All Progressives Are Bad!

Man of Ethics

Gold Member
Feb 28, 2021
Even though this nanoessay deals with Cancel Culture, we look at Legal Accountability first. During the last six millennia, Humankind had Laws which penalized behaviors unacceptable by societies. In order for anyone to be held accountable by most Penal Systems, their guilt must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt, and they must be sentenced by legitimate authority.

Even legitimate and well-defined Laws can be problematic, or can be seen as problematic by those who are convicted. Many African Americans have legitimate grievances against racists in Law Enforcement and racial discrimination in the Penal System. Many people convicted for drug offenses view Penal Codes as unreasonably harsh. To an extent they are right. USA has very harsh Laws and highest Incarceration Rate in the World. Philippines also have very harsh Drug Laws and vastly overcrowded jails.

Both American Gangsta Rap and Russian Shanson music have many songs written from the perspective of someone with an illegal profession. I listen to Russian Shanson almost daily. The music of "outlaws" gives human perspective on their lives, describes "outlaws" adventures and the suffering of imprisonment.

This music also shows contempt and for Law Enforcement. We may view LE as people who protect and serve Society, but "outlaws" have no reason to like them. From our perspective, a police officer who busts a drug dealer is a Public Servant. From the dealer's perspective the officer is a villain and an enemy. ACAB stands for "All Cops Are Bad".

Even though USA had Free Speech, Progressives have imposed Totalitarian control on our Society. Tens or hundreds of thousands of people have lost their jobs or careers for slightest disagreement with Progressives. Tens of millions others including 78% of Strong Conservatives are afraid to discuss their views in public. Millions of people are walking on eggshells. Millions of people live a double life.

Law abiding citizens have to hide like drug dealers. At least laws are well defined. Cancel Culture is a Draconian set of rules, which are rapidly changing, and unevenly applied. Those cancelled by Progressive mobs have no rights and no defense.

Most Conservatives, Independents, and Classical Liberals who are active on Social Media have posted something for which they could be cancelled. I have written a lot about sexism against men -- definitely a cancellable offense. Most Conservatives have posted messages which are considered very offensive in other ways.

Anyone who has Politically Incorrect ideas is forced to live a life of silence and fear. Progressives understand that and are happy about that. Hatred and contempt is a natural response to being controlled and subjugated. Is it reasonable to ask Conservatives, Independents, and Classical Liberals not to hate those who force us to live double lives aim to destroy our careers? From our perspective, "All Progressives Are Bad!"
Even though this nanoessay deals with Cancel Culture, we look at Legal Accountability first. During the last six millennia, Humankind had Laws which penalized behaviors unacceptable by societies. In order for anyone to be held accountable by most Penal Systems, their guilt must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt, and they must be sentenced by legitimate authority.

Even legitimate and well-defined Laws can be problematic, or can be seen as problematic by those who are convicted. Many African Americans have legitimate grievances against racists in Law Enforcement and racial discrimination in the Penal System. Many people convicted for drug offenses view Penal Codes as unreasonably harsh. To an extent they are right. USA has very harsh Laws and highest Incarceration Rate in the World. Philippines also have very harsh Drug Laws and vastly overcrowded jails.

Both American Gangsta Rap and Russian Shanson music have many songs written from the perspective of someone with an illegal profession. I listen to Russian Shanson almost daily. The music of "outlaws" gives human perspective on their lives, describes "outlaws" adventures and the suffering of imprisonment.

This music also shows contempt and for Law Enforcement. We may view LE as people who protect and serve Society, but "outlaws" have no reason to like them. From our perspective, a police officer who busts a drug dealer is a Public Servant. From the dealer's perspective the officer is a villain and an enemy. ACAB stands for "All Cops Are Bad".

Even though USA had Free Speech, Progressives have imposed Totalitarian control on our Society. Tens or hundreds of thousands of people have lost their jobs or careers for slightest disagreement with Progressives. Tens of millions others including 78% of Strong Conservatives are afraid to discuss their views in public. Millions of people are walking on eggshells. Millions of people live a double life.

Law abiding citizens have to hide like drug dealers. At least laws are well defined. Cancel Culture is a Draconian set of rules, which are rapidly changing, and unevenly applied. Those cancelled by Progressive mobs have no rights and no defense.

