All disputed states need to audit, not just AZ


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
Every state legislature should order an audit, all 50. Audits of elections should happen on a regular basis. When the USA Today audited the spoiled ballots in FLA 2000, they did us a huge service by outing the truth, that there was cheating, that it was the democrats who cheated, and the means of cheating was deliberate disenfranchisement of black republicans. Since then, FLA has had what appear to be "fair" elections.

There is no excuse at all for a state like GA with a GOP house, senate, gov, and sec of state to not have an audit. That in and of itself outs the top of the GA GOP as all total frauds, all "Jews masquerading as Christians" and pushed on the flock by preachers of the same ilk... All in on 911, all wanting Biden to stop trump and Barr from opening up 911... And all for a us war with Iran.

Every single one of the 35 states that returned both a GOP state house and senate was won by Donald trump, and it is those very same "GOP" state legislators who won their seats because of trump, as most who voted for trump just voted GOP down ballot without a clue...

Next time, in GA, think twice about voting for a "republican" named

Every state legislature should order an audit, all 50. Audits of elections should happen on a regular basis. When the USA Today audited the spoiled ballots in FLA 2000, they did us a huge service by outing the truth, that there was cheating, that it was the democrats who cheated, and the means of cheating was deliberate disenfranchisement of black republicans. Since then, FLA has had what appear to be "fair" elections.

There is no excuse at all for a state like GA with a GOP house, senate, gov, and sec of state to not have an audit. That in and of itself outs the top of the GA GOP as all total frauds, all "Jews masquerading as Christians" and pushed on the flock by preachers of the same ilk... All in on 911, all wanting Biden to stop trump and Barr from opening up 911... And all for a us war with Iran.

Every single one of the 35 states that returned both a GOP state house and senate was won by Donald trump, and it is those very same "GOP" state legislators who won their seats because of trump, as most who voted for trump just voted GOP down ballot without a clue...

Next time, in GA, think twice about voting for a "republican" named

They will probably think twice before voting for a republican, PERIOD. Might be ok at state and local level, if not showing signs, but many have been in too close contact with national level republicans, severely infected, some rabid. Other are just carriers, but still possibly dangerous.
There is a good reaso n why democrats fear election audits...

There is a perfect 1.000000 correlation between

Doing an election audit


Busting democrats for cheating

It isn't a question of IF, but HOW MUCH

All disputed states need to audit, not just AZ​

Pretty sure the republicans cheated in Kansas. Republicans wanna pay for an audit here?

Whenever democrats whine about taxpayer money being spent, it is because, in that particular instance, that money is not being stolen by democrats...

Otherwise, democrats never whine about spending....

Audit all states....

Even an affirmative action educated left wing bigot should be able to understand that includes Kansas.....
Every state legislature should order an audit, all 50. Audits of elections should happen on a regular basis. When the USA Today audited the spoiled ballots in FLA 2000, they did us a huge service by outing the truth, that there was cheating, that it was the democrats who cheated, and the means of cheating was deliberate disenfranchisement of black republicans. Since then, FLA has had what appear to be "fair" elections.

There is no excuse at all for a state like GA with a GOP house, senate, gov, and sec of state to not have an audit. That in and of itself outs the top of the GA GOP as all total frauds, all "Jews masquerading as Christians" and pushed on the flock by preachers of the same ilk... All in on 911, all wanting Biden to stop trump and Barr from opening up 911... And all for a us war with Iran.

Every single one of the 35 states that returned both a GOP state house and senate was won by Donald trump, and it is those very same "GOP" state legislators who won their seats because of trump, as most who voted for trump just voted GOP down ballot without a clue...

Next time, in GA, think twice about voting for a "republican" named

They will probably think twice before voting for a republican, PERIOD. Might be ok at state and local level, if not showing signs, but many have been in too close contact with national level republicans, severely infected, some rabid. Other are just carriers, but still possibly dangerous.

Reply to the OP or shut up.
Democrats hate investigations of democrat corruption.

Some Americans actually appreciate free and fair elections. The 2020 democrat party does not.

The democrats tried to impeach and president for INVESTIGATING Hunter Biden and Ukraine, when everyone who voted for impeachment knew KNEW that money was a kickback of us foreign aid, and hunter's own laptop confessed it.
There was a number of recounts in disputed states...

This "Audit" is not an audit... It is a farce... Where is the independence in it?

It is a bunch of Trump supporters informally counting ballots. Could we ask for the source of them looking for Watermarks on ballots...

I will say they went from making themselves national idiots to going international....
Democrats hate investigations of democrat corruption.

Some Americans actually appreciate free and fair elections. The 2020 democrat party does not.

The democrats tried to impeach and president for INVESTIGATING Hunter Biden and Ukraine, when everyone who voted for impeachment knew KNEW that money was a kickback of us foreign aid, and hunter's own laptop confessed it.

Well now we know what the conspiracy theorists say... Back in the real world you have no evidence because it is all misinformation fed to you...

