Affidavit For Mar A Lago Search Warrant Released, And It Could Not Be More Damning For Donald Trump


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The execution order unsealing the affidavit can be found here. The letter from the DOJ explaining the reasoning behind redactions is here. The heavily redacted list of requested redactions is here. And finally, the affidavit itself is here. And that affidavit wastes no time in making clear that this is a serious matter:

The government is conducting a criminal investigation concerning the improper removal and storage of classified information in unauthorized spaces, as well as the unlawful concealment or removal of government records. … the Federal Bureau of Investigation opened a criminal investigation to, among other things, determine how the documents with classification markings and records were removed from the White House (or any other authorized location(s) for the storage of classified materials) and came to be stored at the PREMISES
And when it comes to the conclusion, the document is even more harsh:
Based on the foregoing facts and circumstances, I submit that probable cause exists to believe that evidence, contraband, fruits of crime, or other items illegally possessed in violation18 U.S.C. §§ 793(e), 2071, or 1519 will be found at the PREMISES.

That’s far from all that’s still visible, and still incredibly damning for Donald Trump.

When it comes to the statutory authority behind the affidavit, the FBI goes immediately to the heart of concerns:
Under 18 U.S.C. § 793(e), "whoever having unauthorized possession of, access to, or control over any document ... or information relating to the national defense which information the possessor has reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation, willfully communicates, delivers, transmits or causes to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted" or attempts to do or causes the same "to any person not entitled to receive it, or willfully retains the same and fails to deliver it to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it" shall be fined or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
This is a criminal investigation. The FBI has cause to believe that there have been multiple violations of federal law. That law calls for fines and/or imprisonment. And they believe the “fruits of crime” will be found at “PREMISES”—otherwise known as Mar-a-Lago.

Does that sound like enough to get measured for an orange jumpsuit?

Hold on for another paragraph.
Further, there is probable cause to believe that additional documents that contain classified NDI or that are Presidential records subject to record retention requirements currently remain at the PREMISES. There is also probable cause to believe that evidence of obstruction will be found at the PREMISES.

The execution order unsealing the affidavit can be found here. The letter from the DOJ explaining the reasoning behind redactions is here. The heavily redacted list of requested redactions is here. And finally, the affidavit itself is here. And that affidavit wastes no time in making clear that this is a serious matter:

And when it comes to the conclusion, the document is even more harsh:

That’s far from all that’s still visible, and still incredibly damning for Donald Trump.

When it comes to the statutory authority behind the affidavit, the FBI goes immediately to the heart of concerns:

This is a criminal investigation. The FBI has cause to believe that there have been multiple violations of federal law. That law calls for fines and/or imprisonment. And they believe the “fruits of crime” will be found at “PREMISES”—otherwise known as Mar-a-Lago.

Does that sound like enough to get measured for an orange jumpsuit?

Hold on for another paragraph.
You are going to be soooo disappointed.
Poopeypants initiated all this in May and the mid terms are just around the corner. Skews is screwed.
The execution order unsealing the affidavit can be found here. The letter from the DOJ explaining the reasoning behind redactions is here. The heavily redacted list of requested redactions is here. And finally, the affidavit itself is here. And that affidavit wastes no time in making clear that this is a serious matter:

And when it comes to the conclusion, the document is even more harsh:

That’s far from all that’s still visible, and still incredibly damning for Donald Trump.

When it comes to the statutory authority behind the affidavit, the FBI goes immediately to the heart of concerns:

This is a criminal investigation. The FBI has cause to believe that there have been multiple violations of federal law. That law calls for fines and/or imprisonment. And they believe the “fruits of crime” will be found at “PREMISES”—otherwise known as Mar-a-Lago.

Does that sound like enough to get measured for an orange jumpsuit?

Hold on for another paragraph.
skews what are you going to do if trump just gets a slap on his dainty wrist?.....just wondering....
The execution order unsealing the affidavit can be found here. The letter from the DOJ explaining the reasoning behind redactions is here. The heavily redacted list of requested redactions is here. And finally, the affidavit itself is here. And that affidavit wastes no time in making clear that this is a serious matter:

And when it comes to the conclusion, the document is even more harsh:

That’s far from all that’s still visible, and still incredibly damning for Donald Trump.

