All Obama’s Lies (As Recorded By PolitiFact)


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
We all know obama is a LIAR. We all know obama is a HUGE liar. We all know obama has been award LIE OF YEAR. Just about everything that comes out of his mouth is a LIE, including he was born in Hawaii. He's a fraud, a grifter, a con man and a LAIR.

So PolitiFact has put together what some would call a SHORT LIST of Barry's lies...

All Obama’s Lies (As Recorded By PolitiFact)

By Robert Gehl on April 1, 2014

If you sort it right, you can get a list of everything President Obama has said since he came on the national scene that PolitiFact has labeled “false.” There are a lot of them, more than 60. So, in reverse chronological order (newest first), here are Barack Obama’s biggest lies:

“Most young Americans right now, they’re not covered” by health insurance.

“We’ve got close to 7 million Americans who have access to health care for the first time because of Medicaid expansion.”
The “most realistic estimates” for jobs created by Keystone XL are “maybe 2,000 jobs during the construction of the pipeline.”

“We have doubled the distance our cars will go on a gallon of gas.”

“Throughout, we have kept Congress fully informed of our efforts” to create a legal framework on counterterrorism.

“If the House of Representatives fails to extend the middle-class tax cuts, 400,000 middle-class Rhode Island families will see their federal income taxes increase.”
Says Mitt Romney “called the Arizona law a model for the nation.”

“Under Gov. Romney’s definition … Donald Trump is a small business.”
Because of Obamacare, “over the last two years, health care premiums have gone up — it’s true — but they’ve gone up slower than any time in the last 50 years.”

“Over the last four years, the deficit has gone up, but 90 percent of that is as a consequence of” President George W. Bush’s policies and the recession.

“Fast and Furious” began under the Bush administration.
Mitt Romney “says the Arizona immigration law should be a model for the nation.”
Says Mitt Romney would deny gay people the right to adopt children.

“The only time government employment has gone down during a recession has been under me.”

And the list goes on and on here... All Obama?s Lies (As Recorded By PolitiFact) -
We all know obama is a LIAR. We all know obama is a HUGE liar. We all know obama has been award LIE OF YEAR. Just about everything that comes out of his mouth is a LIE, including he was born in Hawaii. He's a fraud, a grifter, a con man and a LAIR.

So PolitiFact has put together what some would call a SHORT LIST of Barry's lies...

All Obama’s Lies (As Recorded By PolitiFact)

By Robert Gehl on April 1, 2014

If you sort it right, you can get a list of everything President Obama has said since he came on the national scene that PolitiFact has labeled “false.” There are a lot of them, more than 60. So, in reverse chronological order (newest first), here are Barack Obama’s biggest lies:

“Most young Americans right now, they’re not covered” by health insurance.

“We’ve got close to 7 million Americans who have access to health care for the first time because of Medicaid expansion.”
The “most realistic estimates” for jobs created by Keystone XL are “maybe 2,000 jobs during the construction of the pipeline.”

“We have doubled the distance our cars will go on a gallon of gas.”

“Throughout, we have kept Congress fully informed of our efforts” to create a legal framework on counterterrorism.

“If the House of Representatives fails to extend the middle-class tax cuts, 400,000 middle-class Rhode Island families will see their federal income taxes increase.”
Says Mitt Romney “called the Arizona law a model for the nation.”

“Under Gov. Romney’s definition … Donald Trump is a small business.”
Because of Obamacare, “over the last two years, health care premiums have gone up — it’s true — but they’ve gone up slower than any time in the last 50 years.”

“Over the last four years, the deficit has gone up, but 90 percent of that is as a consequence of” President George W. Bush’s policies and the recession.

“Fast and Furious” began under the Bush administration.
Mitt Romney “says the Arizona immigration law should be a model for the nation.”
Says Mitt Romney would deny gay people the right to adopt children.

“The only time government employment has gone down during a recession has been under me.”

And the list goes on and on here... All Obama?s Lies (As Recorded By PolitiFact) -

I don't know how they can keep track.
We all know obama is a LIAR. We all know obama is a HUGE liar. We all know obama has been award LIE OF YEAR. Just about everything that comes out of his mouth is a LIE, including he was born in Hawaii. He's a fraud, a grifter, a con man and a LAIR.

So PolitiFact has put together what some would call a SHORT LIST of Barry's lies...

All Obama’s Lies (As Recorded By PolitiFact)

By Robert Gehl on April 1, 2014

If you sort it right, you can get a list of everything President Obama has said since he came on the national scene that PolitiFact has labeled “false.” There are a lot of them, more than 60. So, in reverse chronological order (newest first), here are Barack Obama’s biggest lies:

“Most young Americans right now, they’re not covered” by health insurance.

“We’ve got close to 7 million Americans who have access to health care for the first time because of Medicaid expansion.”
The “most realistic estimates” for jobs created by Keystone XL are “maybe 2,000 jobs during the construction of the pipeline.”

“We have doubled the distance our cars will go on a gallon of gas.”

“Throughout, we have kept Congress fully informed of our efforts” to create a legal framework on counterterrorism.

“If the House of Representatives fails to extend the middle-class tax cuts, 400,000 middle-class Rhode Island families will see their federal income taxes increase.”
Says Mitt Romney “called the Arizona law a model for the nation.”

“Under Gov. Romney’s definition … Donald Trump is a small business.”
Because of Obamacare, “over the last two years, health care premiums have gone up — it’s true — but they’ve gone up slower than any time in the last 50 years.”

“Over the last four years, the deficit has gone up, but 90 percent of that is as a consequence of” President George W. Bush’s policies and the recession.