It is as real as the watermarks on voting ballots
Every state legislature should order an audit, all 50. Audits of elections should happen on a regular basis. When the USA Today audited the spoiled ballots in FLA 2000, they did us a huge service by outing the truth, that there was cheating, that it was the democrats who cheated, and the means of cheating was deliberate disenfranchisement of black republicans. Since then, FLA has had what appear to be "fair" elections.

There is no excuse at all for a state like GA with a GOP house, senate, gov, and sec of state to not have an audit. That in and of itself outs the top of the GA GOP as all total frauds, all "Jews masquerading as Christians" and pushed on the flock by preachers of the same ilk... All in on 911, all wanting Biden to stop trump and Barr from opening up 911... And all for a us war with Iran.

Every single one of the 35 states that returned both a GOP state house and senate was won by Donald trump, and it is those very same "GOP" state legislators who won their seats because of trump, as most who voted for trump just voted GOP down ballot without a clue...

Next time, in GA, think twice about voting for a "republican" named

They will probably think twice before voting for a republican, PERIOD. Might be ok at state and local level, if not showing signs, but many have been in too close contact with national level republicans, severely infected, some rabid. Other are just carriers, but still possibly dangerous.

Reply to the OP or shut up.
Most states, in fact no states need and audit 6 months after losing the election. The disputed states all had recount, some multiple. State election boards met and approved, both democrat and republican controlled. State legislature approved the electors. Governors signed off that it was correct and elector named and registered their votes, congress received the electoral vote because trump could not convince Pence to disregard the Constitution and illegally invalidate to proceeding, even though trump supporters were calling for him to be hanged on lawn of capital hill as the insurrection against reality and free representative elections went forward. We have heard the empty cries of election fraud without proof and most of the time not mentioned or admitted as the claim in 63 court cases. All court cases save one (on a minor point in one case that would not have effect county outcome, much less national outcome) lost, hands down. Your cases lost in the Supreme Court. Texas lost in the Supreme Court trying to sue to the effect that Texas could dictate how other states conducted their election or it was unfair to Texas. I think even the conservative pack Supremes got a kick out of that one as they rejected it. The Supreme Court doesn't even listen to you guys anymore, refusing to hear further cases.
All this points to why audits not necessary in all or even any states. It also glaringly shows why republicans cannot be trusted with representative democracy in this country, as they do not care for it, like it, approve of it, support it, or the constitutional framework and history of the country that have it in place. Still trying not for fair election, but to overthrow the election is why nobody that give a damn about the country will trust a low down trump republican in the highest office of the land for at least 2 or 3 presidential cycles, as we have decided to keep representative government whether you like it or not, so you can just pound sand and wail into the night.
Question. What is the point of having an audit, if you have to swear all the observers to silence about how it is conducted and who is running it, and what they see and hear while they are observing? You want audits and you want them in the dark, away from the light of public view?
There, kid. Feel better now that I answered the thrust of you OP rather than an issue of your OP. Good luck on you Quixotic quest, Don. See you in 12 years.
Every state legislature should order an audit, all 50. Audits of elections should happen on a regular basis. When the USA Today audited the spoiled ballots in FLA 2000, they did us a huge service by outing the truth, that there was cheating, that it was the democrats who cheated, and the means of cheating was deliberate disenfranchisement of black republicans. Since then, FLA has had what appear to be "fair" elections.

There is no excuse at all for a state like GA with a GOP house, senate, gov, and sec of state to not have an audit. That in and of itself outs the top of the GA GOP as all total frauds, all "Jews masquerading as Christians" and pushed on the flock by preachers of the same ilk... All in on 911, all wanting Biden to stop trump and Barr from opening up 911... And all for a us war with Iran.

Every single one of the 35 states that returned both a GOP state house and senate was won by Donald trump, and it is those very same "GOP" state legislators who won their seats because of trump, as most who voted for trump just voted GOP down ballot without a clue...

Next time, in GA, think twice about voting for a "republican" named


Georgia has to decide whether or not they support bipartisan integrity. Trump has killed the Republican party in Georgia.
Every state legislature should order an audit, all 50. Audits of elections should happen on a regular basis. When the USA Today audited the spoiled ballots in FLA 2000, they did us a huge service by outing the truth, that there was cheating, that it was the democrats who cheated, and the means of cheating was deliberate disenfranchisement of black republicans. Since then, FLA has had what appear to be "fair" elections.

There is no excuse at all for a state like GA with a GOP house, senate, gov, and sec of state to not have an audit. That in and of itself outs the top of the GA GOP as all total frauds, all "Jews masquerading as Christians" and pushed on the flock by preachers of the same ilk... All in on 911, all wanting Biden to stop trump and Barr from opening up 911... And all for a us war with Iran.

Every single one of the 35 states that returned both a GOP state house and senate was won by Donald trump, and it is those very same "GOP" state legislators who won their seats because of trump, as most who voted for trump just voted GOP down ballot without a clue...

Next time, in GA, think twice about voting for a "republican" named

They will probably think twice before voting for a republican, PERIOD. Might be ok at state and local level, if not showing signs, but many have been in too close contact with national level republicans, severely infected, some rabid. Other are just carriers, but still possibly dangerous.

