Amazon labor in New York votes to UNIONIZE and will become a Uinion


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2021
Bloomberg - Are you a robot? Inc. workers at a New York warehouse voted to join an upstart labor union, an historic victory that gives organized labor its first foothold in the company’s U.S. operations and could embolden workers at other employers.

The election at Amazon’s JFK8 fulfillment center in Staten Island wasn’t close, with the Amazon Labor Union winning 2,654 yes votes versus 2,131 no votes for the company. After signing the election results, ALU founder Christian Smalls clapped, pointed his fingers to the sky and raised a fist in triumph.

Great to see Amazon workers getting their due for once. If you remember Alabama tried to unionize in Amazon last year but the vote failed. Thoughts?!
Bloomberg - Are you a robot? Inc. workers at a New York warehouse voted to join an upstart labor union, an historic victory that gives organized labor its first foothold in the company’s U.S. operations and could embolden workers at other employers.

The election at Amazon’s JFK8 fulfillment center in Staten Island wasn’t close, with the Amazon Labor Union winning 2,654 yes votes versus 2,131 no votes for the company. After signing the election results, ALU founder Christian Smalls clapped, pointed his fingers to the sky and raised a fist in triumph.

Great to see Amazon workers getting their due for once. If you remember Alabama tried to unionize in Amazon last year but the vote failed. Thoughts?!

Most unions have long outlived their usefulness. However. Amazon is a exception. The company CEO is a sociopath, and they abuse their workers.

Good for them for creating a union.
Union's are a detriment to any company that has the scam forced on them, and the consumer who ends up paying more for their products.
The only winners are the lazy workers who are now almost impossible for a company to fire.
Union's are a detriment to any company that has the scam forced on them, and the consumer who ends up paying more for their products.
The only winners are the lazy workers who are now almost impossible for a company to fire.
I don't think that there is such a thing as a lazy worker at Amazon.....About the only folks that can hang at the one in my AO are the Hispanics.
If that is what they voted for then I am good with it. I try not to buy from Amazon, I try shopping locally and support my community.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot? Inc. workers at a New York warehouse voted to join an upstart labor union, an historic victory that gives organized labor its first foothold in the company’s U.S. operations and could embolden workers at other employers.

The election at Amazon’s JFK8 fulfillment center in Staten Island wasn’t close, with the Amazon Labor Union winning 2,654 yes votes versus 2,131 no votes for the company. After signing the election results, ALU founder Christian Smalls clapped, pointed his fingers to the sky and raised a fist in triumph.

Great to see Amazon workers getting their due for once. If you remember Alabama tried to unionize in Amazon last year but the vote failed. Thoughts?!

A 55% majority "wasn't even close"?
Most likely an exception in America of a company that is financially viable enough to be unionized.

Most industry can make the claim that they are not.

There's really no other excuse for not allowing workers to unionize.

But it poses a question: Did the corporations that packed up and went to China, need to do so because they weren't viable if they had to pay American wages?
Or were they still profitable and viable, but went to China for just more profit?
No, Amazon and their cheap rates, because they pay no local taxes, causes the mom and pop shops to close down.

That’s what I was basically saying. Agenda 2030 is kicking in and once blackrock buys up some more themselves they do will start doing the same bs to home owners. Oh wait there won’t be any home onwners everyone will be renting homes in those subdivisions.
Unions are a scam and will reduce work place efficiency, causing prices to increase for the consumer. ... :cool:
Saying That Businessmen Create Jobs Is Like Saying That Vampires Create Blood

Why should consumers pay the piper in order to help the Scrooge leeches maintain their obscene profits? They won't, even if they are anti-union themselves.

Anyone who thinks wage increases automatically create higher prices is dishonestly pretending that they can't be taken out of corporate profits instead. Trying to get the consumers to blame the workers is as disingenuous as Bi-Den blaming Putin for high gasoline prices.

Another straw man is that the business will collapse if it has to pay its employees more, as if any business operates on such a thin profit margin.
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That will change when they vote in a Union. ... :cool:
Communism Is State Capitalism. Capitalism Is Statism for the Rich.

Higher wages motivate people to work harder. Your oinkonomics violates human nature, so it is no more productive than Communism. There were no unions in the Soviet Union.

Back when unions were strong, America was the greatest creditor nation. The rise of Labor in the 1930s made us rich enough to save England and carried over to the war we won mostly because we could afford to outspend Germany and Japan.

Inability to pay appropriate wages is a sign that management is full of inferior people in superior positions. The conceited Sissies in Suitcoats have a desperate need to feel that the blue-collar workers are lucky to have any jobs at all.

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