Alien Candlestick


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
A 'fan' inspired diorama-vignette (fictional/dramatized) inspired (indirectly!) by the exhibition-style/presentation of the iconic/strange Giger (Alien) museum (Europe).



I'd been a fan of science-fiction comics/media and decided to make a trip to the Euro-museum featuring the candidly gothic-eerie works/sculptures and interiors of HR Giger and his contributions to the timelessly strange and shocking alien-intelligence horror media/movie franchise Alien, which has now included comics, movies, and even video-games!


As I walked through the exhibits and perused the images of this modern masterpiece museum in forays into other-worldly strangeness, I began to think about how this artist of science-fiction (Giger) had conceived of the notion that encounters with nonhuman intelligence would or could be both 'alien' and very much like Purgatory. We sometimes tell our kids or ourselves too that an alien intelligence might be more peaceful/wise with advanced tech, but what if they're equally more savage or cruel and Machiavellian-like in colonization, invasion, or genocide as they viewed our species as worthless slaves or tiny ants? This is more the vision of Giger and his sculpture/art-rich Euro-museum, the subject of this consciousness-tale (ha).


Giger once suggested he himself was frightened by his own visions of alien-life and considered his work perhaps somewhat too 'alien' for proper mounting onto normal psyche-casings, but I'm to admit this museum offers the images and shapes which invite the audience to consider the idea that an alien lifeform may be 'comparably' like a human and has similarity in consciousness or 'fantasy' but far more eccentric and even scary. What if an alien intelligence was as 'scary' as the Devil or what if their 'dominion' was as 'alien' as the Inferno (or spiritual 'underworld') described by Dante?


We might imagine, as Giger had, that the images of male-female aliens of dragon or insect or leviathan like appearance with albeit chess-like regularity in structuralism and sci-fantasy imagination but with a much stranger scale for invasion or ruthless empire-like cruel or Machiavellian or 'snake' like characterization. We might imagine that a queen alien 'dragon' in this Giger-vision would keep trophies of the skulls of humans 'daring' to seek shelter/exploration on her platform or by her King's planet (Mars?).


Of course, Dante imagined such 'alien' visions of spiritual worry or fear and the agony of Purgatory or the strangeness of the Inferno (or 'underworld') and compared overground ethics-deformity as pre-image fear-driven 'knowledge' of what would make the Hell of the Inferno a 'snake' like casing of pure fiery isolationism. What if Dante's visions of this underworld somehow 'paralleled' the imagery of Giger's alien-like universe and the ideation that alienation was somehow 'linked' to metaphysics-intelligence examination(s)?


I had to admit all these images of great alienation and Purgatory of Giger's vision of alien-life of great strangeness and fright inspired me to generate a consumerism/capitalism 'parody' avatar named "Evil-Elf" to address the image-conception of overground Earth-life mortal ethics and why ideations of civilization 'behavior(s)' cased a special manifestation of the psyche's 'eccentric' forms of intelligence humors and rationalism eccentricities. Evil-Elf became to me what Satan was to Dante or a 'Medusa-like' queen-alien dragon being (from Mars!) was to Giger. I realized I was thinking of the 'shadows' of consciousness-emojis (wow).


My name's Amlan Satan, and I'm an Algerian-American comics-writer online living off princely-inherited fortunes and like stories 'casing' the shapes of the social psyche and enjoy sociological activity cheers for macro-grid media-friendly activity such as the Super Bowl and World Cup and consider myself a 'cyber-pirate' of the storyboards of commerce-life Ego. I love this 'Selfie' culture of conveniences and wonder about the quality of expression surrounding what it means to be a human being on Earth (with style...and abnormality!).


"There is hope and a kind of beauty in there somewhere, if you look for it" (HR Giger).


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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