After working in a hospital for over 15 years, I finally got to experience what it’s like to be a patient.

After talking with a friend who works in the lab where I had the second tests done, I’m confident about those results being accurate. She explained how the equipment is tested and calibrated every 24 hours.
Because of the discrepancies, I’ll now be getting more bloodwork done next week. smh
My ins. has currently paid 100% of 3 Dr. bills. I paid $11 for radiology. :)
I recently learned that I don’t even have a copay for my Dr. visits.
Got another letter from my ins company saying they paid 100% of another bill. Wtf?

I’m confused because they haven’t charged me the $250 deductible, and have removed the $10 copayment I normally have for a Dr. visit.
Am I seeing/experiencing what an insurance company can do under a Trump administration?

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