Again...Nazis were NOT pro-Christian. Read a freaking book.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"...the Nazis saw the Church and Christianity as a threat to their policies. One-third of Germans were Catholics and two-thirds were Protestants. At the beginning they cooperated with the Nazis. They believed that the new government protected them from communism and maintained traditional morals and family values.
Links with the Catholic and Protestant Churches
"Hitler signed a concordat with the Pope in 1933. He promised full religious freedom for the Church and the Pope promised that he wouldn’t interfere in political matters.
"Then, the Nazis started to close Catholic churches. Many monasteries were shut down and the Catholic Youth Organisation was abolished (remember that the Nazis had created the Hitler Youth Movement).
"The Pope protested by issuing a letter in 1937, which was to be read in every Catholic Church. This didn’t have any impact at all.
"Around 400 priests were arrested and sent to the Dachau concentration camp."

BBC - GCSE Bitesize What effect did the Nazis racial and religious policy have on life in Germany
I'm so sick of progressive twits who start screaming "THE NAZIS WERE CHRISTIAN!" every time anyone points out how the DEPRAVITY of the Nazi party stemmed from it's PROGRESSIVE stance.

#1, even if they were, death camps are not a Christian tenet. They're a progressive one, though, and exist in some form or another in every single locale that allows progressivism to get a grip....

#2, the Nazis despised Christians.

You're welcome. Now go forth and try not to be such an ignoramus. The next time you feel compelled to squawk "Nazis were Christians" please stop you before you out yourself as a retard who isn't mature enough to talk with the grown ups.
Uh-oh...koshergrl's argument was just refuted. What will the response be?

I will say, doesn't seem as if Hitler formed a Christian army...I wonder if that speech was Hitler appealing to Italy as an ally.
Hitler lied to the churches in order to stave off their opposition.

Then he turned on them. He imprisoned and executed bishops, and if Protestant ministers refused to adopt the swastika as their symbol, to be worn in the church, they were tossed out.

Oh, well, since Hitler said so, it MUST be true. A crazed, totalitarian dictator who starts world wars wouldn't LIE, would he?:slap:
So how do you know when he was lying or being truthful? Do you have a quote that says later on "I was just kidding about that earlier quote"? If you did then you would have a point.

Oh, well, since Hitler said so, it MUST be true. A crazed, totalitarian dictator who starts world wars wouldn't LIE, would he?:slap:
So how do you know when he was lying or being truthful? Do you have a quote that says later on "I was just kidding about that earlier quote"? If you did then you would have a point.

The same way you know when anyone is lying: you look at their actions, and see if they agree with their words. Gosh, now that I think about it, the Bible even says something like that: You shall know them by their fruits. It's almost as if God expected people to falsely claim to be Christians, or something.

Oh, well, since Hitler said so, it MUST be true. A crazed, totalitarian dictator who starts world wars wouldn't LIE, would he?:slap:
So how do you know when he was lying or being truthful? Do you have a quote that says later on "I was just kidding about that earlier quote"? If you did then you would have a point.

The same way you know when anyone is lying: you look at their actions, and see if they agree with their words. Gosh, now that I think about it, the Bible even says something like that: You shall know them by their fruits. It's almost as if God expected people to falsely claim to be Christians, or something.
You fail. Christians have committed some of the worst atrocities known to man. That didnt make them not Christians.

Oh, well, since Hitler said so, it MUST be true. A crazed, totalitarian dictator who starts world wars wouldn't LIE, would he?:slap:
So how do you know when he was lying or being truthful? Do you have a quote that says later on "I was just kidding about that earlier quote"? If you did then you would have a point.

The same way you know when anyone is lying: you look at their actions, and see if they agree with their words. Gosh, now that I think about it, the Bible even says something like that: You shall know them by their fruits. It's almost as if God expected people to falsely claim to be Christians, or something.
You fail. Christians have committed some of the worst atrocities known to man. That didnt make them not Christians.

Hitler was a faithful Catholic serving the Pope and Vatican in all he did - the truth is Catholicism is not a Christian faith - it is the antithesis of Christianity. The anti - Christ Roman Vatican was behind both WWI and WWII and you can be sure they are even now behind the plannings of WWIII which we are now headed for.

Oh, well, since Hitler said so, it MUST be true. A crazed, totalitarian dictator who starts world wars wouldn't LIE, would he?:slap:
So how do you know when he was lying or being truthful? Do you have a quote that says later on "I was just kidding about that earlier quote"? If you did then you would have a point.

The same way you know when anyone is lying: you look at their actions, and see if they agree with their words. Gosh, now that I think about it, the Bible even says something like that: You shall know them by their fruits. It's almost as if God expected people to falsely claim to be Christians, or something.
You fail. Christians have committed some of the worst atrocities known to man. That didnt make them not Christians.

First of all, I doubt you'd know the truth about "Christian atrocities" if it crawled up your pants leg. Second of all, it actually WOULD make them not-Christians, or at the very least, extremely bad Christians.

