM IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE COUNTRY! Accusing him of the same thing they accused the president of the university, they must be taken to COURT JAIL PRISON and their applications withdrawn and banned from the college. It is for education not for persecution of anyone who does not believe what they believe. Traumatizing bonding him in ways he does not understand or is able to comprehend. Still, the group will never face a court room for their heinous crimes against everyone and with everyone buying into the traumatic bonding of this form of assault. It is very real and they continue to keep victimizing everyone in this country. Watching them on a bull horn ranting for a fight for freedom,

This is a lot of butt hurt. How long did it take you to write this?
Probably a while. He made some good points; I notice you didn't dispute it. Wonder why..
The fact that blacks use racism casually spoken openly in every college, work place and the streets is very real. It has the same effect on a subconscious assault, devaluing the individual and as a whole. It’s just that it is deeply rooted and we do not condition our selves every day to the point that we are murdering everyone because they are different. (Tolerance)

‘You can’t be racist toward white people. Racism is based systemic/institutional oppression since there is no sociopolitical infrastructure working against white people, white people can’t be affected by racism!’

This is the biggest lie ever spoken by anyone, cause and effect. The social and political factors are there, we see the assaults against our sons who are in schools and using adult racist slogans to solicit sex from our daughters and isolating them with the use of racism as a weapon to call them racists because of rejection. PORNO on YOUTUBE that expressly advertise racism dehumanizing women using racism and black racist slogans that are is traumatizing / confusing our children. Devaluing white women...

The fact that Black slogans such as ‘Once you go ‘B(L)ack’, you never go back.’ Is a racist slogan designed form of racism from institutionalized oppression based upon the hatred of whites in this country, it is designed to alienate white women from their own race with racism as a weapon. This is a crime across this country. And that’s RAPE! Racism is also designed to silence the white man in many ways and one of them is ‘you do not talk about the blacks’. The fact that NO ONE CARES only perpetuates these assaults and the DEVIDE that provoke racial words that is intended as retaliation, I cannot speak for the media because they are living in a bubble.

Blacks cannot assimilate rejection or tolerance on any level resulting to using racism as a weapon and instant assaults that’s given them a stigmata and an influence. Using anything and everything to achieve a goal regardless of the truth. It becomes institutionalize when the feelings of one is mutual within a group and the actions that lures others to fall into line when Institutional oppression is invisible to those who are ‘seemingly’ unaffected by it. Hence Followers who are forced into a situation by an overt institution that would result in retaliation ( a very well known form of intimidations, threats of assaults that they know, no one will step in to stop or intervene ) in many forms and ways that would set them aside for future targeting of racism and assaults. Another way of describing it is a suicide pact to commit suicide.

The word is RACISM is was used as a weapon against the President of the MissouriUniversity. Not only that, but the real threat of extreme and deliberate threat of an assault on him should he have gotten out of his car when he was surrounded, prevented from leaving. (HOSTAGE ) The president knew assault would have ensued like everyone across America knew we were under attack when the second commercial airliner crashed into the world trade towers. The fact police was involved is a red flag of actions that was treating him as a Ni--er like they do the police and white males in this country. Demonizing whites. I say this because the black community defines this word as ( To disenfranchise ) ‘Meaning to isolate, to deprive (someone) of their rights, help, support to separate them from the public.’

Institutional oppression is evident when the staff and the student body / facalty members were envolved. This is greatly practiced in this form of ‘institutionalization’ oppression... A deliberate process whereby a person entering are re-programmed to accept and conform to the strict controls that enables the institution to manage a large number of people with a minimum of necessary staff.

This is always seen during such outbursts called ‘protests’ where you have one as the leader chanting and ranting, acting out as the others recite and are being ‘CONDITIONED’ to conform to an institutional oppression. This was evident when Lorde came to this country and the masses were seen and heard but this was with the use of mass media that drew in those fanatical and radicals who dwell on such events. The direct assault on someone who sang a song about how they see culture in this country.

