AIPAC fail: Goldberg leads, and Sen. Blumenthal climbs off the war bus


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
A story to being a smile to my face, an American Jewish journalist is given credit for killing the bill for new sanctions against Iran.

So many American Jews of conscience like Jeffrey Goldberg who I admire so much for their stance on social justice issues and their anti war stance.

AIPAC fail: Goldberg leads, and Sen. Blumenthal climbs off the war bus

The tide has clearly turned against the sanctions bill that would destroy the Iran deal. It seems only fair to give the most powerful Jewish journalist in the country credit for the change in the current–Jeffrey Goldberg, who has come out strongly against an attack–but let’s start with a true antiwar guy, Chris Hayes.

Last night the bespectacled MSNBC host*shamed the 16 Democratic senators,*and particularly Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand, who are trying to “sabotage” the Obama presidency so as to please AIPAC. The Iran deal is likely “the single biggest foreign policy achievement” of the Obama administration, Hayes said, “there is no popular support” for war, and even the neoconservative Washington Post is against the sanctions bill.

Richard Blumenthal gets off the war bus as Chris Hayes fingers AIPAC
sherri dear------if you wish to have a modicum of credibility ----do not quote
propaganda sites. You seem to CONFINE yourself to ---very slanted "INTEREST"
sites I avoid them like the plague-----no matter in which direction they are
slanted MONDEWEISS----is not credible
A story to being a smile to my face, an American Jewish journalist is given credit for killing the bill for new sanctions against Iran.

So many American Jews of conscience like Jeffrey Goldberg who I admire so much for their stance on social justice issues and their anti war stance.

AIPAC fail: Goldberg leads, and Sen. Blumenthal climbs off the war bus

The tide has clearly turned against the sanctions bill that would destroy the Iran deal. It seems only fair to give the most powerful Jewish journalist in the country credit for the change in the current–Jeffrey Goldberg, who has come out strongly against an attack–but let’s start with a true antiwar guy, Chris Hayes.

Last night the bespectacled MSNBC host*shamed the 16 Democratic senators,*and particularly Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand, who are trying to “sabotage” the Obama presidency so as to please AIPAC. The Iran deal is likely “the single biggest foreign policy achievement” of the Obama administration, Hayes said, “there is no popular support” for war, and even the neoconservative Washington Post is against the sanctions bill.

Richard Blumenthal gets off the war bus as Chris Hayes fingers AIPAC
All those Democrats favoring AIPAC is good for America. BTW, Mondoweiss makes the best toilet paper since Charmin. And you can squeeze it.
A story to being a smile to my face, an American Jewish journalist is given credit for killing the bill for new sanctions against Iran.

So many American Jews of conscience like Jeffrey Goldberg who I admire so much for their stance on social justice issues and their anti war stance.

AIPAC fail: Goldberg leads, and Sen. Blumenthal climbs off the war bus

The tide has clearly turned against the sanctions bill that would destroy the Iran deal. It seems only fair to give the most powerful Jewish journalist in the country credit for the change in the current–Jeffrey Goldberg, who has come out strongly against an attack–but let’s start with a true antiwar guy, Chris Hayes.

Last night the bespectacled MSNBC host*shamed the 16 Democratic senators,*and particularly Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand, who are trying to “sabotage” the Obama presidency so as to please AIPAC. The Iran deal is likely “the single biggest foreign policy achievement” of the Obama administration, Hayes said, “there is no popular support” for war, and even the neoconservative Washington Post is against the sanctions bill.

Richard Blumenthal gets off the war bus as Chris Hayes fingers AIPAC

All those Democrats favoring AIPAC is good for America. BTW, Mondoweiss makes the best toilet paper since Charmin. And you can squeeze it.

I wonder if it brings a smile to the face of Mrs. Sherri and her Iranian gang when more Christians are arrested in Iran. We can just imagine what happens to them in an Iranian prison. I also wonder if Mrs. Sherri tells her church ladies about what happens to the Christians in Iran and leads them in a hearty Hallelujah.

Iranian Christians Hit with a Wave of Arrests during Christmas
Monday, 13 January 2014

According to Mohabat News, on December 31, 2013, Iranian security authorities arrested four Christian converts by the names of "Sara Rahimi-Nejad, Mostafa Nadri, Majid Sheidaei, and George Isaian" in Karaj.

According to a report by the Human Right Activists in Iran, these Christians had gathered in Isaian's residence to celebrate the New Year when plain-clothes security authorities raided the home, beat and arrested them. The authorities immediately transferred them to an unknown location.

Continue reading at:

Iranian Christians Hit with a Wave of Arrests during Christmas
Jews with a conscience are something to smile about.

the opnions of jihado fascists are of great consquence------it is an honor to be
the object of their disdain Adolf abu ali and Magda Goebbels would have
liked you very much . Long ago I saw some footage of people like you----
who were germans ----after world war II-----The US army generals forced
german citizens into the concentration camps------to view the consquences of
nazism-------some of the people SMILED BROADLY when they saw the piles of
dead bodies. Of course I doubt that MOST did-----and it is possible that
the reporters and camermen did focus on those who did ------for reason of
"DRAMA"-------but there were such people there ---then-----and you are here
Jews with a conscience are something to smile about.

There is nothing to smile about so-called Christians who don't care that Christians are being arrested and/or murdered in Muslim lands. Actual Christians with a conscience would be up in arm about what is happening. Of course, there are those in the U.S. who once were Christians but are now Muslims and certainly wouldn't care about what happens to Christians. I imagine there are many more women here like Jihad Jane who just was sentenced.
Jews with a conscience are something to smile about.

