All crime decreasing since 1994


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
FBI Table 1

As shown by the 2013 crime report from the US Government all crimes have been going down since at least 1994. ALL crimes to include murder assault rape and aggravated assault.

Meanwhile the people demanding we curtail firearms ownership, cut out concealed carry and open carry all claim the opposite that as States pass these laws supposedly murder assault and other firearm related incidents will go up.

The simple fact is as the States have loosened the restriction of carry laws crime rates have gone down significantly as population went up. Not the other way round.
I know I would feel very unsafe if I was in a city where the crooks knew I was definitely unarmed.
Who's doing the accounting?
The FBI , got a problem with that? It is a national data base and goes back to 1994, I believe they have some earlier records as well but they implemented new programs in the 90's to better track information, rapes are an estimate but the rest are actual numbers of reported crimes as I understand it, the methodology is available at the main site.
Who's doing the accounting?
The FBI , got a problem with that? It is a national data base and goes back to 1994, I believe they have some earlier records as well but they implemented new programs in the 90's to better track information, rapes are an estimate but the rest are actual numbers of reported crimes as I understand it, the methodology is available at the main site.

Yea, I've got lots of problems with that. Janet Reno cooked the books like no one before her. You remember that disgusting bull dyke, right? "My intention is to put more white men on death row." That Janet Reno. The FBI follows the dictates of whoever runs the White House. Their stats are bullshit.
Who's doing the accounting?
The FBI , got a problem with that? It is a national data base and goes back to 1994, I believe they have some earlier records as well but they implemented new programs in the 90's to better track information, rapes are an estimate but the rest are actual numbers of reported crimes as I understand it, the methodology is available at the main site.

Yea, I've got lots of problems with that. Janet Reno cooked the books like no one before her. You remember that disgusting bull dyke, right? "My intention is to put more white men on death row." That Janet Reno. The FBI follows the dictates of whoever runs the White House. Their stats are bullshit.

Actually the real crap stats are due to local governments cooking the books. "Superman" committing suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head in the 1950s is not an isolated incident. The most extreme example of this is claiming that Aristotle did not poison Alexander the Great despite the details of the conspiracy being found in all primary sources. That all the conspirators who could be caught were tried, convicted and executed and Aristotle being amazingly rich not withstanding the politically connected and correct still massage the data to make themselves look good.

Murder and rape make the mayor, chief of police and county sheriff all look bad, the FBI was created to act as a check on such stunts but agents often go native and the FBI is not exempt from GIGO.
The rates of crime decrease don't correlate at all with any gun control laws, concealed carry laws, head start programs, broken window theory law enforcement, none of that. Everyone tries to say their own pet policy caused the decrease in crme, but the evidence doesn't bear them out.

Now, what does correlate very strongly with crime is lead levels in the environment. Lead exposure makes people stupid and violent. Different states restricted leaded gasoline at different times, and the drop in crime in each state always correlated to when the lead ban went into place.

Environmental Policy as Social Policy The Impact of Childhood Lead Exposure on Crime

The correlation holds at the city level as well.

The urban rise and fall of air lead Pb and the latent surge and retreat of societal violence

On the global scale, same thing. Crime rates in each country drop after lead pollution is cleaned up.

And again, that's not a popular theory, because everyone wants to use the drop in crime to push their own pet social theory.
There are some studies that linked between gun purchases versus firearm-related homicides.

"More people are buying firearms, while firearm-related homicides and suicides are steadily decreasing"
Disarming Realities As Gun Sales Soar Gun Crimes Plummet - Forbes

However I'm interested to learn that in Nebraska (2012), there were 52 homicides, 80.77% of which involved firearms.
US gun-crime map interactive News


Murder Rate Heatmap, State by State
Murder Rate Heatmap State by State - Demographic Data
The rates of crime decrease don't correlate at all with any gun control laws, concealed carry laws, head start programs, broken window theory law enforcement, none of that. Everyone tries to say their own pet policy caused the decrease in crme, but the evidence doesn't bear them out.

Now, what does correlate very strongly with crime is lead levels in the environment. Lead exposure makes people stupid and violent. Different states restricted leaded gasoline at different times, and the drop in crime in each state always correlated to when the lead ban went into place.

Environmental Policy as Social Policy The Impact of Childhood Lead Exposure on Crime

The correlation holds at the city level as well.

The urban rise and fall of air lead Pb and the latent surge and retreat of societal violence

On the global scale, same thing. Crime rates in each country drop after lead pollution is cleaned up.

And again, that's not a popular theory, because everyone wants to use the drop in crime to push their own pet social theory.
Meanwhile the left has been screaming since the mid 90's that less restrictive laws would lead to a wild west shoot out in the streets. Not only hasn't that happened but rates of shootings and homicide decreased across the board.

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