According To A Retired Army General "Long Gun" Owners Are Terrorists . . .


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
The Article:

Retired Army general: 'We can't have demonstrators showing up at a state Capitol with damn long guns'

From The Article:

"The retired Army general tapped to lead a review of the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol said Sunday that rules need to change so protesters can't carry long guns to state Capitols.

"We can't have demonstrators showing up at a state Capitol with damn long guns," Retired Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré said. "Your First Amendment right don't give you the right to carry long guns to a demonstration, and that is confusing the hell out of police and intimidating people. Remember, one of the objectives of a terrorist is to intimidate, if not to cause violent harm."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) tapped Honoré on Friday to lead a review of the deadly Capitol riot that will focus on "security infrastructure, interagency processes and procedures, and command and control."

Honoré also said authorities must work to identify "people with terrorist intent" before they arrive at a state Capitol or the U.S. Capitol. Officials have beefed up security in Washington, D.C., and across the country as the FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) warn about demonstrations surrounding President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration this week.

"The definition of terrorism is people who use violence and intimidation to achieve a political or religious objective," said Honoré while appearing on "The Sunday Show" with Jonathan Capehart on MSNBC."

OP Commentary:

What the General is saying, if one reads between the lines, is American gun owners must be treated similarly to insurgents and terrorists such as those encountered in Iraq and Afghanistan. He wants to apply military security strategy and SOP from from those warzones to strangling the rights of gun owners in both our state capitals and Washington D.C., and he is conflating demonstrators with gun owners who might happen to show up in the vicinity of a protest. I read this article as a direct and aimed frontal assault on all open carry laws, nationwide.
How long?

The Article:

Retired Army general: 'We can't have demonstrators showing up at a state Capitol with damn long guns'

From The Article:

"The retired Army general tapped to lead a review of the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol said Sunday that rules need to change so protesters can't carry long guns to state Capitols.

"We can't have demonstrators showing up at a state Capitol with damn long guns," Retired Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré said. "Your First Amendment right don't give you the right to carry long guns to a demonstration, and that is confusing the hell out of police and intimidating people. Remember, one of the objectives of a terrorist is to intimidate, if not to cause violent harm."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) tapped Honoré on Friday to lead a review of the deadly Capitol riot that will focus on "security infrastructure, interagency processes and procedures, and command and control."

Honoré also said authorities must work to identify "people with terrorist intent" before they arrive at a state Capitol or the U.S. Capitol. Officials have beefed up security in Washington, D.C., and across the country as the FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) warn about demonstrations surrounding President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration this week.

"The definition of terrorism is people who use violence and intimidation to achieve a political or religious objective," said Honoré while appearing on "The Sunday Show" with Jonathan Capehart on MSNBC."

OP Commentary:

What the General is saying, if one reads between the lines, is American gun owners must be treated similarly to insurgents and terrorists such as those encountered in Iraq and Afghanistan. He wants to apply military security strategy and SOP from from those warzones to strangling the rights of gun owners in both our state capitals and Washington D.C., and he is conflating demonstrators with gun owners who might happen to show up in the vicinity of a protest. I read this article as a direct and aimed frontal assault on all open carry laws, nationwide.

"The definition of terrorism is people who use violence and intimidation to achieve a political or religious objective," said Honoré while appearing on "The Sunday Show" with Jonathan Capehart on MSNBC."

Wonder what he feels about last years 'peaceful protests'?
The Article:

Retired Army general: 'We can't have demonstrators showing up at a state Capitol with damn long guns'

From The Article:

"The retired Army general tapped to lead a review of the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol said Sunday that rules need to change so protesters can't carry long guns to state Capitols.

"We can't have demonstrators showing up at a state Capitol with damn long guns," Retired Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré said. "Your First Amendment right don't give you the right to carry long guns to a demonstration, and that is confusing the hell out of police and intimidating people. Remember, one of the objectives of a terrorist is to intimidate, if not to cause violent harm."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) tapped Honoré on Friday to lead a review of the deadly Capitol riot that will focus on "security infrastructure, interagency processes and procedures, and command and control."

Honoré also said authorities must work to identify "people with terrorist intent" before they arrive at a state Capitol or the U.S. Capitol. Officials have beefed up security in Washington, D.C., and across the country as the FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) warn about demonstrations surrounding President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration this week.

"The definition of terrorism is people who use violence and intimidation to achieve a political or religious objective," said Honoré while appearing on "The Sunday Show" with Jonathan Capehart on MSNBC."

OP Commentary:

What the General is saying, if one reads between the lines, is American gun owners must be treated similarly to insurgents and terrorists such as those encountered in Iraq and Afghanistan. He wants to apply military security strategy and SOP from from those warzones to strangling the rights of gun owners in both our state capitals and Washington D.C., and he is conflating demonstrators with gun owners who might happen to show up in the vicinity of a protest. I read this article as a direct and aimed frontal assault on all open carry laws, nationwide.

"The definition of terrorism is people who use violence and intimidation to achieve a political or religious objective," said Honoré while appearing on "The Sunday Show" with Jonathan Capehart on MSNBC."

Wonder what he feels about last years 'peaceful protests'?

I am guessing, "No comment."
He is wrong. The more militarized citizens are the more in jive it is with the 2nd A.

