Agnes is scared of me

Bed time for me Sweets, it's the next day here, speak to you soon.
My work here is done.

That's why you love me.


Tell me...some stuff while I get comfortable.:eusa_angel:

Shirt, or no shirt? If no shirt, I have to PM Bones, you know...

:lol::lol::lol: But your come hither, beautiful eyes, and other stuff negates the Hurrrrummmph of Bones, Anyhoo, she's fickle, I like loyalty.:lol:

Aww.. Are you saying my viper tongue isn't as viperish as her viper tongue? **bats eyelashes**


My work here is done.

That's why you love me.


Tell me...some stuff while I get comfortable.:eusa_angel:

:lol::lol::lol: But your come hither, beautiful eyes, and other stuff negates the Hurrrrummmph of Bones, Anyhoo, she's fickle, I like loyalty.:lol:

Aww.. Are you saying my viper tongue isn't as viperish as her viper tongue? **bats eyelashes**



Was there a point you were trying to make?

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