Advice on U.S Universities, please.

Foreigner Looking In.

Diamond Member
Jan 10, 2021
My wife is hispanic and doesn't speak English much. We have 2 kids. She is currently saving in order to send our kid to one of the big Universities in the U.S like Yale or Harvard.
Problem is my son, looks more like me. Fair hair and white. I'm not keen on the idea of my son being a white male being educated by leftists with their hatred of white males and also their indoctrination churning out weirdoes, ne'er do wells and libtards.
I've watched enough videos of these University types on Youtube, and to be honest I'd rather my son learnt a trade or studied in a conservative university (if such a thing exists). Or alternatively study in another country like in Eastern Europe etc.
So, are there Conservative Univeristies in the U.S which does not teach Critical Race theory and 72 genders and kneeling before a football game etc?
My wife is not clued in on what libtards are doing to the U.S and Europe. I try to explain to her but it's like talking to the wall.
My wife is hispanic and doesn't speak English much. We have 2 kids. She is currently saving in order to send our kid to one of the big Universities in the U.S like Yale or Harvard.
Problem is my son, looks more like me. Fair hair and white. I'm not keen on the idea of my son being a white male being educated by leftists with their hatred of white males and also their indoctrination churning out weirdoes, ne'er do wells and libtards.
I've watched enough videos of these University types on Youtube, and to be honest I'd rather my son learnt a trade or studied in a conservative university (if such a thing exists). Or alternatively study in another country like in Eastern Europe etc.
So, are there Conservative Univeristies in the U.S which does not teach Critical Race theory and 72 genders and kneeling before a football game etc?
My wife is not clued in on what libtards are doing to the U.S and Europe. I try to explain to her but it's like talking to the wall.

No worries, they won't let a white kid in the Ivy Leagues unless he is a trust fund progeny of alumni anyway. Give them a $10 million endowment, if you want your kid to get in.
My wife is hispanic and doesn't speak English much. We have 2 kids. She is currently saving in order to send our kid to one of the big Universities in the U.S like Yale or Harvard.
Problem is my son, looks more like me. Fair hair and white. I'm not keen on the idea of my son being a white male being educated by leftists with their hatred of white males and also their indoctrination churning out weirdoes, ne'er do wells and libtards.
I've watched enough videos of these University types on Youtube, and to be honest I'd rather my son learnt a trade or studied in a conservative university (if such a thing exists). Or alternatively study in another country like in Eastern Europe etc.
So, are there Conservative Univeristies in the U.S which does not teach Critical Race theory and 72 genders and kneeling before a football game etc?
My wife is not clued in on what libtards are doing to the U.S and Europe. I try to explain to her but it's like talking to the wall.