Reply to the OP or shut up.
Most states, in fact no states need and audit 6 months after losing the election. The disputed states all had recount, some multiple. State election boards met and approved, both democrat and republican controlled. State legislature approved the electors. Governors signed off that it was correct and elector named and registered their votes, congress received the electoral vote because trump could not convince Pence to disregard the Constitution and illegally invalidate to proceeding, even though trump supporters were calling for him to be hanged on lawn of capital hill as the insurrection against reality and free representative elections went forward. We have heard the empty cries of election fraud without proof and most of the time not mentioned or admitted as the claim in 63 court cases. All court cases save one (on a minor point in one case that would not have effect county outcome, much less national outcome) lost, hands down. Your cases lost in the Supreme Court. Texas lost in the Supreme Court trying to sue to the effect that Texas could dictate how other states conducted their election or it was unfair to Texas. I think even the conservative pack Supremes got a kick out of that one as they rejected it. The Supreme Court doesn't even listen to you guys anymore, refusing to hear further cases.
All this points to why audits not necessary in all or even any states. It also glaringly shows why republicans cannot be trusted with representative democracy in this country, as they do not care for it, like it, approve of it, support it, or the constitutional framework and history of the country that have it in place. Still trying not for fair election, but to overthrow the election is why nobody that give a damn about the country will trust a low down trump republican in the highest office of the land for at least 2 or 3 presidential cycles, as we have decided to keep representative government whether you like it or not, so you can just pound sand and wail into the night.
Question. What is the point of having an audit, if you have to swear all the observers to silence about how it is conducted and who is running it, and what they see and hear while they are observing? You want audits and you want them in the dark, away from the light of public view?
There, kid. Feel better now that I answered the thrust of you OP rather than an issue of your OP. Good luck on you Quixotic quest, Don. See you in 12 years.

Trump and the GOP should pay for endless audits right up thru 2024.
Every state legislature should order an audit, all 50. Audits of elections should happen on a regular basis. When the USA Today audited the spoiled ballots in FLA 2000, they did us a huge service by outing the truth, that there was cheating, that it was the democrats who cheated, and the means of cheating was deliberate disenfranchisement of black republicans. Since then, FLA has had what appear to be "fair" elections.

There is no excuse at all for a state like GA with a GOP house, senate, gov, and sec of state to not have an audit. That in and of itself outs the top of the GA GOP as all total frauds, all "Jews masquerading as Christians" and pushed on the flock by preachers of the same ilk... All in on 911, all wanting Biden to stop trump and Barr from opening up 911... And all for a us war with Iran.

Every single one of the 35 states that returned both a GOP state house and senate was won by Donald trump, and it is those very same "GOP" state legislators who won their seats because of trump, as most who voted for trump just voted GOP down ballot without a clue...

Next time, in GA, think twice about voting for a "republican" named


Georgia has to decide whether or not they support bipartisan integrity. Trump has killed the Republican party in Georgia.

That's a big lie. The OP has it right. The JDAAC, the Jew disguised as a Christian, with the backing of "Chrstian" preachers who are the same demographic, that is the problem with the GA GOP.

All of the GA GOP traitors are really Jews. Raffensberger is the most obvious one, but there are plenty more disguised in the state house and senate. The idiot christians vote for whoever their preacher tells them to... and GA won't change until that does.
Democrats hate investigations of democrat corruption.

Some Americans actually appreciate free and fair elections. The 2020 democrat party does not.

The democrats tried to impeach and president for INVESTIGATING Hunter Biden and Ukraine, when everyone who voted for impeachment knew KNEW that money was a kickback of us foreign aid, and hunter's own laptop confessed it.

Well now we know what the conspiracy theorists say... Back in the real world you have no evidence because it is all misinformation fed to you...

It is as real as the watermarks on voting ballots

LIAR. Chris Wray admitted he has the laptop. Chris Wray put a WHITE SHEET over it, as did Biden's hero KKK Cyclops Robert Byrd.
Every state legislature should order an audit, all 50. Audits of elections should happen on a regular basis. When the USA Today audited the spoiled ballots in FLA 2000, they did us a huge service by outing the truth, that there was cheating, that it was the democrats who cheated, and the means of cheating was deliberate disenfranchisement of black republicans. Since then, FLA has had what appear to be "fair" elections.

There is no excuse at all for a state like GA with a GOP house, senate, gov, and sec of state to not have an audit. That in and of itself outs the top of the GA GOP as all total frauds, all "Jews masquerading as Christians" and pushed on the flock by preachers of the same ilk... All in on 911, all wanting Biden to stop trump and Barr from opening up 911... And all for a us war with Iran.

Every single one of the 35 states that returned both a GOP state house and senate was won by Donald trump, and it is those very same "GOP" state legislators who won their seats because of trump, as most who voted for trump just voted GOP down ballot without a clue...

Next time, in GA, think twice about voting for a "republican" named

Who's going to pay for this unnecessary snipe hunt?

You can't spend money unless the Dem Party is stealing it...


It is "illegal" to investigate Democrat corruption - Trump was almost impeached for it....

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