After Epstein Arrest: Did Hillary Clinton Abuse Her Position to Aid a Child Kidnapper?


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
The evidence shows that the Clintons were far tighter with Epstein than Trump was, as Epstein was part of the Clinton Foundation, with Bill and him traveling together on the Lolita Express, and millions of dollars changing hands for the Foundation. Now it turns out Hillary was helping convicted child kidnappers. No one has to say the Haitian kids were for Epstein, that is simplistic. That does not mean these networks do not exist or do not overlap. The Clintons bear at least as much investigating as Trump

Silsby lied about the children being orphans, lied about building an orphanage, then contradicted herself saying first they were going to a new orphanage then saying they would be put up for adoption.

After Epstein Arrest: Did Hillary Clinton Abuse Her Position to Aid a Child Kidnapper?

- During the tenure of Hillary Clinton as US Secretary of State, NBC News ran a report which stated that a "sexual misconduct" involving "minor children" had been shut down by highest level officials, prompting complaints from the US Inspector General. (Report below)

- In 2010, in response to a reporter's questions about a case in which 10 Americans were being held on child abduction charges in Haiti, a State Department spokesman said that the department would not get involved,

CNN reported State Department rebuffs call for Clinton intervention in Haiti case":

"Washington (CNN) -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will not get directly involved in the case of the 10 Americans detained in Haiti on child abduction charges, a State Department spokesman said Tuesday.

"It would be highly unusual for the secretary of state to intervene in a case involving the judicial process of another country," spokesman P.J. Crowley said in an off-camera question-and-answer session."

In the case, an Idaho church worker, Laura Silsby, said she was in Haiti to rescue orphans found outside of collapsed orphanages, but it turned out most of the children had parents.

CBS reported:

"Most of the children came from the ravaged village of Callebas, where people told the AP they handed over their children because they were unable to feed or clothe them after the quake. They said the missionaries promised to educate the children and let relatives visit. Their stories contradicted Silsby's account that the children came from collapsed orphanages or were handed over by distant relatives."

Silsby claimed she planned to build an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, which relatives could visit, but a State Department diplomatic cable revealed that authorities in the country said she never submitted an application.

Contrary to her claims to parents that children would be living just across the Dominican border and that they could visit, the mission statement for Silsby's organization stated that international adoptions were a goal.

The mission statement reads:

"We will strive to also equip each child with a solid education and vocational skills as well as opportunities for adoption into a loving Christian family."

Haiti has very strict laws and a long process for the removal of any child from the country without its parents. Once out of Haitian jurisdiction, children would be at the mercy of whomever exerted physical control over them.

Secretary Clinton intervened despite State Department policy, as reported in the Sunday Times, and sent Bill Clinton to negotiate the release of Silsby, whom Haitian prosecutors wanted to sentence to prison for the attempted kidnap of 33 children. Silsby was convicted of a lesser charge and released for "time served." Hillary Clinton's interest in the case was further documented in a Wikileaks release of her emails.

Where Will it Go?

Why would a US Secretary of State get involved in a criminal matter in which a country's sovereignty and jurisdiction are sacrosanct, for a woman who had clearly lied repeatedly about her intentions?

The Clintons bear at least as much investigating as Trump

More. Far more. Trump may have had an eye for beautiful models in his day and may have had cursory dealings with this guy because they were both rich and horny, but the Clintons have a long-known history of:
  1. Coke and sex parties with underage girls with his brother Roger.
  2. Multiple cases of rape, assault and molestation. One committed suicide.
  3. Hillary, herself a predatory lesbian, vociferously went after these women destroying their lives to protect her own political career.
  4. Getting blowjobs and other forms of female employee sex abuse of one's power in the Oval Office of all places.
  5. A long career of visiting Orgy Island and the Lolita Express.
Yes someone forced to go to bat for a convicted child kidnapper. Who then got a job at Amber Alert bet that takes pulling some strings.
Creativity points for working Hillary Clinton into this.

How can you not work the Clintons into this? Bill's 26 trips on the Lolita, his month in Africa with Epstein, and Epstein's donations to the Clinton Foundation. Also Epstein is cofounder of Clinton Global Initiative.

How about Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's girl recruiter and co-defendant in lawsuits, being present at Chelsea's wedding AFTER Epstein was convicted? cozy cozy...


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