Air pollution linked to increased risk of anxiety and stroke


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Air pollution linked to increased risk of anxiety and stroke
Air pollution linked to increased risk of anxiety and stroke


Credit: Alfred Palmer/Wikipedia
Air pollution is linked to a higher risk of stroke, particularly in developing countries, finds a study published in The BMJ today. In a second article, new research also shows that air pollution is associated with anxiety.

Stroke is a leading cause of death and kills around 5 million people each year worldwide. Common risk factors include obesity, smoking and high blood pressure. But the effect of the environment, such as, air pollution is uncertain because evidence is lacking.

In a systematic review and meta analysis, a team of researchers from Edinburgh University looked at the association between short term air pollution exposure and stroke related hospital admissions and deaths. In total, they analysed 103 observational studies that covered 28 countries across the world.

Yet, another reason for nuclear, fusion, wind, solar, geothermal and wave! ;)
Air pollution linked to increased risk of anxiety and stroke
Air pollution linked to increased risk of anxiety and stroke


Credit: Alfred Palmer/Wikipedia
Air pollution is linked to a higher risk of stroke, particularly in developing countries, finds a study published in The BMJ today. In a second article, new research also shows that air pollution is associated with anxiety.

Stroke is a leading cause of death and kills around 5 million people each year worldwide. Common risk factors include obesity, smoking and high blood pressure. But the effect of the environment, such as, air pollution is uncertain because evidence is lacking.

In a systematic review and meta analysis, a team of researchers from Edinburgh University looked at the association between short term air pollution exposure and stroke related hospital admissions and deaths. In total, they analysed 103 observational studies that covered 28 countries across the world.

Yet, another reason for nuclear, fusion, wind, solar, geothermal and wave! ;)

Or move out of China.
It's funny, those of us who don't pack ourselves into cities that can't sustain themselves without leaching from surrounding areas, don't have to worry about this.
It's funny, those of us who don't pack ourselves into cities that can't sustain themselves without leaching from surrounding areas, don't have to worry about this.

What do you purpose? Everyone moving back to their own farm and working their self's to death in order to live.

I propose that city people deal with the messes they've created, and quit trying to foist their unhappiness on everybody else.

You people want alternative energy...why don't you slap those windmills and nuclear power plants in the middle of your own cities? Instead of forcing the rest of us to accommodate whatever weird demands you come up with to make yourselves feel less guilty about your existence?
Kookiegrl, you silly ass. Without those of us living and working in the urban centers, you would not have roads, sewer systems, electricity, or water systems in those small towns. We pay the taxes that supply you with those things.
Kookiegrl, you silly ass. Without those of us living and working in the urban centers, you would not have roads, sewer systems, electricity, or water systems in those small towns. We pay the taxes that supply you with those things.

We're perfectly capable of building and maintaining our own sewer systems lol. We'd do it now if you assholes hadn't imposed ridiculous regulations on us. But when you force us to adopt unrealistic and expensive standards, you're damn're going to pay for it.

But we'd be fine if you didn't. Just go away.
Air pollution could soon become a major contributor to death...

Air Pollution Could Kill 6.6 Million People a Year by 2050
September 16, 2015 — Air contaminated with pollutants such as ozone and tiny particles could cause the premature death of about 6.6 million people a year by 2050 if nothing is done to improve air quality, scientists warned on Wednesday.
In a study published in the journal Nature, they found that outdoor air pollution already kills about 3.3 million people a year worldwide. The majority of those deaths are in Asia where residential energy emissions, such as those from heating and cooking, have a major impact. And that toll could double over the next 35 years, the researchers warned, unless clean-up measures are taken.


Commuters wearing masks make their way amid thick haze in the morning in Beijing

"This is an astounding number," said Jos Lelieveld of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Germany, who led the research. "In some counties air pollution is actually a leading cause of death, and in many countries it is a major issue." Air pollution deaths are most commonly from heart disease, strokes or a lung disease called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It is also linked to deaths from lung cancer and acute respiratory infections.