An arms race has been simmering between our government and We The People since about 1820. Nuclear Weapons and a few other WMD notwithstanding, I believe the American people should, by indelible law, be empowered to own whatever small arms are standard issue to police and military forces, as well as a whole hell of a lot of shoulder fire anti-armor weapons, which could be kept under lock and key in a citizen armory. Our government doesn't need to believe We The People can defeat federal forces in open, conventional warfare but what we need them to know, beyond a shadow of doubt, is that we can effectively come for them at any time, should they betray our trust. While certain aspects of our governmental function must be preserved at all costs, elected politicians were never intended to be held up as nobility and protected from the will of the people.
The Article:

Retired Army general: 'We can't have demonstrators showing up at a state Capitol with damn long guns'

From The Article:

"The retired Army general tapped to lead a review of the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol said Sunday that rules need to change so protesters can't carry long guns to state Capitols.

"We can't have demonstrators showing up at a state Capitol with damn long guns," Retired Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré said. "Your First Amendment right don't give you the right to carry long guns to a demonstration, and that is confusing the hell out of police and intimidating people. Remember, one of the objectives of a terrorist is to intimidate, if not to cause violent harm."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) tapped Honoré on Friday to lead a review of the deadly Capitol riot that will focus on "security infrastructure, interagency processes and procedures, and command and control."

Honoré also said authorities must work to identify "people with terrorist intent" before they arrive at a state Capitol or the U.S. Capitol. Officials have beefed up security in Washington, D.C., and across the country as the FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) warn about demonstrations surrounding President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration this week.

"The definition of terrorism is people who use violence and intimidation to achieve a political or religious objective," said Honoré while appearing on "The Sunday Show" with Jonathan Capehart on MSNBC."

OP Commentary:

What the General is saying, if one reads between the lines, is American gun owners must be treated similarly to insurgents and terrorists such as those encountered in Iraq and Afghanistan. He wants to apply military security strategy and SOP from from those warzones to strangling the rights of gun owners in both our state capitals and Washington D.C., and he is conflating demonstrators with gun owners who might happen to show up in the vicinity of a protest. I read this article as a direct and aimed frontal assault on all open carry laws, nationwide.
Is it okay to own a bullpup since those arent long guns?

The Article:

Retired Army general: 'We can't have demonstrators showing up at a state Capitol with damn long guns'

From The Article:

"The retired Army general tapped to lead a review of the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol said Sunday that rules need to change so protesters can't carry long guns to state Capitols.

"We can't have demonstrators showing up at a state Capitol with damn long guns," Retired Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré said. "Your First Amendment right don't give you the right to carry long guns to a demonstration, and that is confusing the hell out of police and intimidating people. Remember, one of the objectives of a terrorist is to intimidate, if not to cause violent harm."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) tapped Honoré on Friday to lead a review of the deadly Capitol riot that will focus on "security infrastructure, interagency processes and procedures, and command and control."

Honoré also said authorities must work to identify "people with terrorist intent" before they arrive at a state Capitol or the U.S. Capitol. Officials have beefed up security in Washington, D.C., and across the country as the FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) warn about demonstrations surrounding President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration this week.

"The definition of terrorism is people who use violence and intimidation to achieve a political or religious objective," said Honoré while appearing on "The Sunday Show" with Jonathan Capehart on MSNBC."

OP Commentary:

What the General is saying, if one reads between the lines, is American gun owners must be treated similarly to insurgents and terrorists such as those encountered in Iraq and Afghanistan. He wants to apply military security strategy and SOP from from those warzones to strangling the rights of gun owners in both our state capitals and Washington D.C., and he is conflating demonstrators with gun owners who might happen to show up in the vicinity of a protest. I read this article as a direct and aimed frontal assault on all open carry laws, nationwide.
It sounds good to me. You don't put on a rubber unless you are planning to FK and you should not be swagger flaunting your firepower unless you want people to think you are ready to shoot. If carried to intimidate, it is wrong. Hard to say they were coming or going to a shooting range. I carry concealed. If you see me pull it out, shits got real.
Does the OP have spelting issues ... Capitol, with an /o/, is a building ... it's not all that uncommon for guns to be banned in certain buildings, particularly government buildings ... public schools, court houses, city halls ... that's not considered onerous to our 2nd Amendment right to own a gun, and where I live, we can carry a gun on your hip or over your shoulder in all other places ... just wack-toid that you need a license in Georgia to pack a Glok on your hip ... and this includes the sidewalks in our State Capital Redding ... Capital, with an /a/ ...
Does the OP have spelting issues ... Capitol, with an /o/, is a building ... it's not all that uncommon for guns to be banned in certain buildings, particularly government buildings ... public schools, court houses, city halls ... that's not considered onerous to our 2nd Amendment right to own a gun, and where I live, we can carry a gun on your hip or over your shoulder in all other places ... just wack-toid that you need a license in Georgia to pack a Glok on your hip ... and this includes the sidewalks in our State Capital Redding ... Capital, with an /a/ ...

What about a capital capitol in The Capital?
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If you are going to a protest, and are saying that you will be peaceful and obey the laws concerning your 1st Amendment rights, why in the hell do you need to bring a gun?

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