I voted for George W. Bush in the last election for one reason: he is an honest man. After 8 years of lies and spin from Clinton and his cronies, the single most important qualification for the President, in my mind, was personal integrity. Bush told us repeatedly how he would never lie to us like that other man did. He told us how he would restore honor and dignity to the office of the President. And I believed him.
When 9/11 happened and Bush told us that Al Queda did it and that Osama bin Laden was the mastermind, I believed him. When he told us that we had to topple the Taliban regime in Afghanistan because they supported bin Laden and harbored his murderous minions, I believed him. When he told us that terrorists had infiltrated our country and in order to ferret them out we would need to trade some of our personal liberty, I believed him. When he told us that the collective intelligence of the Western world agrees that Iraq had WMD and would use them against us or sell them to terrorists, I believed him. When he told us that these threats were imminent and we had to go to war with Iraq to prevent greater harm to our country, I believed him.
No we find ourselves occupying Iraq but our justification has vanished along with 500+ of our troops and thousands of innocent Iraqi lives. Where are the WMD? Where?! How is it that the greatest intelligence agencies in the world were 100% wrong in their analysis?
Does this make the outcome of the war wrong or unjust? No, of course not. All but the most radical among us would agree that removing Saddam Hussien from power was a victory for the Iraqi people and improved the security of the entire world. But by what means are we willing to protect our national interests? Some would say by any means necessary. But is it worth trading the moral authority of the United States by waging a war, that may in the final analysis, turn out to be illegal by the standards of international law. (Which, by the way, we were the primary architects of acting through the UN). What destination will this new and dangerous doctrine of preemption lead us to?
Time will tell. So will our response to the next act of terror against the U.S. And be will happen again. Tom Ridge said so. Better grab you duct tape and solar powered radio.
When 9/11 happened and Bush told us that Al Queda did it and that Osama bin Laden was the mastermind, I believed him. When he told us that we had to topple the Taliban regime in Afghanistan because they supported bin Laden and harbored his murderous minions, I believed him. When he told us that terrorists had infiltrated our country and in order to ferret them out we would need to trade some of our personal liberty, I believed him. When he told us that the collective intelligence of the Western world agrees that Iraq had WMD and would use them against us or sell them to terrorists, I believed him. When he told us that these threats were imminent and we had to go to war with Iraq to prevent greater harm to our country, I believed him.
No we find ourselves occupying Iraq but our justification has vanished along with 500+ of our troops and thousands of innocent Iraqi lives. Where are the WMD? Where?! How is it that the greatest intelligence agencies in the world were 100% wrong in their analysis?
Does this make the outcome of the war wrong or unjust? No, of course not. All but the most radical among us would agree that removing Saddam Hussien from power was a victory for the Iraqi people and improved the security of the entire world. But by what means are we willing to protect our national interests? Some would say by any means necessary. But is it worth trading the moral authority of the United States by waging a war, that may in the final analysis, turn out to be illegal by the standards of international law. (Which, by the way, we were the primary architects of acting through the UN). What destination will this new and dangerous doctrine of preemption lead us to?
Time will tell. So will our response to the next act of terror against the U.S. And be will happen again. Tom Ridge said so. Better grab you duct tape and solar powered radio.