Acid Rain: A Modern Conference (UN)


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a non-fictional UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) value-assessment inspired by FernGully: The Last Rainforest and this UNEP report.



Imagine that a hypothetical/fictional executive (named Ajay Satan) at a successful energy-company decides to break into his office's computer files late at night and extract files/information regarding the company's misreporting of industrial waste and air-pollutant toxicity levels. Ajay Satan is like 'James Bond' and tries to get these files to UNEP so they can send a monitoring group ahead of an important UNEP conference on acid rain to be held at the United Nations building in New York, right next to Trump Tower.


Ajay Satan manages to deliver the stolen files and the UNEP diplomats are grateful and don't question the source of Ajay's files or how he got them. Ajay then quits his job at the company and attends the UNEP conference on acid rain in New York. When Ajay Satan arrives at the conference, he listens to speakers talk about the 'process' of industrial waste becoming acid rain, and he wants to know what modern companies (and consumers!) should know from scientists and Consumer Reports magazine.


Ajay notices multiple respected professionals and members of the eco-activism community as well as representatives from the EPA and of course UNEP diplomats themselves. Ajay takes notes about the discussions and voice-records some of the lectures given by guest-speakers, one of whom talks at length about the eco-terrorism novel The Monkey Wrench Gang by Edward Abbey.


Ajay Satan then decides to go to Europe and 'disappear' into the crowds of an LGBT street-rally/parade-protest and joins one of the groups trying to represent itself at the street-rally. Ajay takes photos of the protest and then uploads them onto his Facebook page. When his company asks/wonders why he quit his job at the power-plant he worked at formerly (before he stole the pollution-files and delivered them to UNEP officials), he tells them "I want to experiment with various liberalism-activism groups so I can feel more socially-responsible, and besides, I have enough money now to comfortably retire!" Ajay then shows the photos of the LGBT rally he attended which he posted on Facebook to one of his former bosses at the power-plant he left.


Ajay Satan then begins to make comic book art and fan-fics on the Internet, all geared towards fables/ideas about modern eco-terrorism (e.g., a chemical-poison scheme involving the 'super-villains' Lady Shiva and Mad Hatter in NYC) and why criminal-insanity in the age of globalization and commerce can take a distinctly 'imaginative' form. Ajay has realized that new age social consciousness requires a great deal of 'pedestrianism aesthetics' appreciation, as more and more social leaders are being critiqued for seeming disattached from the needs/passions of everyday people...and consumers themselves. Ajay Satan's comic book fan-fics/art symbolize a new age social interest in 'governance-critique rhetoric,' so he submits one of these pieces to UNEP for them to present at the next conference on eco-terrorism legal awareness since the 1960s.


Ajay Satan then puts on a ski-mask and dons a crime-fighting suit and hits the streets of Europe, chasing a new violent eco-terrorist who goes by the name of Poison Ivy. Poison Ivy has already stolen the Mona Lisa from the Louvre and is threatening to place chemical bombs in the Eiffel Tower if UNEP does not demand more social-awareness of acid rain science/evidence/protests. Ajay Satan refers to himself as the vigilante 'Rain-Man' and pursues Poison Ivy, determined to prove that legal routes to social change are more advisable than terrorism.


After Ajay Satan (aka, 'Rain-Man') apprehends Poison Ivy and delivers to the authorities for questioning, he attends another UNEP conference on acid rain (this time in Switzerland) and wants to know what modern socially-conscious citizens/voters can do about neglectful consumerism reporting and misreporting of industrial waste. You see, Ajay (Rain-Man) despises acid rain and wants to feel more 'involved' in ethical modernization, which is why he's interested in attending these UNEP conferences. It this a sign of pragmatism? Certainly, our fictional 'hero' Rain-Man will feel less 'morally-culpable' in 'Earth-matters' when he goes on a vacation to Hawaii to enjoy a tourist-viewing of a natural volcano-eruption. This seems to be 'modern literature.'




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