"After Earth" (Spoilers)


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Enjoyed it on free on-demand last night. But some story problems like how if humans fled Earth 1,000 years ago having destroyed the planet (via pollution, climate change, etc.) yet when they fled did so in interstellar capable starships then obviously the exodus musta taken place far far into the future. And though they could build many many interstellar starships they couldn't reign in pollution and such?

Also, when they crash back on Earth (after a mistaken 'teleport' called 'travelling) the remark is made "everything has evolved to kill humans." First, evolution only occurs over millions of years, if the last humans left just 1,000 years ago that's not enough time for any evolution at all (except germs n such.) Second, if humans have been absent for 1,000 years why would anything evolve to kill humans? :)

Set all that aside, it's a fun movie. But don't expect scientific accuracy.

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