AGAIN.. how many of you understand what $600 billion is???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I don't know how to ask this any more simply!

Because almost none of you seem to comprehend the fallacy of Obamacare and failure to address tort reform which if done would cut $200 billion a year from health care costs!

Doctors order duplicate tests, get specialists opinions all out of fear of being wrong and then getting sued!
It's called "defensive medicine" and doctors agree $1 out of every $4 is spent ordering duplicate tests,etc!!
That is $600 billion a year!
All out of fear of getting sued!

Is that simple enough for you to understand that ?
And Obamacare does not address it because over the last 21 years:

Total from 1990 to 2012 Election cycles:
Democrats received from Lawyers / Law Firms: $892,532,058 74%
Republicans received from Lawyers / Law Firms: $315,787,885 26%

Who voted for Obamacare? DEMOCRATS!
Was there any tort reform? NO!

"In a recent letter to the Wall Street Journal, a Texas doctor described how, since being
unsuccessfully sued in 1995, he has "doubled and tripled the number of tests and consultations that I order."
But the orthopedic hospital would not accept month-old test results,
nor even an explicit waiver by me of any liability. The result was pure waste:
more than $1,000 spent on wholly unnecessary tests.
Philip K. Howard - Medical Tort Reform Could Save Billions
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And you evidently can't fathom what "defensive medicine" is much less the REALITY that it costs $600 billion a year!
You evidently are a "lapdog lackie" for the wealthy millionaire ambulance chasing lawyers!
I bet you wear a dog collar and get on your knees asking the rich lawyers you probably get coffee for to give you another!

How sick!
I don't know how to ask this any more simply!

Because almost none of you seem to comprehend the fallacy of Obamacare and failure to address tort reform which if done would cut $200 billion a year from health care costs!

Doctors order duplicate tests, get specialists opinions all out of fear of being wrong and then getting sued!
It's called "defensive medicine" and doctors agree $1 out of every $4 is spent ordering duplicate tests,etc!!
That is $600 billion a year!
All out of fear of getting sued!

Is that simple enough for you to understand that ?
And Obamacare does not address it because over the last 21 years:

Total from 1990 to 2012 Election cycles:
Democrats received from Lawyers / Law Firms: $892,532,058 74%
Republicans received from Lawyers / Law Firms: $315,787,885 26%

Who voted for Obamacare? DEMOCRATS!
Was there any tort reform? NO!

"In a recent letter to the Wall Street Journal, a Texas doctor described how, since being
unsuccessfully sued in 1995, he has "doubled and tripled the number of tests and consultations that I order."
But the orthopedic hospital would not accept month-old test results,
nor even an explicit waiver by me of any liability. The result was pure waste:
more than $1,000 spent on wholly unnecessary tests.
Philip K. Howard - Medical Tort Reform Could Save Billions
So he was UNSUCCESSFULLY sued, which means what he was already doing was adequate to avoid a successful lawsuit, but the CON$ervative quack doctor saw an opportunity to pad his income by charging his patients for useless tests. The more tests he orders the more money HE makes. We need to get the greedy CON$ out of the medical profession to save $600 billion!
And you evidently can't fathom what "defensive medicine" is much less the REALITY that it costs $600 billion a year!
You evidently are a "lapdog lackie" for the wealthy millionaire ambulance chasing lawyers!
I bet you wear a dog collar and get on your knees asking the rich lawyers you probably get coffee for to give you another!

How sick!

At least you didn't deny that you're a shill.


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