AG William Barr on the Russia investigation: 'There's something far more troubling here'


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
Now.......those recent days of yore seem like good times but something very unfortunate for America happened.

'The Russia investigation into President Trump's 2016 campaign was "one of the greatest travesties in American history," Attorney General William Barr said Thursday during an appearance on "The Ingraham Angle."

Barr said he has seen troubling signs from U.S. Attorney John Durham's ongoing probe into the origins of the two-year probe, which resulted in no allegations of wrongdoing against the president.

"My own view is that the evidence shows that we're not dealing with just the mistakes or sloppiness," Barr told host Laura Ingraham. "There was something far more troubling here. We're going to get to the bottom of it. And if people broke the law and we can establish that with the evidence, they will be prosecuted."

It's long past time that we got to the bottom of this which leeds me to believe our government is trying to cover up the fact that our FBI-CIA-DOJ ran a coup to overthrow Trump. You can't trust Wray, Barr, Durham, Horowitz or any of them. They're all covering for each other just like Loretta Lynch and Comey covered for Hillary..
Like it or not, the President's activities during the period in question are all fully exposed to public view. In many instances there are credible indications of "wrongdoing," but these also require legal intent, which given the President's short attention span, can not be proven.

Any objective observer will quickly come to the conclusion that the President's alleged wrongdoing pales before the criminal conspiracies against him, and the wrongdoing of FBI and Justice Department operatives, who apparently were (a) fearless, thinking they are untouchable, and (b) hoping to curry favor with the incoming Hillary Clinton Administration.

All in all, not a good chapter in the history of American Federal Government or law enforcement.
During the plague of the Covid 19 virus this story has gone under the radar but it really is big news.

William Barr, based on the diligent investigation of John Durham, is publicly calling a spade a spade
and declaring an intentional attempt by the self named "Resistance" (as epitomized by James Comey and Peter Strzok, ect. ) to remove by extralegal means a legally elected sitting president.

So much winning, indeed. Leftist may commence losing their minds even more now.
given the President's short attention span,
the wrongdoing of FBI and Justice Department operatives, who apparently were (a) fearless, thinking they are untouchable, and (b) hoping to curry favor with the incoming Hillary Clinton Administration.
It's not the President's job to micromanage those employees and pay so much "attention" to them at that level.

It's their job to snap to it, pay attention to the Commander in Chief, and obey lawful orders. Or they're out, and somebody else has to do the job.

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