There is nothing to smile about so-called Christians who don't care that Christians are being arrested and/or murdered in Muslim lands. Actual Christians with a conscience would be up in arm about what is happening. Of course, there are those in the U.S. who once were Christians but are now Muslims and certainly wouldn't care about what happens to Christians. I imagine there are many more women here like Jihad Jane who just was sentenced.

OH!!!!! Jihad jane was sentenced? what did the slut get???

uhm.......I wonder if---the usual suspects will FAST FOR HER RELEASE???
Jews with a conscience are something to smile about.

There is nothing to smile about so-called Christians who don't care that Christians are being arrested and/or murdered in Muslim lands. Actual Christians with a conscience would be up in arm about what is happening. Of course, there are those in the U.S. who once were Christians but are now Muslims and certainly wouldn't care about what happens to Christians. I imagine there are many more women here like Jihad Jane who just was sentenced.

OH!!!!! Jihad jane was sentenced? what did the slut get???

uhm.......I wonder if---the usual suspects will FAST FOR HER RELEASE???

She received a ten-year sentence. Not to worry. Mrs. Sherri is going to drag herself out of her home and organize the church ladies to start fasting on Jihad Jane's behalf.
There is nothing to smile about so-called Christians who don't care that Christians are being arrested and/or murdered in Muslim lands. Actual Christians with a conscience would be up in arm about what is happening. Of course, there are those in the U.S. who once were Christians but are now Muslims and certainly wouldn't care about what happens to Christians. I imagine there are many more women here like Jihad Jane who just was sentenced.

OH!!!!! Jihad jane was sentenced? what did the slut get???

uhm.......I wonder if---the usual suspects will FAST FOR HER RELEASE???

She received a ten-year sentence. Not to worry. Mrs. Sherri is going to drag herself out of her home and organize the church ladies to start fasting on Jihad Jane's behalf.

OH.... I am sooo relieved.......anything to keep her "mind" OCCUPIED
I don't know that much about American politics, or how your elected representatives can be bought like common prostitutes by anyone with enough money. But what I do know is reading between the lines on this ties in with the other post detailing how Israel is living it large on the lucrative deals it is doing with iran. We have an economy that is flourishing and some "Jews" want to bring it down because they cant control it, and some other "Jews" have got together with the Gentiles and blocked the sanctions aimed at destroying Israel.

Maybe one of the more intelligent posters could let me know if I have got this right ?
I don't know that much about American politics, or how your elected representatives can be bought like common prostitutes by anyone with enough money. But what I do know is reading between the lines on this ties in with the other post detailing how Israel is living it large on the lucrative deals it is doing with iran. We have an economy that is flourishing and some "Jews" want to bring it down because they cant control it, and some other "Jews" have got together with the Gentiles and blocked the sanctions aimed at destroying Israel.

Maybe one of the more intelligent posters could let me know if I have got this right ?

I can help-----JOOOOOS have endless money PLUS MAGIC. In the USA....
Its that simple. This belief is not news-----the ALCHEMISTS of
medieval europe ----including the british isles-----knew how to turn
base metals into gold and THEY WERE ALL JEWS . You ask if politicians
can be bought------well---acutally yes-----in the opinion of the same people
who vote for the people they choose because those people are people JUST
LIKE THEY ARE...........
Americans want to fight no more wars for Israel.

America never fought a war for Israel, you demented Muslim propagandist.

Your head is so brainwashed, only God knows what you've taught others concerning your lies about Israel.

I think the main issue with you Sherri, is that you have no conscience and an evil soul.

Fuck you, Sherri MunnerNazi ........ :cool:
Americans loyal to America do not want war with Iran.

Forget about Americans for the moment and what they think about Iran. What do you and the Iranian gang have to tell us about what your friends in Iran are saying about this. Surely the gang is getting some word from Iran that you can pass on to the readers.

By the way, since here in America there is freedom of religion and people are able to practice in peace whatever beliefs they have, do you think that the people in America would look kindly on your friends who are busy imprisoning and/or murdering others because of the religion they follow?
Jews with a conscience are something to smile about.

So true : )) And most Jews with a conscience are Zionists. Of course that's only natural, since most Jews are Zionists of some sort or another. If you actually knew any Jews in real life, you'd have realized that long ago - it's something else we've got in common with Jesus (being relatives on his mother's side....)
I don't know that much about American politics, or how your elected representatives can be bought like common prostitutes by anyone with enough money. But what I do know is reading between the lines on this ties in with the other post detailing how Israel is living it large on the lucrative deals it is doing with iran. We have an economy that is flourishing and some "Jews" want to bring it down because they cant control it, and some other "Jews" have got together with the Gentiles and blocked the sanctions aimed at destroying Israel.

Maybe one of the more intelligent posters could let me know if I have got this right ?

Not quite. For one thing, I doubt many Jews view the world as Jew/nonJew - that would be a very odd POV here in the US where about half of us have 'nonJewish' relatives.

I also don't think our elected officials are up for sale as a rule. Where do you live, Phoenall?

And then there's the idiocy of the whole 'want war' slander. No sane person 'wants' a war, ever. Those who study military history inform us that some wars 'had' to be fought - among those would be the American Civil War, the Second World War, and to some extent the Gulf War.

The "pacifists" who insist that ALL wars can be prevented are exactly as extremist and unrealistic as the insane who are eager to go to war. Anyone who's been around US military people knows that they do NOT 'want' to go to war - they are, however, willing to do so if the nation decides it's necessary. BIG difference.

And lying about that is hypocrisy as well as dishonesty - for the 'pacifists' get to enjoy the good life bought and paid for with the blood, toil and treasure (forgone) of military personnel. Said personnel don't really mind that sharing: it's when the pissy l'il pacifists try to take stuff away from them that they get upset. Not always material 'stuff', either.......

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