The fact that blacks said she was talking about the blacks and kept labeling her as racist is the conditioning on the masses that was brought about by mass assaults across this country and the influence that follows while they project into controlling others by (FEAR). It is a proven fact that victims of this form of crime fall in line and are controlled at many levels and it is called ‘CONDITIONING’

To many it seems are being abused on a massive scale by one race of people, there are all sorts of emotional, physical, financial, social and spiritual hurdles to over come. (Traumatic Bonding) Shame, Denial, guilt. Buying into the myth that the abuse is really our fault, that we somehow provoked it, deserve it, or are otherwise responsible for it. Most abusers shift the blame onto their victims, making us responsible for their emotional and often physical ‘WELL-BEING’, and it can be very hard realizing that they alone are responsible for their actions. That translates into Traumatic bonding. It is seen in domestic violence victims. It is also found in people who have been held hostage and prisoners in this form of warfare that has occurred in New York City and California when *BLM TERRORIST ORGANIZATION* invaded businesses and establishments and used college students to help in the ‘CONDITIONING’ of their victims by trying to brain washing them. The fact that there was an extreme real threat of brutal assault by the blacks present that would have occurred if they resisted in any way. (REJECTION OF THE MESSAGE).

When the person who is isolating, abusing and dehumanizing you is also the person who is providing you with the basics, or some pain relief or affections, a form of traumatic bonding that can occur which leads to an irrational feeling of bonding to the abuser and this feeling of being traumatically bonded is often mistaken for love. The victim looses their own beliefs and identity and instead takes on the beliefs of their captors.

Where do you go when something like this happens, they isolated the president of the university to the extreme from every resource and this was deliberate. This was because of hate of an individual and it is an assault against every American in this country. It has nothing to do with racism.

The prejudice against the president was used and that is a crime on a mass scale, when you have mass conditioning on this level and those who fall in line. You have riots, assaults, rape, murder, destruction, intimidation on a mass scale and such crimes we seen raised against the president of the university. The ‘RACIST SLOGANS OF THE BLACK COMMUNITY” has a lot to do with the institutionalization conditioning in this country and of other groups that conform communities and to the mass media. The fact that one decided not to eat was because of (BIAS) he did not like the president and he plotted, calculated, thought ahead, planning, and weighing in how others would react / perceive his plight / actions. The ‘B(L)ack’ football players responded to his actions. This was his devious intentions to lure mass media in order to push his agenda of a deliberate assault by using the mass that feels the way he does when he used racism as the motive of operandi to ( NI**ER/DISENFRANCHISE ) to lure for more media coverage and to focus his assault against the president.

The reality that he also knew his actions would impact others in this virtualization. In doing so, a chain of events that turned this protest into a crime that is against every American not just the president of that university and goes beyond the intellectual understanding of the factuality and staff that also increased the assault on the president of the university by alienating him and conforming to the mass assaults we have just seen. I say ‘ASSAULT’ because this was a deception and deliberate use of racism as a weapon as a cover up to use anyone and everyone to achieve a common goal because they ( HATE ‘D ) the president for the lack of action, not racism as it was stated many times during the live video reports. A BIAS motivated event with deception and deviant intentions at the hart of this protest to motivate others to act. Acting out wanting attention and he got what he was after. Teachers all over this country are being assaulted and it’s because they want attention. Its not just that college, its everywhere. I watch a room full of black students and one black student raising a chair/table over his head and was threatening a black substitute teacher being threatened with assault with a deadly weapon. Demanding her to follow his directions as the other students acted out with him. Others who act out because they do not like the situation they are in because of their own actions. MANY STUDENTS that are BLACK acting out and using Aggression, assaults, intimidation, racially institutionally charged oppression with intent to assault while this influence draws in others because they do not want to be the target. ( FOLLOWERS / MASS / RIOTS / CRIME / ASSAULT / VICTEMS ) LOOK IT UP ON YOUTUBE if you do not believe me. CRIME, ASSAULT, MASS ASSAULT, NO RESPECT, NO RETREAT OR SURRENDER. ( (( ((( NO MERCY ))) )) ). All because they are self vindicating that targets everyone in this country especially teachers that are suppose to be in control to educate them. Only to be the targets of these degenerates, primitive Neanderthals... I was recently confronted by a degenerate.. ( You have to ask me to talk to me )

When ‘B(L)acks do not like someone, there is no respect and that showed when they shrouded the president of the university’s car preventing him from leaving. ( HOSTAGE ) with the very real intent to assault should he act. This is also another tactic being used which is a criminal intent, using Mass media to a plight that is directed to isolate, humiliate, draw unwanted attention, discriminate, alienate, dehumanizing, intimidate in discrediting the value of the presidents position. The words ( TO SAVE A LIFE ) as the football team said was the direct intentions of Jonathan Butler’s deviant deceptions to promote and incite the movement of racism. This put every student and the public’s safety at great risk that could have resulted in riots and even more looting.

