Adam Schitt's - Gosip Girl Impeachment Probe

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015
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Adam Schiff’s ‘Gossip Girl’ Probe

They are led by U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. In ordinary impeachment probes, the inquiry would be led by the House Judiciary Committee. But the Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) has bungled key elements and fallen out of favor with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

So the duty has fallen to Schiff, who is proving himself to be terrifyingly adept at three things: running secret hearings, forcing context-free facts into a pre-set narrative, and burning both the credibility of Congress and the impeachment process to the ground.

After claiming for the better part of three weeks that the alleged quid pro quo between Trump and Ukraine was so significant that he “reluctantly” was compelled to begin the impeachment probe—for, you know, the Constitution!—Schiff breezily declared this week that a quid pro quo wasn’t even really necessary for the probe to continue.


Fucking Adam Schitt.

Article nailed it.
Apparently the Democrat clown-show is not working for them. Trump undermined them when he released the actual transcript of his call. Schiff tried to make up a story about the actual transcript which was nothing but lies and a fantasy story. The so-called "whistleblower" is now only an op-ed because we HAVE the actual transcript. Now the Democrats are reduced to saying what they think Trump meant. It's all caving in around them. 2020 will be a disaster for the Democrat party.
Gotta Love it:

Adam Schiff’s ‘Gossip Girl’ Probe

They are led by U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. In ordinary impeachment probes, the inquiry would be led by the House Judiciary Committee. But the Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) has bungled key elements and fallen out of favor with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

So the duty has fallen to Schiff, who is proving himself to be terrifyingly adept at three things: running secret hearings, forcing context-free facts into a pre-set narrative, and burning both the credibility of Congress and the impeachment process to the ground.

After claiming for the better part of three weeks that the alleged quid pro quo between Trump and Ukraine was so significant that he “reluctantly” was compelled to begin the impeachment probe—for, you know, the Constitution!—Schiff breezily declared this week that a quid pro quo wasn’t even really necessary for the probe to continue.


Fucking Adam Schitt.

Article nailed it.
Schiff is a Russian asset. Putin wants to destabilize our government and Democrats are willing participants.
Gotta Love it:

Adam Schiff’s ‘Gossip Girl’ Probe

They are led by U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. In ordinary impeachment probes, the inquiry would be led by the House Judiciary Committee. But the Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) has bungled key elements and fallen out of favor with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

So the duty has fallen to Schiff, who is proving himself to be terrifyingly adept at three things: running secret hearings, forcing context-free facts into a pre-set narrative, and burning both the credibility of Congress and the impeachment process to the ground.

After claiming for the better part of three weeks that the alleged quid pro quo between Trump and Ukraine was so significant that he “reluctantly” was compelled to begin the impeachment probe—for, you know, the Constitution!—Schiff breezily declared this week that a quid pro quo wasn’t even really necessary for the probe to continue.


Fucking Adam Schitt.

Article nailed it.

It's not necessary.
Gotta Love it:

Adam Schiff’s ‘Gossip Girl’ Probe

They are led by U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. In ordinary impeachment probes, the inquiry would be led by the House Judiciary Committee. But the Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) has bungled key elements and fallen out of favor with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

So the duty has fallen to Schiff, who is proving himself to be terrifyingly adept at three things: running secret hearings, forcing context-free facts into a pre-set narrative, and burning both the credibility of Congress and the impeachment process to the ground.

After claiming for the better part of three weeks that the alleged quid pro quo between Trump and Ukraine was so significant that he “reluctantly” was compelled to begin the impeachment probe—for, you know, the Constitution!—Schiff breezily declared this week that a quid pro quo wasn’t even really necessary for the probe to continue.


Fucking Adam Schitt.

Article nailed it.
Schiff is a Russian asset. Putin wants to destabilize our government and Democrats are willing participants.