What you see on television or in the media is by and large by universities on the coasts. The real deal is that the vast majority of universities and colleges have a mixture of both liberal and conservative profs. We hear about one professor over here and another one over there and this one down here trying to make a name for him/herself. All of them should mention critical race theory one way or another depending on the class you take. You don't want to discuss 72 genders than don't take a class on it.
My wife is hispanic and doesn't speak English much. We have 2 kids. She is currently saving in order to send our kid to one of the big Universities in the U.S like Yale or Harvard.
Problem is my son, looks more like me. Fair hair and white. I'm not keen on the idea of my son being a white male being educated by leftists with their hatred of white males and also their indoctrination churning out weirdoes, ne'er do wells and libtards.
I've watched enough videos of these University types on Youtube, and to be honest I'd rather my son learnt a trade or studied in a conservative university (if such a thing exists). Or alternatively study in another country like in Eastern Europe etc.
So, are there Conservative Univeristies in the U.S which does not teach Critical Race theory and 72 genders and kneeling before a football game etc?
My wife is not clued in on what libtards are doing to the U.S and Europe. I try to explain to her but it's like talking to the wall.
I empathize with you. You just have to have faith that the values that you imparted to your children hold true. I do not know of a conservative university--maybe perochial, but even that is doubtful. I was faced with the same quandry in 2004 when we sent our child to school. Our kid was well on her way to being thoroughly indoctrinated by CA public schools when she chose a small private school. When she graduated, she had thankfully shed some of the liberal garbage that she had been taught and learned the value of critical thinking.
Send the kid to a trade school. Let him be a plumber-electrician. It's cheaper and he'll make plenty of money and not be brainwashed. Win-win-win.
Yup. I get that.
Problem is, my wife is from South America where those trades are frowned upon and belittled.
But in my European country it's a licence to print money.
We are having a clash of cultural differences. I tell her that bricklayers and plumbers are highly paid jobs and she looks at me like I'm a retard.
Send the kid to a trade school. Let him be a plumber-electrician. It's cheaper and he'll make plenty of money and not be brainwashed. Win-win-win.
Yup. I get that.
Problem is, my wife is from South America where those trades are frowned upon and belittled.
But in my European country it's a licence to print money.
We are having a clash of cultural differences. I tell her that bricklayers and plumbers are highly paid jobs and she looks at me like I'm a retard.
Tell her in a nice way to not be so uppity. We'll need plenty of plumbers long after we realize we don't need so many lawyers.
Send the kid to a trade school. Let him be a plumber-electrician. It's cheaper and he'll make plenty of money and not be brainwashed. Win-win-win.
Yup. I get that.
Problem is, my wife is from South America where those trades are frowned upon and belittled.
But in my European country it's a licence to print money.
We are having a clash of cultural differences. I tell her that bricklayers and plumbers are highly paid jobs and she looks at me like I'm a retard.
Tell her in a nice way to not be so uppity. We'll need plenty of plumbers long after we realize we don't need so many lawyers.
Funny thing is that she is a Cuban educated leftist, and wants to send our kid to an American Uni.
She's thinking of the prestige. But I'm of the opinion that prestige is long gone now, given the amount of horse-shit emanating from Universities now.
I may have to lay down the iron fist and take control of matters.
Send the kid to a trade school. Let him be a plumber-electrician. It's cheaper and he'll make plenty of money and not be brainwashed. Win-win-win.
Yup. I get that.
Problem is, my wife is from South America where those trades are frowned upon and belittled.
But in my European country it's a licence to print money.
We are having a clash of cultural differences. I tell her that bricklayers and plumbers are highly paid jobs and she looks at me like I'm a retard.
Being a retired tradesman, I agree that the trades are compensated very well in western countries--can't say much about others as I have not worked there. However, it is a good living wage and you can save for a comfortable retirement. That being said, tradespeople do not usually have the easiest row to hoe later in life as the work takes a toll on the body. I believe that the greatest benefit of having a trade is that you can perform those tasks for yourself, saving great sums. If you should need to hire a tradesman, you can tell good from charlatan.
Yup. I get that.
Problem is, my wife is from South America where those trades are frowned upon and belittled.
But in my European country it's a licence to print money.
We are having a clash of cultural differences. I tell her that bricklayers and plumbers are highly paid jobs and she looks at me like I'm a retard.
Damn... That's a hell of a conundrum. I personally wouldn't suggest sending them to a college to figure out what it is they want to do... They need to figure it out before then for sure. Especially if one of the parents at home preaches what the outside world thinks is worthy of consideration of trumping ones own happiness.

Long story short... If your offspring isn't happy doing whatever it is they working at... It's not worth it even if it's free education. With that said... Sometimes one has to be pushed to know what it is they DON'T want to do. Frankly manual labor is a wonderful thing for some people, and a hell of a push to learn another trade if it's not their cup of tea. A lesson that absolutely should be learned while a teenager IMHO.
Send the kid to a trade school. Let him be a plumber-electrician. It's cheaper and he'll make plenty of money and not be brainwashed. Win-win-win.
Yup. I get that.
Problem is, my wife is from South America where those trades are frowned upon and belittled.
But in my European country it's a licence to print money.
We are having a clash of cultural differences. I tell her that bricklayers and plumbers are highly paid jobs and she looks at me like I'm a retard.
Tell her in a nice way to not be so uppity. We'll need plenty of plumbers long after we realize we don't need so many lawyers.
Funny thing is that she is a Cuban educated leftist, and wants to send our kid to an American Uni.
She's thinking of the prestige. But I'm of the opinion that prestige is long gone now, given the amount of horse-shit emanating from Universities now.
I may have to lay down the iron fist and take control of matters.
There is that. I worked with a lady that had a $250K engineering degree from MIT and she ended up working as an HR professional on graveyard for a large company. Such a waste. Prestige doesn't always equal lucrative employment.
Yup. I get that.
Problem is, my wife is from South America where those trades are frowned upon and belittled.
But in my European country it's a licence to print money.
We are having a clash of cultural differences. I tell her that bricklayers and plumbers are highly paid jobs and she looks at me like I'm a retard.
Damn... That's a hell of a conundrum. I personally wouldn't suggest sending them to a college to figure out what it is they want to do... They need to figure it out before then for sure. Especially if one of the parents at home preaches what the outside world thinks is worthy of consideration of trumping ones own happiness.

