Aliens: Blaster-Hellmouth (Game Fan-Fiction!)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I can't leave my friends with such a serious or weighty James Bond story, so here's a thrilling bloody adventure inspired by one of my favorite movie-based video-games made in recent times, Aliens: Colonial Marines, which is featured nicely on the Weyland fandom page (wiki). Enjoy!


The daring and courageous Weyland Company space-exploration crew of the shuttle Covenant prepared to land on planet LG-426 with their organized team of colonial marines on the planet. The purpose was to protect the gold on board the Covenant, find more gold detected by Weyland scouting radars, and destroy all Xenomorph alien creatures possibly lurking on the planet as trap-setters using gold as a draw. Weyland wanted the planet to become a successful gold-mining area and therefore considered this mission of the Colonial Marines to be one of undoubted war drums against the old Xeno aliens. The Covenant crew was armed to the teeth.


CAPTAIN ROGERS: The gold we have on board will augment the gold Weyland gathers later from a cleaned planet we'll cleanse!


The Xenomorph aliens were indeed frightening on LG-426. They didn't care so much about the gold, but they did want the humans scouring for gold to earn their right to be considered worthy pirates in the universe as well as worthy adversaries of their species. The Xeno aliens were after all very ruthless and furious when it came to property and treasure identification or resource hoarding. They considered the human mining of gold on LG-426 by Weyland a symbol of greed debate. These large dragon-like Xenomorph aliens therefore drew tons of gunfire from the Colonial Marines.


CAPTAIN ROGERS: If we're a bank robbing team on Earth, and we're taking hellfire like this on the streets, we'd be in Purgatory!


These Xenomorph aliens were not only razor-smart but incredibly agile and willing to use their acidic saliva to simply burn the Colonial Marines to ash. The Xenos cared nothing for the human Weyland intent to mine for gold on LG-426 as a testament to the habitation value and quantification of life in the universe. The Xenos looked at this as even a greater opportunity to engage with humanity as its prime adversary and perhaps even rival!


CAPTAIN ROGERS: I remember one day, our Marines were simply mowing down Xenos crawling down the roof and skies.


The Xeno aliens had flooded the gold mining shuttles and factories and mechanical workstations on LG-426 built by Weyland. Peter Weyland himself claimed that this would be a trumpet like testament to the old days of the Gold Rush in California in the 1800s, when the lust for fortune created all kinds of folk-tales about raw ambition. However, this Xeno engagement on LG-426, to Captain Rogers, felt more like an engagement with Satan.


Captain Rogers told Weyland that his Colonial Marines would be willing to continue to use their large guns to blast the aliens in the face and body until all gold operations and treasuries on the planet were indeed secured, but he also insisted that this kind of hellfire war for gold with these adversarial intelligent creatures must prompt humanity to re-evaluate the sanity of destiny itself!


PETER WEYLAND: If we're to forge an identity of species romance and fortune, we must soar around as the Xenos' war escorts.


"For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul" (Leviticus 17:11).


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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