I have heard blacks use Racism against women as a weapon. Do not blame me, it is what I have seen and heard at bars and on the streets of Ohio and at work. I was even told this directly by blacks. This is a form of racism that is directed at every nationality and it should be considered as ‘DATE RAPE’ because it is used into forcing, seducing, persuading or luring the opposite sex or trapping ( Against their initial judgment or preference ) into sex by using racism as a weapon in conjunction with racially charged black slogans. I was confronted by a foreigner that said ‘Dot not talk about the black people, you will piss them off.’ And that was said to me at work because I was talking about the riots.

When the blacks are telling you that you have to have a black friend and then under the same breath are calling you racist if you don’t. THAT IS A DIRECT ASSAULT! All it is, is that they want to get their hands on your daughters and into your lives to show everyone how self important they are. Saying they are better than you.

Just because whites do not appear to be ‘OFFENDED’ when they are, does not justify the blacks ‘INTOLERANCE’, instant ‘ASSAULTS’, ‘RACIAL SLURS’ against everyone who’s not black and CRY RACISM when slurs are spoken. They have themselves to blame and just because we act out in retaliation, it’s because you are just as guilty. The Swastika is clearly not a black racist symbol and this only proves their willing to use anything and everything to justify committing this form of mass crime against the university. The symbol has always been identified with the Jews not black people The blacks in this college has committed a massive crime by over stating facts by being hyper sensitive and using institutional oppressive unity to assault the head of the university. Trying to lay a foundation of racism as a cover up of race hate or just hatred of whites in this case. If the shoe fits, wear it. The blacks use slurs fluently against the whites everywhere, streets, schools, work which I have been directly been the victim of and many of the whites do not care and it effects them just the same, just on another level. It is no different just because ‘SOME WHITES’ do not care more than others. The ‘BLACK CRUTCHES’ of slavery is unwarranted because I do not see the JEWS acting out after their ancestors were directly targeted and slaughtered in the billions. The blacks drags around ‘My ancestors were slaves’ and entering town halls demanding special privileges stating that their ancestors practically built this country. They cannot live without calling themselves victims while denying that they are in fact racist. INTOLLERANT OF OTHERS!

The black influence is not a positive one in any community that is not ‘BLACK’. Lorde is a major red flag everywhere and shows the massive scales of oppression across this country when every news broadcaster and the people of this nation were accusing her of being racist. THIS IS AN ATTACK ON EVERYONE, against her and a message around the world! ‘ YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE BLACKS ‘

The song was about culture, how people see the rich and the poor react at trying or even wanting to be rich. There are clear definition and the blacks are no different. Rap songs singing N’ers as if it is going out of style and calling whites slurs publicly as if it is something that is casual and is a good thing and it is no different. They openly call whites these slurs and the foreign communities are now conforming along in this racial black divide. The glasses I’m using is defiantly not yours, when writing a book you need a fresh pair of eyes because you are bias of your own work.

War is not defined by its choice of weapons, but racism is one that is dividing this nation and destroying the very definition of ‘Diversity’, ‘Tolerance’ because neither is being used. Just BLUNT FORCE ASSAULTS against every nationality that is in this country. There is no such thing as a peaceful protest.

Law makers are involved while they continue to use institutionalized oppression to displace blame on Americans. The law makers should consider pressing charges and find them all for their actions against an act against the entire nation and all businesses for the abuse of racism that is clearly not the case for this protest. In recent NBC News, they accused the news reporter of not caring. Blaming them for their well-being, victimizing everyone for their actions. Blaming Jacob Rascon of not caring, accusing him and targeting him for just asking questions, victimizing him into apologizing drawing on his sympathies and outpour of compassion for something he did not do or commit. ALL WHILE THEY ATTACKED HIM IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE COUNTRY! Accusing him of the same thing they accused the president of the university, they must be taken to COURT JAIL PRISON and their applications withdrawn and banned from the college. It is for education not for persecution of anyone who does not believe what they believe. Traumatizing bonding him in ways he does not understand or is able to comprehend. Still, the group will never face a court room for their heinous crimes against everyone and with everyone buying into the traumatic bonding of this form of assault. It is very real and they continue to keep victimizing everyone in this country. Watching them on a bull horn ranting for a fight for freedom,

This is a lot of butt hurt. How long did it take you to write this?
Probably a while. He made some good points; I notice you didn't dispute it. Wonder why..
He may have made some good points. Too bad he didnt create some cliff notes. I didnt dispute it because there is no need to argue with idiots. Its more fun to just laugh at them.

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