Spoken like a true dumb ass.
Gotta Love it:

Adam Schiff’s ‘Gossip Girl’ Probe

They are led by U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. In ordinary impeachment probes, the inquiry would be led by the House Judiciary Committee. But the Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) has bungled key elements and fallen out of favor with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

So the duty has fallen to Schiff, who is proving himself to be terrifyingly adept at three things: running secret hearings, forcing context-free facts into a pre-set narrative, and burning both the credibility of Congress and the impeachment process to the ground.

After claiming for the better part of three weeks that the alleged quid pro quo between Trump and Ukraine was so significant that he “reluctantly” was compelled to begin the impeachment probe—for, you know, the Constitution!—Schiff breezily declared this week that a quid pro quo wasn’t even really necessary for the probe to continue.


Fucking Adam Schitt.

Article nailed it.
Schiff is a Russian asset. Putin wants to destabilize our government and Democrats are willing participants.

He did that with tramp and Gop are willing participants, most of them anyway.
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Gotta Love it:

Adam Schiff’s ‘Gossip Girl’ Probe

They are led by U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. In ordinary impeachment probes, the inquiry would be led by the House Judiciary Committee. But the Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) has bungled key elements and fallen out of favor with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

So the duty has fallen to Schiff, who is proving himself to be terrifyingly adept at three things: running secret hearings, forcing context-free facts into a pre-set narrative, and burning both the credibility of Congress and the impeachment process to the ground.

After claiming for the better part of three weeks that the alleged quid pro quo between Trump and Ukraine was so significant that he “reluctantly” was compelled to begin the impeachment probe—for, you know, the Constitution!—Schiff breezily declared this week that a quid pro quo wasn’t even really necessary for the probe to continue.


Fucking Adam Schitt.

Article nailed it.

It's not necessary.

Of course not....Schitt is on an eternal witch hunt.

Fuck him.

And fuck you.
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Gotta Love it:

Adam Schiff’s ‘Gossip Girl’ Probe

They are led by U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. In ordinary impeachment probes, the inquiry would be led by the House Judiciary Committee. But the Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) has bungled key elements and fallen out of favor with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

So the duty has fallen to Schiff, who is proving himself to be terrifyingly adept at three things: running secret hearings, forcing context-free facts into a pre-set narrative, and burning both the credibility of Congress and the impeachment process to the ground.

After claiming for the better part of three weeks that the alleged quid pro quo between Trump and Ukraine was so significant that he “reluctantly” was compelled to begin the impeachment probe—for, you know, the Constitution!—Schiff breezily declared this week that a quid pro quo wasn’t even really necessary for the probe to continue.


Fucking Adam Schitt.

Article nailed it.
Schiff is a Russian asset. Putin wants to destabilize our government and Democrats are willing participants.

He did that with tramp and Gop are willing participants, most of them anyway.

How many times do you need to be told that when you post drunk, you look more stupid than normal ?
Gotta Love it:

Adam Schiff’s ‘Gossip Girl’ Probe

They are led by U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. In ordinary impeachment probes, the inquiry would be led by the House Judiciary Committee. But the Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) has bungled key elements and fallen out of favor with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

So the duty has fallen to Schiff, who is proving himself to be terrifyingly adept at three things: running secret hearings, forcing context-free facts into a pre-set narrative, and burning both the credibility of Congress and the impeachment process to the ground.

After claiming for the better part of three weeks that the alleged quid pro quo between Trump and Ukraine was so significant that he “reluctantly” was compelled to begin the impeachment probe—for, you know, the Constitution!—Schiff breezily declared this week that a quid pro quo wasn’t even really necessary for the probe to continue.


Fucking Adam Schitt.

Article nailed it.
Schiff is a Russian asset. Putin wants to destabilize our government and Democrats are willing participants.

He did that with tramp and Gop are willing participants, most of them anyway.