“Fast and Furious” began under the Bush administration.
Mitt Romney “says the Arizona immigration law should be a model for the nation.”
Says Mitt Romney would deny gay people the right to adopt children.

“The only time government employment has gone down during a recession has been under me.”

And the list goes on and on here... All Obama?s Lies (As Recorded By PolitiFact) -

I don't know how they can keep track.
It has to be a big job. He lies daily...

obama is a dimocrap.

Calling him a liar is like saying shit stinks.

dimocraps lie. ALL of them. EVERY.SINGLE.ONE.
“Under the Romney/Ryan budget, interest rates on federal student loans would be allowed to double.”
If the Supreme Court throws out the federal health care law, it “would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress.”

“For the first time since 1990, American manufacturers are creating new jobs.”

“Preventive care … saves money, for families, for businesses, for government, for everybody.”

“Thirty million Americans, including a lot of people in Florida, are going to be able to get healthcare next year because of that law.”

“I made a bunch of these promises during the campaign. … We’ve got about 60 percent done in three years.”
Under President Barack Obama, the United States has “doubled our exports.”
Says stories about his birth certificate drowned out media coverage of the Republican and White House budget plans the week of April 11.
The president’s proposed budget “will help reduce the deficit by $400 billion over the next decade to the lowest level since Dwight Eisenhower was president.”
Under the White House’s budget proposal, “we will not be adding more to the national debt” by the middle of the decade.
Twelve judges have thrown out legal challenges to the health care law because they rejected “the notion that the health care law was unconstitutional.”

“I didn’t raise taxes once.”
When President Franklin D. Roosevelt started Social Security, “it only affected widows and orphans,” and when Medicare began, “it was a small program.”
The Bush administration had been “giving (auto companies) billions of dollars and just asking nothing in return.”

“The vast majority of the money I got was from small donors all across the country.”

“We’ve excluded lobbyists from policymaking jobs.”
When Obama was interviewed by American reporters in Asia, “Not one of them asked me about Asia. Not one of them asked me about the economy.”
Insurers delayed an Illinois man’s treatment, “and he died because of it.”
Health reform will “give every American the same opportunity” to buy health insurance the way members of Congress do.
Preventive care “saves money.”

“If we went back to the obesity rates that existed back in the 1980s, the Medicare system over several years could save as much as a trillion dollars.”

“I have not said that I was a single-payer supporter.”
Stimulus tax cuts “began showing up in paychecks of 4.8 million Indiana households about three months ago.”
Health insurance companies are “making record profits, right now.”

“We import more oil today than ever before.”

“In eighth grade math, we’ve fallen to ninth place.”

“There is no disagreement that we need action by our government, a recovery plan that will help to jump-start the economy.”

“Senator McCain would pay for part of his (health care) plan by making drastic cuts in Medicare — $882-billion worth.”

“The centerpiece of Senator McCain’s education policy is to increase the voucher program in D.C. by 2,000 slots.”
Under John McCain’s health care plan, people get a $5,000 tax credit to buy a $12,000 health care policy, and “that’s a loss for you.”
John McCain accused Barack Obama “of letting infants die.”

“Oil companies …currently have 68-million acres that they’re not using.”
McCain “has opposed stem cell research.”

“But if my opponent had his way, the millions of Floridians who rely on it would’ve had their Social Security tied up in the stock market this week.”

“The fact is that although we have had a president who is opposed to abortion over the last eight years, abortions have not gone down.”
Oil companies “haven’t touched” 68 million acres where they already have rights to drill.
Fully inflating tires is “a step that every expert says would absolutely reduce our oil consumption by 3 to 4 percent.”
John McCain refuses to support a new bipartisan energy bill “because it would take away tax breaks from oil companies like Exxon Mobil.”
The U.S. government spends less on energy innovation “than the pet food industry invests in its own products.”

“Our National Guard, as we saw in the Midwest flooding, can’t function as effectively as it could. I was talking to National Guard representatives. Fifteen of their 17 helicopters in this region were overseas during the flooding.”

“I think we came down here (to Florida) one time … but we weren’t actively fundraising here.”

“I have never said that I don’t wear flag pins or refuse to wear flag pins.”

“He’s promising four more years of an administration that will push for the privatization of Social Security…”

“We are bogged down in a war that John McCain now suggests might go on for another 100 years.”

“Hillary Clinton believed NAFTA was a ‘boon’ to our economy.”

“As has been noted by many observers, including Bill Clinton’s former secretary of labor, my plan does more than anybody to reduce costs.”
Americans “have never paid more for gas at the pump.”

“She said, you know, ‘I voted for it, but I hoped it wouldn’t pass.’ That was a quote on live TV.”

“I know that Hillary on occasion has said — just last year said this (NAFTA) was a boon to the economy.”

“Gas prices have never been higher, and Exxon Mobil’s profits have never been higher.”

“If we went back to the obesity rates that existed in 1980, that would save the Medicare system a trillion dollars.”

“John wasn’t this raging populist four years ago” when he ran for president.

“Right now, an employer has more of a chance of getting hit by lightning than be prosecuted for hiring an undocumented worker. That has to change.”
If African-Americans vote their percentage of the population in 2008, “Mississippi is suddenly a Democratic state.”
Did they include the immigration enforcement farce or the Benghazi lies? Or the IRS lies?
obama's newest lie... "7.1 million have signed up for obamacare."

Really, Barry? How many of those went for Medicaid? How many of those are young people? How many of those were people that had their plans cancelled because of you? How many of those people have paid? How many, how many, how many... seems like those questions just never get answered by you or any of your lying ass wipes.

More lies from the kenyan...


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