Al Sharpton says ‘latte liberals’ want to defund the police


Platinum Member
Jul 30, 2010
Lets break this down, Sharpton blames RICH WHITE PEOPLE <lattel Liberals> for the defund the police movement.
Not BLM ANTIFA or the liberal politicians that run the cities, like DiBlasio, this is such a blatant lying statement its incredible, but I would expect nothing less from a man who has done decades of proven lying.

The Rev. Al Sharpton on Tuesday slammed the nationwide call to defund the police as a “latte liberal” ideology.

Sharpton made the comments on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” during a discussion about policing and a recent spate of violence in the Big Apple.

“To take all policing off is something that I think a latte liberal may go for as they sit around the Hamptons discussing this as some academic problem,” Sharpton said.

“But people living on the ground need proper policing,” he said.

Despite acknowledging the need for law enforcement, Sharpton did say, “We need to reimagine how we do policing.” He also said more resources are needed to address mental health issues in communities hard hit by crime.

Earlier in the interview, Sharpton noted how certain neighborhoods are indeed suffering from gun violence when asked about the safety of the city.

I've noticed three different approaches here:

1. The loony lefties who think that eliminating or drastically de-defunding the police is somehow a good idea
2. Thinking lefties who realize it's a stupid idea but advocate improvements and better accountability
3. Curious, creative, innovative lefties who are wondering what innovations might be possible, such as layering response so that there is level of engagement before armed police

Since America is no longer capable of being curious, creative or innovative on a large scale, the best we can hope for is (2).
No one seriously believes that the Left wants to do away with the police.

After all, how do you set up a police state without them?

That is what is coming with Biden, starting with mandatory mask wearing 24/7, even those alone in a Montana wilderness..
I've noticed three different approaches here:

1. The loony lefties who think that eliminating or drastically de-defunding the police is somehow a good idea
2. Thinking lefties who realize it's a stupid idea but advocate improvements and better accountability
3. Curious, creative, innovative lefties who are wondering what innovations might be possible, such as layering response so that there is level of engagement before armed police

Since America is no longer capable of being curious, creative or innovative on a large scale, the best we can hope for is (2).
You forgot to mention rational black people who realize the entire BLM movement is a big lie

Al (normally dull) Sharpton is having a lucid moment

good for him

Nah, just more standard Alinsky inversion. Anger is growing against this Democrat idea. They have to move away from the concept before they can re-tag and re-approach it.

Look at Joe now saying it's Trump who wants to defund police, not Democrats. :auiqs.jpg:
for the record-----I live in the midst of the idiocy---YES the BLM and its supporters DO want the police to be reduced to virtually non-existence. The police are "pigs". They also want criminal arrests and prosecutions to END and jails dismantled
Al (normally dull) Sharpton is having a lucid moment

good for him

Nah, just more standard Alinsky inversion. Anger is growing against this Democrat idea. They have to move away from the concept before they can re-tag and re-approach it.

Look at Joe now saying it's Trump who wants to defund police, not Democrats. :auiqs.jpg:
for the record-----I live in the midst of the idiocy---YES the BLM and its supporters DO want the police to be reduced to virtually non-existence. The police are "pigs". They also want criminal arrests and prosecutions to END and jails dismantled
What needs defunding is the war machine. Most definitely.
“Pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon”
Those were mostly black who were chanting that.
But sharpton is partially correct on this one. Lots of insulated white brats out there manifesting their indoctrination.
What is wrong with these people?!! First they start a nationwide protest after George Floyd's murder, then they burn, loot and kill people in retaliation over this one incident. They ignore the fact that they killed their own black people in their fight for injustice.

The marxists (BLM and Antifa) jump on the bandwagon and accuse our country of being systemically racist and a horrible place that needs to be torn down to its roots and its history abolished. So they destroy all the historical statues and landmarks they can find. The democraps loved what was going on, so they encouraged and refused to stop it, although Trump begged them to let the federal government come in and stop it. Instead, they defunded the police and tried to convince us these were peaceful protests and people were exercising their first amendment rights.

Although Mayor "Beetlejuice Lightfoot" refused any federal help, and also defunded the police, she hired police protection to surround her house. Hypocrite. After the democraps stirred up all this racial tension over injustice (that we know was only manufactured for the election), now Al Sharpton comes out of his shit hole to stir it up again in full force. These people are complete morons. The democraps are showing their true colors of what they will do to this country once they have power.

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