Lack of monitoring

Calculating the health and mortality effects of outdoor air pollution on a global scale is not easy, partly because air quality is not monitored in every region and the toxicity of particles varies depending on their source. So for this study, Lelieveld's team combined a global atmospheric chemistry model with population data and health statistics to estimate the relative contribution of different kinds of outdoor air pollution, mainly from so-called fine particulate matter, to premature deaths.


Vendors selling drinks stand beside vehicles near the India Gate war memorial on a smoggy day in New Delhi

Their results show that in India and China, for example, emissions from heating and cooking, have the largest death toll, while in much of the United States and a few other countries, emissions from traffic and power generation are crucial. In the eastern United States and in Europe, Russia and East Asia, agricultural emissions are the biggest source of the kind of fine particulate matter that gets into people's lungs, causing illness, disability and death. Oliver Wild, an atmospheric scientist at Britain's Lancaster University, said the study "really brings home the need for air quality controls", particularly in heavily populated parts of Asia.

Air Pollution Could Kill 6.6 Million People a Year by 2050
Air pollution could soon become a major contributor to death...

Air Pollution Could Kill 6.6 Million People a Year by 2050
September 16, 2015 — Air contaminated with pollutants such as ozone and tiny particles could cause the premature death of about 6.6 million people a year by 2050 if nothing is done to improve air quality, scientists warned on Wednesday.
In a study published in the journal Nature, they found that outdoor air pollution already kills about 3.3 million people a year worldwide. The majority of those deaths are in Asia where residential energy emissions, such as those from heating and cooking, have a major impact. And that toll could double over the next 35 years, the researchers warned, unless clean-up measures are taken.


Commuters wearing masks make their way amid thick haze in the morning in Beijing

"This is an astounding number," said Jos Lelieveld of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Germany, who led the research. "In some counties air pollution is actually a leading cause of death, and in many countries it is a major issue." Air pollution deaths are most commonly from heart disease, strokes or a lung disease called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It is also linked to deaths from lung cancer and acute respiratory infections.

Lack of monitoring

Calculating the health and mortality effects of outdoor air pollution on a global scale is not easy, partly because air quality is not monitored in every region and the toxicity of particles varies depending on their source. So for this study, Lelieveld's team combined a global atmospheric chemistry model with population data and health statistics to estimate the relative contribution of different kinds of outdoor air pollution, mainly from so-called fine particulate matter, to premature deaths.


Vendors selling drinks stand beside vehicles near the India Gate war memorial on a smoggy day in New Delhi

Their results show that in India and China, for example, emissions from heating and cooking, have the largest death toll, while in much of the United States and a few other countries, emissions from traffic and power generation are crucial. In the eastern United States and in Europe, Russia and East Asia, agricultural emissions are the biggest source of the kind of fine particulate matter that gets into people's lungs, causing illness, disability and death. Oliver Wild, an atmospheric scientist at Britain's Lancaster University, said the study "really brings home the need for air quality controls", particularly in heavily populated parts of Asia.

Air Pollution Could Kill 6.6 Million People a Year by 2050

What a shame.
It's funny, those of us who don't pack ourselves into cities that can't sustain themselves without leaching from surrounding areas, don't have to worry about this.

What do you propose? Everyone moving back to their own farm and working their self's to death in order to live.
I propose the people in the cities die off and do the rest of us a favor.
It's funny, those of us who don't pack ourselves into cities that can't sustain themselves without leaching from surrounding areas, don't have to worry about this.

What do you propose? Everyone moving back to their own farm and working their self's to death in order to live.
I propose the people in the cities die off and do the rest of us a favor.

That's a evil thing to wish for. :(
It's funny, those of us who don't pack ourselves into cities that can't sustain themselves without leaching from surrounding areas, don't have to worry about this.

What do you propose? Everyone moving back to their own farm and working their self's to death in order to live.
I propose the people in the cities die off and do the rest of us a favor.

That's a evil thing to wish for. :(
Not as evil as proposing that people who live and work in areas that you do not be forced to subsidize a way of life that you have chosen to live that cannot be supported by the surrounding resources...while at the same time telling those people they can't touch the resources that they have managed for millennia because you might want to enjoy them on your vacation, or use them to water your lawn 1100 miles away.
It's funny, those of us who don't pack ourselves into cities that can't sustain themselves without leaching from surrounding areas, don't have to worry about this.