Long story short... If your offspring isn't happy doing whatever it is they working at... It's not worth it even if it's free education. With that said... Sometimes one has to be pushed to know what it is they DON'T want to do. Frankly manual labor is a wonderful thing for some people, and a hell of a push to learn another trade if it's not their cup of tea. A lesson that absolutely should be learned while a teenager IMHO.
Many states have free or low cost lower division education available through community colleges. Someone who has not determined their path can save money by using CC's for the first two years and finishing at a good four year college or university after deciding their direction.
Funny thing is that she is a Cuban educated leftist, and wants to send our kid to an American Uni.
She's thinking of the prestige. But I'm of the opinion that prestige is long gone now, given the amount of horse-shit emanating from Universities now.
I may have to lay down the iron fist and take control of matters.
Explain to her that 90-95% of applicants to Ivy League Universities are rejected. Better to be at least thinking of a plan B.
Send the kid to a trade school. Let him be a plumber-electrician. It's cheaper and he'll make plenty of money and not be brainwashed. Win-win-win.
Yup. I get that.
Problem is, my wife is from South America where those trades are frowned upon and belittled.
But in my European country it's a licence to print money.
We are having a clash of cultural differences. I tell her that bricklayers and plumbers are highly paid jobs and she looks at me like I'm a retard.
Tell her in a nice way to not be so uppity. We'll need plenty of plumbers long after we realize we don't need so many lawyers.
Funny thing is that she is a Cuban educated leftist, and wants to send our kid to an American Uni.
She's thinking of the prestige. But I'm of the opinion that prestige is long gone now, given the amount of horse-shit emanating from Universities now.
I may have to lay down the iron fist and take control of matters.
Tell her that she might end up with the nicest kitchen and bathroom in town. Dream shit. You pay for the trade school and I'm sure your grateful son will take care of you later.
There is that. I worked with a lady that had a $250K engineering degree from MIT and she ended up working as an HR professional on graveyard for a large company. Such a waste. Prestige doesn't always equal lucrative employment.
I have known a great many educated idiots. Knowing things isn't really worth anything if the intelligence, and drive, isn't there to apply them to new situations.
My wife is hispanic and doesn't speak English much. We have 2 kids. She is currently saving in order to send our kid to one of the big Universities in the U.S like Yale or Harvard.
Problem is my son, looks more like me. Fair hair and white. I'm not keen on the idea of my son being a white male being educated by leftists with their hatred of white males and also their indoctrination churning out weirdoes, ne'er do wells and libtards.
I've watched enough videos of these University types on Youtube, and to be honest I'd rather my son learnt a trade or studied in a conservative university (if such a thing exists). Or alternatively study in another country like in Eastern Europe etc.
So, are there Conservative Univeristies in the U.S which does not teach Critical Race theory and 72 genders and kneeling before a football game etc?
My wife is not clued in on what libtards are doing to the U.S and Europe. I try to explain to her but it's like talking to the wall.

Sounds like you're the one who needs an edumacation.
Send the kid to a trade school. Let him be a plumber-electrician. It's cheaper and he'll make plenty of money and not be brainwashed. Win-win-win.
Yup. I get that.
Problem is, my wife is from South America where those trades are frowned upon and belittled.
But in my European country it's a licence to print money.
We are having a clash of cultural differences. I tell her that bricklayers and plumbers are highly paid jobs and she looks at me like I'm a retard.
Tell her in a nice way to not be so uppity. We'll need plenty of plumbers long after we realize we don't need so many lawyers.
Funny thing is that she is a Cuban educated leftist, and wants to send our kid to an American Uni.
She's thinking of the prestige. But I'm of the opinion that prestige is long gone now, given the amount of horse-shit emanating from Universities now.
I may have to lay down the iron fist and take control of matters.
If your kid learns how to weld he'll be making bank years before any of those Harvard dickheads will.
Send the kid to a trade school. Let him be a plumber-electrician. It's cheaper and he'll make plenty of money and not be brainwashed. Win-win-win.
Yup. I get that.
Problem is, my wife is from South America where those trades are frowned upon and belittled.
But in my European country it's a licence to print money.
We are having a clash of cultural differences. I tell her that bricklayers and plumbers are highly paid jobs and she looks at me like I'm a retard.
Being a retired tradesman, I agree that the trades are compensated very well in western countries--can't say much about others as I have not worked there. However, it is a good living wage and you can save for a comfortable retirement. That being said, tradespeople do not usually have the easiest row to hoe later in life as the work takes a toll on the body. I believe that the greatest benefit of having a trade is that you can perform those tasks for yourself, saving great sums. If you should need to hire a tradesman, you can tell good from charlatan.
Yup, I worked in construction. Hated the winters but it's a noble profession and enabled me to build my own home without a mortgage.

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