

Not all who wander are lost
Oct 21, 2014
When you recognized you're agnostic, did you continue to join community worship, or did you stop going? Why did you choose to either continue to attend church or stop attending church?
When you recognized you're agnostic, did you continue to join community worship, or did you stop going? Why did you choose to either continue to attend church or stop attending church?

I have never attended church as a regular thing. I go for weddings and funerals. That's about it.
I chose to stop when I reached the age of reason.
Any specific issue for choosing to leave your faith?

I can wrap my head around the idea of a supreme being, I suppose.

What I can't figure out, though, is how anyone could be so arrogant as to believe that they're "right" and that they're the ones who've got it figured out...
What I can't figure out, though, is how anyone could be so arrogant as to believe that they're "right" and that they're the ones who've got it figured out...
"Right" about what, precisely? For example, most faiths teach love of others. Is that arrogance? What is wrong about loving others?
Yeah. I have difficulty believing in a God who claims to give me free will, yet demands I only worship him.
Why do you consider it a demand? Isn't it more about setting priorities? What should be given first priority if not God?
I stopped when the preacher said my dad was in hell and suffering for eternity for owning a bar. Nothing like judging someone for the business they owned. Daddy read the bible every night and was a devout Christian. But I soon realized that those that go to church usually are kind and meek and gentle and helpful only on Sundays. Monday thru Saturday it was more like "up yours. See ya on Sunday".

I also could not get over the fear I had when another preacher insisted I be baptised or I would be stung to death by scorpions..but never die. Just forever pain. I was about 10 years old, give or take.

Then I discovered native american ways and beliefs and THAT one called to me. They don't have a particular denomination. They mostly consider all Gods creations...God. As do I.
Yeah. I have difficulty believing in a God who claims to give me free will, yet demands I only worship him.
Why do you consider it a demand? Isn't it more about setting priorities? What should be given first priority if not God?
Yup, if you truly believe in God, and God first, everything else will fall into place.
I was agnostic right up until I was 15. An event happened in my life, and I've never looked back
to questioning if there is a God or not. God is good
Me too!!!! I don't go to His house to worship now. But when I did..and the last time I step foot in a church, He spoke to me directly. I will never forget it. Hence...God is good and I know He loves me.
I stopped when the preacher said my dad was in hell and suffering for eternity for owning a bar. Nothing like judging someone for the business they owned. Daddy read the bible every night and was a devout Christian. But I soon realized that those that go to church usually are kind and meek and gentle and helpful only on Sundays. Monday thru Saturday it was more like "up yours. See ya on Sunday".

I also could not get over the fear I had when another preacher insisted I be baptised or I would be stung to death by scorpions..but never die. Just forever pain. I was about 10 years old, give or take.

Then I discovered native american ways and beliefs and THAT one called to me. They don't have a particular denomination. They mostly consider all Gods creations...God. As do I.
Sadly, the preacher/pastors are as human as you and I. Not necessarily the extension of God. Sorry for you experience, Gracie
I stopped when the preacher said my dad was in hell and suffering for eternity for owning a bar. Nothing like judging someone for the business they owned. Daddy read the bible every night and was a devout Christian. But I soon realized that those that go to church usually are kind and meek and gentle and helpful only on Sundays. Monday thru Saturday it was more like "up yours. See ya on Sunday".

I also could not get over the fear I had when another preacher insisted I be baptised or I would be stung to death by scorpions..but never die. Just forever pain. I was about 10 years old, give or take.

Then I discovered native american ways and beliefs and THAT one called to me. They don't have a particular denomination. They mostly consider all Gods creations...God. As do I.
I had an entirely different experience. My grandfather was atheist, and when I asked about it the priest asked me, "Do you love your grandfather?" Yes, I did. He asked me if I thought I could love someone more than God did. I said, No. He told me, "As Catholics we really can't say whether someone is going to hell or someone is going to heaven. We teach the way Jesus taught, and leave the rest to our loving and merciful God. You have nothing to worry over."

Many, many years later my grandfather died. About a year after that, I knew there was one atheist who was definitely okay.

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