When it comes to the statutory authority behind the affidavit, the FBI goes immediately to the heart of concerns:

This is a criminal investigation. The FBI has cause to believe that there have been multiple violations of federal law. That law calls for fines and/or imprisonment. And they believe the “fruits of crime” will be found at “PREMISES”—otherwise known as Mar-a-Lago.

Does that sound like enough to get measured for an orange jumpsuit?

Hold on for another paragraph.
It couldn't happen to a nicer, more deserving guy. I'm sure. Good luck to the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and God Bless the United States of America, as they seek to protect our country from those that would go against our laws and traditions for personal benefit or advantage.
It couldn't happen to a nicer, more deserving guy. I'm sure. Good luck to the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and God Bless the United States of America, as they seek to protect our country from those that would go against our laws and traditions for personal benefit or advantage.
Thanks for being so kind. And sane.
The execution order unsealing the affidavit can be found here. The letter from the DOJ explaining the reasoning behind redactions is here. The heavily redacted list of requested redactions is here. And finally, the affidavit itself is here. And that affidavit wastes no time in making clear that this is a serious matter:

And when it comes to the conclusion, the document is even more harsh:

That’s far from all that’s still visible, and still incredibly damning for Donald Trump.

When it comes to the statutory authority behind the affidavit, the FBI goes immediately to the heart of concerns:

This is a criminal investigation. The FBI has cause to believe that there have been multiple violations of federal law. That law calls for fines and/or imprisonment. And they believe the “fruits of crime” will be found at “PREMISES”—otherwise known as Mar-a-Lago.

Does that sound like enough to get measured for an orange jumpsuit?

Hold on for another paragraph.
A pile of pages that are 90% blacked out, with exceptions made for conjunctions and predicates, is "damning"?

Oh yeah....Daily Kooks.....

The execution order unsealing the affidavit can be found here. The letter from the DOJ explaining the reasoning behind redactions is here. The heavily redacted list of requested redactions is here. And finally, the affidavit itself is here. And that affidavit wastes no time in making clear that this is a serious matter:

And when it comes to the conclusion, the document is even more harsh:

That’s far from all that’s still visible, and still incredibly damning for Donald Trump.

When it comes to the statutory authority behind the affidavit, the FBI goes immediately to the heart of concerns:

This is a criminal investigation. The FBI has cause to believe that there have been multiple violations of federal law. That law calls for fines and/or imprisonment. And they believe the “fruits of crime” will be found at “PREMISES”—otherwise known as Mar-a-Lago.

Does that sound like enough to get measured for an orange jumpsuit?

Hold on for another paragraph.
The only thing that redacted warrant said is they were looking for any documents that Trump had pointing to the corruption of the Democrats in trying to undermine his administration.
It couldn't happen to a nicer, more deserving guy. I'm sure. Good luck to the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and God Bless the United States of America, as they seek to protect our country from those that would go against our laws and traditions for personal benefit or advantage.
Good grief, are you one hysterical, pearl clutching fucking freak. :laugh2:
It couldn't happen to a nicer, more deserving guy. I'm sure. Good luck to the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and God Bless the United States of America, as they seek to protect our country from those that would go against our laws and traditions for personal benefit or advantage.
Wow, exactly the speech that will accompany real investigations starting after the midterms.
Wow, exactly the speech that will accompany real investigations starting after the midterms.
Good luck. If it were to turn out just, let the chips fall where they may. This is the benefit of being independent. I get to care about the welfare of the country, instead of some politician.
It couldn't happen to a nicer, more deserving guy. I'm sure. Good luck to the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and God Bless the United States of America, as they seek to protect our country from those that would go against our laws and traditions for personal benefit or advantage.
God damn this is king kamayamaya horse shit
Good luck. If it were to turn out just, let the chips fall where they may. This is the benefit of being independent. I get to care about the welfare of the country, instead of some politician.
Yet you allow our laws and processes to get massacred cause of some politician.

Good luck. If it were to turn out just, let the chips fall where they may. This is the benefit of being independent. I get to care about the welfare of the country, instead of some politician.
Oh blow it out your ass, you fucking twaddling twat.....You couldn't care fucking less about the law and it's equal application....You just hate the awful Orange Man, and that's all that guides your mendacious supposed concern about the "welfare of the country".

"Independent" my lily white ass.

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