Most Conservatives, Independents, and Classical Liberals who are active on Social Media have posted something for which they could be cancelled. I have written a lot about sexism against men -- definitely a cancellable offense. Most Conservatives have posted messages which are considered very offensive in other ways.

Anyone who has Politically Incorrect ideas is forced to live a life of silence and fear. Progressives understand that and are happy about that. Hatred and contempt is a natural response to being controlled and subjugated. Is it reasonable to ask Conservatives, Independents, and Classical Liberals not to hate those who force us to live double lives aim to destroy our careers? From our perspective, "All Progressives Are Bad!"
I would go further than that. Progressives are the enemies of real freedom.
They aren't 'Progressives', they've just co-opted the name for propaganda purposes; it makes the fat white faggots and dopers out in the Burbs feel all activist n stuff when some commie deviant con artist keeps calling them fake names. You have to remember these are the same tards who bought utterly stupid crap like 'gay marriage will end the AIDS Crisis, so we need to let faggots marry and adopt children n stuff!!! Cuz AIDs!!!!'
I consider Progressive Socialist Democrats to be mortal enemies of the Republic and they should be hunted down, arrested, tried and convicted. Punishment should be at least 25 years in prison and a $500,000 fine. I was born before WWII and since that time we have been in a hot war for around 42 years and a cold war the rest of the time. We fought and defeated Nazis, Communists and militant Muslim terrorists and are in another Cold War with the same sorry sonsabitches plus the Progressives. We need to cancel all of them and especially the Cancel Culture. And I mean with extreme prejudice. Fuckum all!
it makes the fat white faggots and dopers out in the Burbs feel all activist n stuff when some commie deviant con artist keeps calling them fake names. You have to remember these are the same tards who bought utterly stupid crap like 'gay marriage will end the AIDS Crisis, so we need to let faggots marry and adopt children n stuff!!! Cuz AIDs!!!!'

Please don't.

I strongly oppose Cancel Culture, but this is over the top.
They aren't 'Progressives', they've just co-opted the name for propaganda purposes; it makes the fat white faggots and dopers out in the Burbs feel all activist n stuff when some commie deviant con artist keeps calling them fake names. You have to remember these are the same tards who bought utterly stupid crap like 'gay marriage will end the AIDS Crisis, so we need to let faggots marry and adopt children n stuff!!! Cuz AIDs!!!!'
You beat me to it. They've hijacked the term in order to seem human.... which they're not. "Progressive" would make them sound above stealing elections and destroying the country.... which they're not.

The marxist shitstains are soulless, mentally ill, filthy fucking animals that need to be destroyed. There.... I said it.
it makes the fat white faggots and dopers out in the Burbs feel all activist n stuff when some commie deviant con artist keeps calling them fake names. You have to remember these are the same tards who bought utterly stupid crap like 'gay marriage will end the AIDS Crisis, so we need to let faggots marry and adopt children n stuff!!! Cuz AIDs!!!!'

Please don't.

I strongly oppose Cancel Culture, but this is over the top.

Please don't what? It's an historical fact. If you can't handle the truth, stay in some safe space. It's also the same time faggots started up with their stupid campaign to promote Islam as 'Enlightened' compared to the Evul Backward Xians', that is until ISIS started tossing faggots off of buildings andother fun facts about Arab countries. George Bush had to order American troops not to interfere or tell the press when one of the Afghan Generals rourinely had little boys brought in for him to rape repeatedly. The soldiers had to listen to them screaming. They should have shot the fuckwads in the head.
Can't call them liberal. Liberal never belonged to them to begin with, and clearly these people are far from liberal, it's an antonym. Guess what PROGS, liberal definitions that rub nature & common sense the wrong way does not make you liberal, it just makes you pathetic.

Can't call them progressive because that implies progress. Progress is not recognizing men as women, that's just your feminist pussification speaking.

They're PROGS

it makes the fat white faggots and dopers out in the Burbs feel all activist n stuff when some commie deviant con artist keeps calling them fake names. You have to remember these are the same tards who bought utterly stupid crap like 'gay marriage will end the AIDS Crisis, so we need to let faggots marry and adopt children n stuff!!! Cuz AIDs!!!!'

Please don't.

I strongly oppose Cancel Culture, but this is over the top.
I agree with DS because I meet ProgBots face to face...completely insane people.
Most jobs require,

Set up.
The work.

Progressives leave out step 1 and 3. And do a half-assed job on 2.

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