All the President's Debt


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Not really. Trump has hidden a lot of his debt from public view, obfuscated when asked about his massive debt, and is clearly not that great a businessman....having filed for bankruptcy multiple times.

Forbes brought some of the debt into sharp focus in a recent article:

Yes...over $1B in debt is owed by Trump. And that is just what the experts at Forbes can find from the public disclosures which are murky at best. Murky by design no doubt. The multiple lenders (Deutsch, Ladder Financial, etc...) own most of his ass. But that's quite a bit of ass to own...there are a lot of harpoons in the whale.

Here are the top debts that he owes as described in the article....

Yep, Trump has lost it a few times, which means, he has learned his lessons the hard way.
Trump knows how to rock your liberal butt straight to the curb and run a country in the direction that gives the power and wealth back to the people.
Oh thats right, you believe in communism, or is it socialism...take your pick.
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I wonder where he will go when he leaves the WH. Probably his place in Florida, or maybe Argentina. He knows who and what will be waiting for him if he ever again sets foot in NY. The NY AG and the prosecutors of the Southern District of New York probably will be waiting on the tarmac. And $400 million in debt? Oh, please. Maybe he will get conjugal visits with Melania. This will be very interesting.
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Oh for God's sake.....

EVERY corporation does that.
Even the USA does that. Do you have any idea how much of the US's debt is held by China ?? (NO)

Please consider enrolling in Business 101

Trump's companies are not a corporation. It's also not a government. He just can't keep printing money to pay off his $1B in Debt. Nor can he float bonds.

Perhaps you should consider that course.
Oh for God's sake.....

EVERY corporation does that.
Even the USA does that. Do you have any idea how much of the US's debt is held by China ?? (NO)

Please consider enrolling in Business 101
We're really wondering how much of Trump's debt is held by China.

Worry about how much of the Bidens debt is held by China if I were you
I wonder where he will go when he leaves the WH. Probably his place in Florida, or maybe Argentina. He knows who and what will be waiting for him if he ever against sets foot in NY. The NY AG and the prosecutors of the Southern District of New York probably will be waiting on the tarmac. And $400 million in debt? Oh, please. Maybe he will get conjugal visits with Melania. This will be very interesting.

Getting away from the ice queen may be his long game.
Oh for God's sake.....

EVERY corporation does that.
Even the USA does that. Do you have any idea how much of the US's debt is held by China ?? (NO)

Please consider enrolling in Business 101

Trump's companies are not a corporation. It's also not a government. He just can't keep printing money to pay off his $1B in Debt. Nor can he float bonds.

Perhaps you should consider that course.
Who would EVER loan you $1 billion dollars?

Think about it.
Trump's companies are not a corporation. It's also not a government. He just can't keep printing money to pay off his $1B in Debt. Nor can he float bonds.
Perhaps you should consider that course.

You obviously know nothing about running a business.

Excuse me?
You think printing unbacked paper money is a viable way to deal with debt ???
Oh for God's sake.....

EVERY corporation does that.
Even the USA does that. Do you have any idea how much of the US's debt is held by China ?? (NO)

Please consider enrolling in Business 101

Trump's companies are not a corporation. It's also not a government. He just can't keep printing money to pay off his $1B in Debt. Nor can he float bonds.

Perhaps you should consider that course.

Excuse me?

You think printing unbacked paper money is a viable way to deal with debt ???

Viable? No.

But it's what we do here because we want more government than we're willing to pay for.

Corporations can raise capital in many ways...bonds, stock issues, etc... Trump's companies are privately held meaning that the principals are responsible for the debt. And he has a lot of it.
"now knows how", eh?
Any day now..
You let me know the proper way and I will edit just for you.
However it wont change the facts.
Point being if his goal has been to create a country "that gives the power and wealth back to the people" - he's had nearly four years. Pretty slow learning curve, considering..
Oh for God's sake.....

EVERY corporation does that.
Even the USA does that. Do you have any idea how much of the US's debt is held by China ?? (NO)

Please consider enrolling in Business 101
We're really wondering how much of Trump's debt is held by China.

You should be wondering what your candidate owes China, as well as Russia. Communist countries like those don't fix up your relatives with lucrative sweetheart deals, unless they expect something in return.

Know what i mean?
Oh for God's sake.....

EVERY corporation does that.
Even the USA does that. Do you have any idea how much of the US's debt is held by China ?? (NO)

Please consider enrolling in Business 101
We're really wondering how much of Trump's debt is held by China.

You should be wondering what your candidate owes China, as well as Russia. Communist countries like those don't fix up your relatives with lucrative sweetheart deals, unless they expect something in return.

Know what i mean?

Trump has a lot of stuff made in China...he probably owes them quite a bit too.
Oh for God's sake.....

EVERY corporation does that.
Even the USA does that. Do you have any idea how much of the US's debt is held by China ?? (NO)

Please consider enrolling in Business 101

Trump's companies are not a corporation. It's also not a government. He just can't keep printing money to pay off his $1B in Debt. Nor can he float bonds.

Perhaps you should consider that course.
He won't have to worry. When he becomes dictator for life he'll find out which of you idiots didn't vote for him and tax you. Problem solved.

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