I'm sorry to hear you're so confused by the concept of telling lies from truth. I'm guessing you get conned out of money a lot.
"...the Nazis saw the Church and Christianity as a threat to their policies. One-third of Germans were Catholics and two-thirds were Protestants. At the beginning they cooperated with the Nazis. They believed that the new government protected them from communism and maintained traditional morals and family values.
Links with the Catholic and Protestant Churches
"Hitler signed a concordat with the Pope in 1933. He promised full religious freedom for the Church and the Pope promised that he wouldn’t interfere in political matters.
"Then, the Nazis started to close Catholic churches. Many monasteries were shut down and the Catholic Youth Organisation was abolished (remember that the Nazis had created the Hitler Youth Movement).
"The Pope protested by issuing a letter in 1937, which was to be read in every Catholic Church. This didn’t have any impact at all.
"Around 400 priests were arrested and sent to the Dachau concentration camp."

BBC - GCSE Bitesize What effect did the Nazis racial and religious policy have on life in Germany
I'm so sick of progressive twits who start screaming "THE NAZIS WERE CHRISTIAN!" every time anyone points out how the DEPRAVITY of the Nazi party stemmed from it's PROGRESSIVE stance.

#1, even if they were, death camps are not a Christian tenet. They're a progressive one, though, and exist in some form or another in every single locale that allows progressivism to get a grip....

#2, the Nazis despised Christians.

You're welcome. Now go forth and try not to be such an ignoramus. The next time you feel compelled to squawk "Nazis were Christians" please stop you before you out yourself as a retard who isn't mature enough to talk with the grown ups.
From what I gather...the only people Hitler liked were blond haired German people who were Nazis.

I think he hated everyone that didn't fit that description, with much emphasis on Jews, and still quite a bit for Liberals, intellectuals, and commies
"...the Nazis saw the Church and Christianity as a threat to their policies. One-third of Germans were Catholics and two-thirds were Protestants. At the beginning they cooperated with the Nazis. They believed that the new government protected them from communism and maintained traditional morals and family values.
Links with the Catholic and Protestant Churches
"Hitler signed a concordat with the Pope in 1933. He promised full religious freedom for the Church and the Pope promised that he wouldn’t interfere in political matters.
"Then, the Nazis started to close Catholic churches. Many monasteries were shut down and the Catholic Youth Organisation was abolished (remember that the Nazis had created the Hitler Youth Movement).
"The Pope protested by issuing a letter in 1937, which was to be read in every Catholic Church. This didn’t have any impact at all.
"Around 400 priests were arrested and sent to the Dachau concentration camp."

BBC - GCSE Bitesize What effect did the Nazis racial and religious policy have on life in Germany
I'm so sick of progressive twits who start screaming "THE NAZIS WERE CHRISTIAN!" every time anyone points out how the DEPRAVITY of the Nazi party stemmed from it's PROGRESSIVE stance.

#1, even if they were, death camps are not a Christian tenet. They're a progressive one, though, and exist in some form or another in every single locale that allows progressivism to get a grip....

#2, the Nazis despised Christians.

You're welcome. Now go forth and try not to be such an ignoramus. The next time you feel compelled to squawk "Nazis were Christians" please stop you before you out yourself as a retard who isn't mature enough to talk with the grown ups.
From what I gather...the only people Hitler liked were blond haired German people who were Nazis.

I think he hated everyone that didn't fit that description, with much emphasis on Jews, and still quite a bit for Liberals, intellectuals, and commies

Sounds like a progressive to me. They think humanity (except for the humans that are just like them) should be wiped off the face of the earth, and they are perfectly willing to nominate your group for eradication.

Oh, well, since Hitler said so, it MUST be true. A crazed, totalitarian dictator who starts world wars wouldn't LIE, would he?:slap:
So how do you know when he was lying or being truthful? Do you have a quote that says later on "I was just kidding about that earlier quote"? If you did then you would have a point.

The same way you know when anyone is lying: you look at their actions, and see if they agree with their words. Gosh, now that I think about it, the Bible even says something like that: You shall know them by their fruits. It's almost as if God expected people to falsely claim to be Christians, or something.
You fail. Christians have committed some of the worst atrocities known to man. That didnt make them not Christians.

Hitler was a faithful Catholic serving the Pope and Vatican in all he did - the truth is Catholicism is not a Christian faith - it is the antithesis of Christianity. The anti - Christ Roman Vatican was behind both WWI and WWII and you can be sure they are even now behind the plannings of WWIII which we are now headed for.
You do realize Catholicism is a branch of Christianity dont you?

Christian denomination - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"The Catholic Church is the largest Christian denomination with over 1.2 billion members—over half of all Christians worldwide—"

Oh, well, since Hitler said so, it MUST be true. A crazed, totalitarian dictator who starts world wars wouldn't LIE, would he?:slap:
So how do you know when he was lying or being truthful? Do you have a quote that says later on "I was just kidding about that earlier quote"? If you did then you would have a point.

The same way you know when anyone is lying: you look at their actions, and see if they agree with their words. Gosh, now that I think about it, the Bible even says something like that: You shall know them by their fruits. It's almost as if God expected people to falsely claim to be Christians, or something.
You fail. Christians have committed some of the worst atrocities known to man. That didnt make them not Christians.

First of all, I doubt you'd know the truth about "Christian atrocities" if it crawled up your pants leg. Second of all, it actually WOULD make them not-Christians, or at the very least, extremely bad Christians.

I'm sorry to hear you're so confused by the concept of telling lies from truth. I'm guessing you get conned out of money a lot.
"Extremely bad Christians" are still a subset of Christians. Logic helps in these matters.

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