advice on food for mom


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
okay mom has quit eating .....not junk food....but she refuses to eat any meal in the we try taking her out for lunch....she wont she will eat junk food that i put in her fridge...but she needs a more balance now i have to figure out how to put more 'good' foods in her fridge....

i understand slim fast is about the same as ensure i think i can fool her with that.....
remember we have a few figs...we have to avoid anything that gets seeds in her teeth or her gut..

any advice on good foods that can be stored in fridge and that she can eat without fuss will be greatly the tune of about 1400 rep pts.
Get her to drink anything for right now. If you think that slim fast will help then try it.
It's a matter of trial and error of what she will eat.
She needs liquids right now. Dehydration is one of the most common problems for Alzheimer's patients.
Get some grape juice, apple juice and orange juice.
See if you can store some apple slices or carrots. Something along those type of foods.It's still OK to get some junk food so that she has some kind of nutrition. So that she will still eat. Sometimes Alzheimer patients don't remember about eating and a routine of daily eating needs to be maintained.
Say for example every morning at 7:00 or 8:00 a.m. What ever time is good for you to try and set up for her. Noon or 1:00 p.m. or 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. It must be done at the same time everyday in order to get a routine or habit down.
Also serve her favorite foods from when she was young. Sometimes they remember their childhood favorites and you can get them to eat those type of foods more easily. Never try to force her to eat something,because she will refuse to eat anything at all. It's part of the disease.
the dehydration is what is causing the i am talking to a friend about the apples slices...that i get that are friend goes all over me about the nasty preservatives.....i am with me here....she is 81 with dementia.....once she realized we didnt need a 10 yr plan she got on board...

here is what she is getting....

mac salad
grapes (seedless)
cut up fruits....the ones they do in the store....watermelon, cantaloupe, grapes, pineapple...

now for the bad side"

dove ice cream on sticks
cape cod chips
dove candy bars
cinnamon raisin bread
I think I would chill with the cookies and the sweets generally. I read that metabolizing sugars requires water and would make her thirstier. Does she like bananas? They are like 70% water.

Maybe a bad idea, but something I liked a lot was tangerine bowls. It is tangerine slices in a little plastic bowl.

How is she at peeling fruit generally? Tangerines are coming back in season in Japan. My kids love them to a really insane degree. (they go through a 5lb box in a day) The are very easy to peel.
Would she go for a milkshake? You could start off with ice cream with a 1/2 scoop of vanilla protein powder added in. If that goes well you could gradually cut a bit of the ice cream and add in a bit of tofu (she will never taste it or notice any texture change). Also perhaps a small bit of peanut butter. A little adds tons of flavor. If that goes well you could maybe try tofu/frozen banana/blueberries/protein powder/bit of peanut butter shake. Quite tasty.

What about oatmeal? Fruit/nuts (if she can have the) can be added into it. I always added cinnamon, bit of brown sugar, bit of vanilla and fruit when the kids actually ate oatmeal. I realize that has to be cooked though .. . . .

What about things like pumpkin bread? or muffins?
Already some great suggestions here. Maybe some jello mixed with fruit cocktail or bananas, or pudding sweetened with NeutraSweet, rather than the sugared kind. Don't know if she can have nuts, but maybe some kind of trail mix with dried fruits, raisins, nuts if she can have them. I know there is also flavored water, cherry, lemon, etc., not sure what the sugar content is in it though.
okay mom has quit eating .....not junk food....but she refuses to eat any meal in the we try taking her out for lunch....she wont she will eat junk food that i put in her fridge...but she needs a more balance now i have to figure out how to put more 'good' foods in her fridge....

i understand slim fast is about the same as ensure i think i can fool her with that.....
remember we have a few figs...we have to avoid anything that gets seeds in her teeth or her gut..

any advice on good foods that can be stored in fridge and that she can eat without fuss will be greatly the tune of about 1400 rep pts.

BJ's sells some good Rice Puddings that you can add raisins and cinnamon to. I think the package has a dozen small serving containers.

Those giant Burrito Shells work good with chicken or steak, cheese and whatever. Fill them up, I fold them up like an envelope and put them in a George Forman Grill for a few minutes.

Shrimp is always good.

My Mother in Law just turned 94. ;)

Keebler Sandies. ;)
okay mom has quit eating .....not junk food....but she refuses to eat any meal in the we try taking her out for lunch....she wont she will eat junk food that i put in her fridge...but she needs a more balance now i have to figure out how to put more 'good' foods in her fridge....

i understand slim fast is about the same as ensure i think i can fool her with that.....
remember we have a few figs...we have to avoid anything that gets seeds in her teeth or her gut..

any advice on good foods that can be stored in fridge and that she can eat without fuss will be greatly the tune of about 1400 rep pts.

Slim fast is not anything near insure. If you are looking to have her gain weight... go to health food/vitamin store for something like a mega body builder powder... and make her milk shakes with them.... real ice cream and whole milk...and a few tlbs of the powder to it.

peanut butter and celery
dried fruit
apple and banana chips
granola bars/energy bars. Some are really good, try the odwalla clif bars. YUMMY.
make turkey and cheese or ham and cheese roll ups. Have them in a container ready to go.
Have oranges peeled and sectioned out in a container.
Make little containers of tuna and chicken salad.
cheese and crackers, smooth peanut butter, hummus, mild salsa, pita chips.

If she likes junk food she may be "fooled" by the kids prepackaged lunchables with little pizzas and the like in them.

ovaltine might get her to drink some skim milk.

She likely remembers that as a childhood treat.
There are the instant breakfast drinks.

sometimes they dont want the ensure because they think it for old people

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