About That Toxic Algae Coating South Florida’s Coasts, Ask Florida Gov. Rick Scott


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Republican Rick Scott has guts. As Florida governor, he’s thumbed his nose at every attempt made by the federal government to help and protect the average citizens of that state. As a typical Republican, Scott chose instead to serve the needs of the corporate fat cats.

The pollution caused by the runoff of chemical fertilizers used by Big Agriculture, toxic algae is invading sections of the Florida coastline. Due to this, Governor Scott has requested President Obama declare the algae inundation a “federal” emergency. This request is coming from the governor who fought to keep EPA regulators out of Florida, and has hobbled state agencies that could have prevented the crisis. As stated in the article at the link below, “Governor Scott blames the president, but in his six years as governor he has branded his bona fides by; a) rejecting federal authority, b) spurning federal assistance (ie. Obamacare), c) knee-capping state environmental agencies and science staff, d) cutting regulations specific to forms of pollution causing the algae blooms and e) lobbying against rule making by the U.S. EPA to regulate fertilizers.”

Rational people consider the mess(es) caused by the Governor Scott to belong to Florida, and that the fat cats who Scott aided in causing the pollution must be made to pay to the clean-up and and also pay for the damages to others. Of course, most of the so-called small-government advocates on the right will disagree; their stand will be, the federal government must step in so the pollution is permitted to continue so as to save jobs. The normal right wing shortsightedness will blind them to the high costs of the algae to other businesses and the loss of those jobs.

As usual, the conservative position will be to protect the fat cats’ profits, and saddle the average taxpayers with the expenses of clean-up and federal financial help to the victims of the toxic algae.

We can all watch as the right wing responses to this OP will be to change the subject, deny any problem exists, or blame someone not connected with the issue (President Obama, Democrats, and the liberals will be their first choice for this), or they will fabricate “facts” to suit their position.

Obama Should Tell Florida Gov. Rick Scott: This Emergency Is Yours... Own It


Despite the firm belief of right-wingers to the contrary, denial of facts in no way refutes them, and changing the subject does not win the debate.

thats floating jeb puke ....it'll go away after Trump loses

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