Shiff and impeachment inquiries are kicking Trump's ass and Trumpicans are distressed and having meltdowns over it. Support for impeachment and removal increase daily and Trump's approval ratings continue to decline. For some reason Donald thought maybe shaming the American military and America, in general, would help his ratings.
Shiff and impeachment inquiries are kicking Trump's ass and Trumpicans are distressed and having meltdowns over it. Support for impeachment and removal increase daily and Trump's approval ratings continue to decline. For some reason Donald thought maybe shaming the American military and America, in general, would help his ratings.

Talking points much ?
From the Article:

But just as the Democrats leak evidence they claim is “deeply problematic” for Trump, the reports on Schiff’s questioning of former U.S. special representative to Ukraine, Kurt Volker, appears to be equally problematic . . . for Schiff. In fact, it’s worse than that considering he is the standard-bearer for what is supposed to be a somber, fact-based inquiry.

As the Washington Examiner’s Byron York reported this week, Schiff appeared to press Volker to testify that Ukraine felt pressure from Trump to investigate Hunter Biden’s activities on the board of Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma, in exchange for military aid—all while Volker repeatedly was trying to testify to the opposite.


Yep.....Schitt is fucked (and he apparently likes it...he'll be popular in his cell block).
Shiff and impeachment inquiries are kicking Trump's ass and Trumpicans are distressed and having meltdowns over it. Support for impeachment and removal increase daily and Trump's approval ratings continue to decline. For some reason Donald thought maybe shaming the American military and America, in general, would help his ratings.

Talking points much ?
No talking points in the post other than my own.
Shiff and impeachment inquiries are kicking Trump's ass and Trumpicans are distressed and having meltdowns over it. Support for impeachment and removal increase daily and Trump's approval ratings continue to decline. For some reason Donald thought maybe shaming the American military and America, in general, would help his ratings.

Talking points much ?
No talking points in the post other than my own.

Nancy Pelosi is letting Schitt move out on the limb and saw it off. She's not going there with him.

She needs no vote and she has no intention of taking one....knowing full good and well it will cost her big.

No vote out of procedural reverence...hardly. If she had the votes and wan't afraid of losing the house, she'd vote every fucking day.


So, now she has a tiger by the tail and she is really going to struggle to keep from getting eaten alive (pity the tiger).
Trump supporters are unraveling right alongside their dead leader...

Yeah, we are really worried.

I was worried in 2016. I figured we were fucked.

Maybe I should got me two supreme court justices.

1. Impeach Trump
2. Get Pence as president (your wet dreams about taking him down make even the left laugh at you).
3. Pray for Trumps return.
4. Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies (completes the process)
5. Pence appoints a John Bircher to the court.
6. Kagan and SotoMeyer sit in the corner while court get rid of the left wing shit it's been building for so long.

Really coming apart.

I need a pill.

Trump supporters are unraveling right alongside their dead leader...

Yeah, we are really worried.

I was worried in 2016. I figured we were fucked.

Maybe I should got me two supreme court justices.

1. Impeach Trump
2. Get Pence as president (your wet dreams about taking him down make even the left laugh at you).
3. Pray for Trumps return.
4. Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies (completes the process)
5. Pence appoints a John Bircher to the court.
6. Kagan and SotoMeyer sit in the corner while court get rid of the left wing shit it's been building for so long.

Really coming apart.

I need a pill.


Who you trying to convince, me or you?
Trump supporters are unraveling right alongside their dead leader...

Yeah, we are really worried.

I was worried in 2016. I figured we were fucked.

Maybe I should got me two supreme court justices.

1. Impeach Trump
2. Get Pence as president (your wet dreams about taking him down make even the left laugh at you).
3. Pray for Trumps return.
4. Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies (completes the process)
5. Pence appoints a John Bircher to the court.
6. Kagan and SotoMeyer sit in the corner while court get rid of the left wing shit it's been building for so long.

Really coming apart.

I need a pill.


Who you trying to convince, me or you?

I am trying to convince anyone ?

Don't need to.

I already have 2 justices.

What have you got ? Adam Schitt.

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