Akhnaton and Jesus were emissaries


Platinum Member
Jul 26, 2021
One of the questions I asked and I was on the other side was how Jesus new so much and if he was the first with such knowledge of our true nature and reality. In mindspeak the process was explained to me that the knowledge is always lost when crossing the barrier between universes. It was learned if an individual was shielded on six sides by other noncoporal beings their memory of the real world was retained during the transition to this universe/world. Akhnaton was even more successful than the Christ but in the end they were both murdered by the religious leaders of their times. These leaders couldn't recognize true
spirituality when they came face-to-face with it.
One of the questions I asked and I was on the other side was how Jesus new so much and if he was the first with such knowledge of our true nature and reality.

Yeshayahu - Isaiah - Chapter 61​

10: I will rejoice with the Lord; my soul shall exult with my God, for He has attired me with garments of salvation, with a robe of righteousness He has enwrapped me; like a bridegroom, who, priestlike, dons garments of glory, and like a bride, who adorns herself with her jewelry.
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Yeshayahu - Isaiah - Chapter 61​

10: I will rejoice with the Lord; my soul shall exult with my God, for He has attired me with garments of salvation, with a robe of righteousness He has enwrapped me; like a bridegroom, who, priestlike, dons garments of glory, and like a bride, who adorns herself with her jewelry.
That passage - which seems to be referring to allegorical clothing - seems to be at odds with the link - which seems to be referring to literal clothing.
he was just a man--nothing more ......not the son of god/etc
Is not a grand thing that we live in such nation that allows free speech and false judgements? I find it amusing that those who are totally ignorant of the actual content of the Holy Scriptures and the faith of Christianity want to reserve the right to pass judgement upon those of faith. And that's another grand thing.........is it not comforting to know that the very words they are denying will be the very thing that judges everyone....The Words of Christ? I am grateful that its the word that will pass judgment and not the opinion of these bigots.

"He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day." -- John 12:48

Another "antichrist"? The world is filled with antichrists. As the scriptures declare, anyone that denies Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God is an antichrist and the world has been populated with such since the 1st century. There is nothing new under the sun....the term simply means AGAINST CHRIST. (Eccl. 1:9)

1 John demonstrates the antichrist to be a doctrine or false ideology.....not a single person but a classification of many such people. (1 John 2:18) This passage also makes it clear that there were many antichrists already existing in the 1st century at the time John was recording this passage.

A person who is not with the Christ is against Him (Matt. 12:30). The apostles and the ideological doctrine they taught were "with Christ" or in support of His Doctrine. They represent the Christ and the one true faith (Luke 10:16)

Only by obeying the commandments can we know Christ. (1 John 2:3-6). Thus, antichrists are generally ignorant of the teachings of Christ and promote false doctrines.

The antichrist denies Jesus is the one and only Son of God .......and should be worshiped as deity (1 John 2:22-23).

The antichrist denies that Jesus came to earth as God incarnate in the flesh. (1 John 1-3, 2 John 7).
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Clyde 154 hhahahahahahah--judgement??? hahhahahaahha
you can't prove there is a god --plain and simple..I find you people amusing hahahhahahahahaa
Clyde 154 hhahahahahahah--judgement??? hahhahahaahha
you can't prove there is a god --plain and simple..I find you people amusing hahahhahahahahaa
;) I calls'em as I sees'em. I am not the one making claims. I simply present the actual record of the New Testament of Christ. I have not professed to writing a single word therein. Nor am I the one claiming to be on the side of practical science that can offer no evidence in support of their false doctrine of secular humanism.

The funny thing......once a again........an attempt to argue via a presentation.......not of objective facts in evidence but an argument based upon a negative impossibility. I can no more prove that a God of superior nature (supernatural) abilities exists (other than the prima facie evidence of the creation that surrounds us) ....than you can use SCEICNE to disprove his existence. That is unless you have a Super-natural-0-meter in your pocket that can quantify that which is superior to physics and the natural laws that regulate ...........:popcorn:

I can point to the record found in the Holy Scriptures and the fact that the doctrine of CREATIONISM has never been subject to refutation via the Scientific Method.......while EVOULTION has been rejected every time it is subjected to the Scientific Method.

If not show us this one scientific experiment that demonstrates evolution to be the LAW OF EVOLUTION......and show us the experiment that falsifies Creationism as it does the spontaneous generation of life from dead matter.
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Clyde 154 hhahahahahahah--judgement??? hahhahahaahha
you can't prove there is a god --plain and simple..I find you people amusing hahahhahahahahaa
You sound hysterical, the concept of God cannot be proven, it takes faith because just as Jesus said our father's kingdom is not of this Earth, he was correct, Heaven and God exist in a parallel universe. Only things in this physical universe can be explained, parallel universes can only be explained by extrapolation.
Clyde 154 hhahahahahahah--judgement??? hahhahahaahha
you can't prove there is a god --plain and simple..I find you people amusing hahahhahahahahaa
You cannot disprove that God exists either, so I guess we're even. You've gained nothing.
Stann wooohooooo..yes--you are a BootCamper to USMB
..I don't have to disprove it .........not even at all......like in a court room, if you don't prove the suspect guilty--no proof= innocent ..I can make claims all day--like jesus took me to the moon, you can't disprove that......
YOU have to prove it or else it's just babble crap
Stann wooohooooo..yes--you are a BootCamper to USMB
..I don't have to disprove it .........not even at all......like in a court room, if you don't prove the suspect guilty--no proof= innocent ..I can make claims all day--like jesus took me to the moon, you can't disprove that......
YOU have to prove it or else it's just babble crap
Prove a question of faith: sorry, you're asking for the impossible. God is not of this universe. Only physical entities in this universe can be proven.
Stann wooohooooo..yes--you are a BootCamper to USMB
..I don't have to disprove it .........not even at all......like in a court room, if you don't prove the suspect guilty--no proof= innocent ..I can make claims all day--like jesus took me to the moon, you can't disprove that......
YOU have to prove it or else it's just babble crap
So you're saying all religion is Babel.
Stann disPROVE...disPROVE--to disprove something, it has to be proven first ...you people don't even have something that's HALF credible

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