Aldrich Killian's Video-Man [Feminism/Debut]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is an exciting concept-vignette about democratic consumerism I've been conceiving ever since I saw the dystopian children's film The Wizard, so I hope you find this one...didactic but defined! Thanks for reading,


On the campus of CalTech, America's most exctiting maths-sciences university, an eccentric post-doc genius named Aldrich Killian was working on a system to integrate video-game play and design and ergonomics and virtual reality with world culture in the modern era. Killian wanted CalTech to become the hub for feminist theories regarding the role young women played in the emerged video-game consumer market. CalTech became Killian's playground!


ALDRICH KILLIAN: "CalTech is dear to me, as are video-games, as is democratic theories of consumerism, and this defines my goal."


Killian decided to begin his project by marketing the imagery of renowned world figure-skating ice-champion Katarina Witt, whose special Gold Medals at the Winter Olympics made her a heroine for many young women aspiring to become celebrity athletes on the world stage. Witt became Killian's special graphic-design spokesperson for this video-game design project at CalTech!


ALDRICH KILLIAN: "I'm a big fan of the Microsoft XBox, because its gameplay and graphics remind players of ergonomic dress."


Killian designed a series of Winter Olympics ice-skating games for young women on the XBox platform at CalTech after establishing a lucrative consumer contract with the university and Bill Gates. These ice-skating games reminded women at CalTech of the general value of using modern wizardry to exercise liberal ideas of gender expression in new age graphic design. They became a hit on the campus!


In fact, Killian's series of XBox women's ice-skating video-games became a custom at CalTech, inspiring and catalyzing various girls' gaming tournaments and training exercises designed to enhance society's appreciation of media offerings for Winter Olympics dioramas!


Unfortunately, the huge diagonal matrix of the CalTech ice-games by Killian spawned a semi-A.I. abomination called Video-Man, which had the uncanny ability to infiltrate any graphics interface on XBox to create sheer matrix deformity. Video-Man began scrambling ice-gameplay at CalTech, prompting Killian to design a special giant box-net for all XBox interfaces which would effectively contain Video-Man as a deformer of dots!


ALDRICH KILLIAN: "Our hope is that this macro-net defense will inspire feminists to think of men's sports as more...dreamy!"


When critics cited Killian's XBox CalTech project as too ambitious in terms of gender dialogue on American campuses, Killian realized he'd have to market himself as a literal/figurative 'Scarecrow' of modernism democracy, which is true!


ALDRICH KILLIAN: "Video-games and computers are addictive, but the hope is to draw in women as messengers of real diaries!"


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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