Alien Invasion: Prophecy or Punishment?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism-omen inspired by Mars Attacks!
Signing off,



American officials from the White House stated in a press-statement that humanity must brace for an imminent invasion by a ferocious group of intelligent aliens resembling in appearance the Xenomorphs from the iconic Alien sci-fi horror-film franchise. What sounds like an incredible hoax or fantasy could perhaps be a dreaded omen regarding humanity being punished in an apocalypse involving wrathful 'Xenomorphs' basically unsympathetic about humanity's treatment towards Earth's ecosystems (i.e., eco-pollution). Isn't this what everyone expected?


In an early Apollo mission in the 1970s, a team of astronauts found a strange giant archaeological engram in one of the caves on the moon. The engram was of a giant alien-like creature which seemed to be intelligent but also angry. The information was kept top-secret and never exposed to the public, but the popularity of the Alien sci-fi horror films including the most recent one, Alien: Covenant, certainly indicated that humans were 'pensive' about what a vengeful punishing apocalyptic alien-creature would look like (should a 'corrupted' human species engage with them somewhere in our solar-system!).


As expected, there were artistic renderings of what these vicious aliens about to invade Earth would look like, and most artists portrayed them as very much resembling the Xenomorphs from the Alien sci-fi horror films. President Trump could ask himself, "Why isn't God punishing us with an earthquake or even a small meteor? Why are we being now stalked by these vicious intelligent aliens for our ecological crimes?" The aliens about to invade cared nothing for capitalism flaws of TrumpUSA; they were merely seeking to destroy and colonize a species which had obviously mismanaged Earth's ecological limits.


Another alien intelligence might follow this Xenomorph-like species. So is Earth now a 'hunting-ground' for 'vigilante-aliens' and/or 'alien mercenaries' seeking to 're-reap' planets mismanaged ecologically by foolish beings? This alien invasion would certainly be a sign of the consequences of civilization disarray. NASA scientists have conjectured that just like the 'Xenos' from the Alien films, the real aliens about to invade Earth just might possess lethal claws, speed, and even corrosive acid for saliva and/or blood. How will humanity stand?


American intelligence officers of the CIA want humanity to refrain from panicking and continue to keep working together to ensure the best chances for survival. President Trump might issue a statement such as, "Perhaps humanity has failed in negotiating the best way to celebrate industrialization and capitalism, and perhaps we might survive this alien invasion and finally be inspired to forge the right kinds of energy-policies worldwide to ward off the vengeful spirits from the heavens and from the universe." This is all still more or less top-secret and hence only gossip, but no one is encouraged to create hysteria by entertaining liberally the gravity of this entire apocalyptic ordeal(!). Perhaps Jesus is about to return for the prophetic End of Days. Will God's archangel Michael protect us from these Xenomorphs?


GOD: Humans deserve to be frightened.
SATAN: Yes, animal migration-patterns are confused and global warming hangs in the sky.
GOD: It's a terrible effect of misuse of industry/capitalism.
SATAN: How will Trump manage this alien invasion?
GOD: He has to find a way to convince these 'Xenomorphs' that energy-reform is desired.
SATAN: This is worse than Hiroshima...
GOD: It sure is; and that's because eco-pollution threatens Earth (not just a nation!).
SATAN: I wonder what parents are telling their kids about Alien-adapted video-games.
GOD: It's simply too late to indulge in 'cyber-daydreams.'
SATAN: Millions of people surfing on Facebook as corporations dump toxins into rivers.
GOD: It's a blithely blind neglect; drink and be merry, as the Xenomorphs approach...
SATAN: Perhaps Americans became too obsessed with toys, celebrities, and junk-food.
GOD: Consumerism was not well-tempered; I still have faith in the FDA and the EPA.
SATAN: That's what Trump should say - "We humans care about the FDA/EPA!"
GOD: That would be better than just renting Bio-Dome on Netflix while smoking menthols.
SATAN: Let's hope these 'Xenomorphs' simply decide to 'forgive' human beings.
GOD: That would save everyone a great deal of 'paperwork.'




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