AG Barr Expands Probe into Russia Investigation Origin After Finding ‘Something Significant’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Report: AG Barr Expands Probe into Russia Investigation Origin After Finding ‘Something Significant’

Report: AG Barr Expands Probe into Russia Investigation Origin
21 Oct 19 ~ By Edwin Mora
U.S. Attorney General William Barr has significantly expanded a review into the origins of the Russian collusion hoax investigation, NBC News reported Monday. The news outlet acknowledged the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) would not say whether the investigation has morphed into a criminal probe.
Mueller concluded that the Trump campaign did not coordinate with the Kremlin’s election interference effort, sounding the death knell for the Russian collusion hoax. Barr has charged Durham with finding out how the Russian investigation began.

Read more: AG Barr expands mysterious review into origin of Russia investigation

No wonder the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftists Democrats are wetting themselves right through their Depends and their media shills are in a frenzy. How long before Obama administration members start disappearing and then reappearing in countries without extradition treaties with the US?
I’m betting AG William Barr did not have to look very far to find anything of significance, which is why a previous article has mentioned many resistance members like John Brennan, James Clapper and others have begun to lawyer up. To use a CNN term “The Walls Are Beginning To Close In.”
Investigation is merely a follow up of what Mueller started. The fact the Biden's corruption came up is Biden's problem, not Trump's.
Obama endorsed Hillary in 2016 and was actively investigating her opponent Trump and framing him to cover up for their own criminal activity. But no news outlets, no Congress member ever brought up that as a problem or that Obama was laundering info through the puppet government he and his ilk set up in Ukraine.
something significant -

a wet lumpy fart in his drawers.

It's time for Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz to start listing the indictments of the deep state conspirators.

Plenty of laws were broken, but will Barr be able to prosecute the deep state criminals?
I'm sure he will cook up something. Why is he to be believed, obviously he works for tramp.
Report: AG Barr Expands Probe into Russia Investigation Origin After Finding ‘Something Significant’

Report: AG Barr Expands Probe into Russia Investigation Origin
21 Oct 19 ~ By Edwin Mora
U.S. Attorney General William Barr has significantly expanded a review into the origins of the Russian collusion hoax investigation, NBC News reported Monday. The news outlet acknowledged the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) would not say whether the investigation has morphed into a criminal probe.
Mueller concluded that the Trump campaign did not coordinate with the Kremlin’s election interference effort, sounding the death knell for the Russian collusion hoax. Barr has charged Durham with finding out how the Russian investigation began.

Read more: AG Barr expands mysterious review into origin of Russia investigation

No wonder the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftists Democrats are wetting themselves right through their Depends and their media shills are in a frenzy. How long before Obama administration members start disappearing and then reappearing in countries without extradition treaties with the US?
I’m betting AG William Barr did not have to look very far to find anything of significance, which is why a previous article has mentioned many resistance members like John Brennan, James Clapper and others have begun to lawyer up. To use a CNN term “The Walls Are Beginning To Close In.”
Investigation is merely a follow up of what Mueller started. The fact the Biden's corruption came up is Biden's problem, not Trump's.
Obama endorsed Hillary in 2016 and was actively investigating her opponent Trump and framing him to cover up for their own criminal activity. But no news outlets, no Congress member ever brought up that as a problem or that Obama was laundering info through the puppet government he and his ilk set up in Ukraine.
G5000 Putin Bot, Blind Boo Buggerer, Siete Slut Slurper,, Crapitus, Penelope Putin, and the other Russian Cock Slurpers are going to be very upset with this topic.
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Report: AG Barr Expands Probe into Russia Investigation Origin After Finding ‘Something Significant’

Report: AG Barr Expands Probe into Russia Investigation Origin
21 Oct 19 ~ By Edwin Mora
U.S. Attorney General William Barr has significantly expanded a review into the origins of the Russian collusion hoax investigation, NBC News reported Monday. The news outlet acknowledged the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) would not say whether the investigation has morphed into a criminal probe.
Mueller concluded that the Trump campaign did not coordinate with the Kremlin’s election interference effort, sounding the death knell for the Russian collusion hoax. Barr has charged Durham with finding out how the Russian investigation began.

Read more: AG Barr expands mysterious review into origin of Russia investigation

No wonder the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftists Democrats are wetting themselves right through their Depends and their media shills are in a frenzy. How long before Obama administration members start disappearing and then reappearing in countries without extradition treaties with the US?
I’m betting AG William Barr did not have to look very far to find anything of significance, which is why a previous article has mentioned many resistance members like John Brennan, James Clapper and others have begun to lawyer up. To use a CNN term “The Walls Are Beginning To Close In.”
Investigation is merely a follow up of what Mueller started. The fact the Biden's corruption came up is Biden's problem, not Trump's.
Obama endorsed Hillary in 2016 and was actively investigating her opponent Trump and framing him to cover up for their own criminal activity. But no news outlets, no Congress member ever brought up that as a problem or that Obama was laundering info through the puppet government he and his ilk set up in Ukraine.

Barr didn't fly to Italy to get some good lasagna. Barr is a no nonsense legal expert.

Right now they're arguing with the FBI over what needs to be redacted in the IG report. Trump has already given Barr the green light to declassify anything he wants.

Durham is looking in to the CIA and the Obama cronies. He's already had to expand his investigation and they don't just go wasting time and money for optics.

Brennan needs to go to Federal prison.
I think Obama's head is in a Noose, but what is really going to happen is they are going to Hang Hillary or John Podesta to spare America from having to Execute The Muslim Manchurian Candidate from committing Treason and Sedition agains The United States.

I could see other players like Clapper, Brennan, Comey and McCabe spending life sentences in prison, along with Loretta Lynch and Susan Rice, Yates and Powers, Strozk and Page.

The fair thing to do is execute them all for treason.
Is this like when Trump told us he was finding stuff about Obama in Hawaii?

Let's never forget what HUFFINGTON POST found out about the Cocksucker in Hawaii....

Obama Was A Cocaine-Using Gay Hustler, Says Woman Who Claims To Have Been Hawaiian Classmate | HuffPost

"“He always portrayed himself as a foreign student,” Pope said. “Girls were never anything that he ever was interested in ... He would get with these older white gay men, and this is how we just pretty much had the impression that that’s how he was procuring his cocaine.”

She then notes, “In other words, he was having sex with these older white guys and that’s how he was getting this cocaine to be able to freebase.”"
Damn obama! Did you really have to spy on trump! First ex president to be hung such a shame
I'm sure he will cook up something. Why is he to be believed, obviously he works for tramp.

Do you think he's "cooking" up something like Russia collusion delusion?

No the Russians wanted tramp and the tramp campaign colluded with them, like he tried to do with Ukraine. I mean the Ukrainian delusion. He want to pin the Russian collusion with tramp on Ukraine.
I'm sure he will cook up something. Why is he to be believed, obviously he works for tramp.

Do you think he's "cooking" up something like Russia collusion delusion?

No the Russians wanted tramp and the tramp campaign colluded with them, like he tried to do with Ukraine. I mean the Ukrainian delusion. He want to pin the Russian collusion with tramp on Ukraine.
My God, you're stupid. Mueller stated zero Americans within the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to alter any election votes. Comey testified no voting machines were tampered with that would favor Trump during the election. Once again, you're severely stupid.
After Durham proves the democrat congress guilty of high treason

That would prove trump has to declare a broken govt and declare martial law and call out the military to arrest the deep state and then bring a logic test for voting

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