What do you propose? Everyone moving back to their own farm and working their self's to death in order to live. place for you is on top of Everest with no electronics.

The rest of us are fine.........we'll make it and by the way, most of us don't want the federal government pickpocketing us to keep wind and solar afloat!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
This is why every post from MATTHEW is a goofball post >>>

UN Claims Going Green to Cost $76 Trillion

To progressive k00ks like him, costs don't matter. Well they matter to most people.................which is why fossil fuels are going nowhere assholes!!!:bye1::bye1::bye1:

Over decades and like every investment we will get a return. So really, like our roads = we're better off for it.

I'd also like to spend a few trillion on nuclear and some more hydro.
It's funny, those of us who don't pack ourselves into cities that can't sustain themselves without leaching from surrounding areas, don't have to worry about this.

What do you propose? Everyone moving back to their own farm and working their self's to death in order to live.
I propose the people in the cities die off and do the rest of us a favor.

That's a evil thing to wish for. :(
Not as evil as proposing that people who live and work in areas that you do not be forced to subsidize a way of life that you have chosen to live that cannot be supported by the surrounding resources...while at the same time telling those people they can't touch the resources that they have managed for millennia because you might want to enjoy them on your vacation, or use them to water your lawn 1100 miles away.
Kosher, you are repeating a silly rightwingnut lie. Had not the federal government stepped in, the high valleys in Eastern Oregon would be deserts. They damned near were reduced to that by unregulated overgrazing.

Once again, the rural areas of Oregon are far too sparsely populated to have the tax base to put in the roads, sewage systems in the small towns, and the resevoirs that supply the water. Not only that, had not people like myself been paying taxes that supported the fire fighters that saved a bunch of small Eastern Oregon town, several of those towns would be no more. One of the fires came within a mile of the ranch house where my grandfather and mother was born.

We in the urban areas are subsidizing your way of life, not the other way around. For your communities have a much higher rate of welfare than does the cities. A higher rate of poverty, and lower educational standards. Without our tax monies, over half of these communities would not even exist.
It's funny, those of us who don't pack ourselves into cities that can't sustain themselves without leaching from surrounding areas, don't have to worry about this.

What do you propose? Everyone moving back to their own farm and working their self's to death in order to live.
I propose the people in the cities die off and do the rest of us a favor.

That's a evil thing to wish for. :(
Not as evil as proposing that people who live and work in areas that you do not be forced to subsidize a way of life that you have chosen to live that cannot be supported by the surrounding resources...while at the same time telling those people they can't touch the resources that they have managed for millennia because you might want to enjoy them on your vacation, or use them to water your lawn 1100 miles away.
Kosher, you are repeating a silly rightwingnut lie. Had not the federal government stepped in, the high valleys in Eastern Oregon would be deserts. They damned near were reduced to that by unregulated overgrazing.

Once again, the rural areas of Oregon are far too sparsely populated to have the tax base to put in the roads, sewage systems in the small towns, and the resevoirs that supply the water. Not only that, had not people like myself been paying taxes that supported the fire fighters that saved a bunch of small Eastern Oregon town, several of those towns would be no more. One of the fires came within a mile of the ranch house where my grandfather and mother was born.

We in the urban areas are subsidizing your way of life, not the other way around. For your communities have a much higher rate of welfare than does the cities. A higher rate of poverty, and lower educational standards. Without our tax monies, over half of these communities would not even exist.
Shut up, statist freak. No we would not have turned our country into the shitholes losers like you turn places into. Concentrate on shitting in your own bed, and leave the rest of us alone. You've done made your bed. Now lay in it. I hear the Willamette only runs with raw sewage for part of the year. Congrats on managing the shit out if it. Oh and the spotted owl still isn't recovering...thanks for nothing, dumbasses.
Good. You support those in the city where I'm sure any day now we'll see how fabulous it works. But keep your mitts off the land that has been heretofore protected from your ignorant, destructive policies. Dumbasses. Look at the beautifully run, scenic utopias of your sprawling cities if you want to see an example of your success in managing the environment. And get it through your thick stupid heads...your power ends at the city limits. We'll do what we want and you go ahead and wallow in filth that you created.

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