Aborting Black America


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Abortion acts as a voluntary population control on non-whites. The white race benefits from this. That's harsh, but true. You see, without abortion, America would already be totally swamped with blacks and Mexicans and would be putting a huge burden on the working white taxpayer. Abortion of non-whites is a necessity for the white race to survive and our country to prosper in an extreme superior fashion.

J. KENNETH BLACKWELL Black abortions a crisis in America - Washington Times
I think that R V W has led people to believe that pregnancy is akin to catching the common cold. It's an inconvenience that can be easily remedied with medications or a swift and simple procedure. Why bother with abstinence, birth control, or family planning.

Just make an appointment.

And if you act now... you're covered by Obamacare. :thup:
Well, I've posted on this topic many times before. I do not believe, however, that outlawing abortion would cause a massive increase in the black and Hispanic populations. I believe that women of all races would respond by acting more responsibly, and this would lower pregnancy rates, especially among blacks and Hispanics who are using abortion as a substitute for birth control.
I thought this thread on aborting black America was gonna be about the 2015 movement of white cops...the only people trying to keep order....saying fuck it and giving up and leaving black neighborhoods to rot.

You mean the mass murder of black babies. Sorry I misunderstood.

Yes...tragic indeed.
Obama's Free-Wagon has many perks. Unemployment (not that that's anything to worry about), Food stamps, housing vouchers, the ACA, bloated Medicaid rolls, free Green Energy... the list is endless. That's how he rolls.

At age 60, my wife and I are both covered for pregnancies AND abortions now. Life is sweet. :thup:
Abortion acts as a voluntary population control on non-whites. The white race benefits from this. That's harsh, but true. You see, without abortion, America would already be totally swamped with blacks and Mexicans and would be putting a huge burden on the working white taxpayer. Abortion of non-whites is a necessity for the white race to survive and our country to prosper in an extreme superior fashion.

J. KENNETH BLACKWELL Black abortions a crisis in America - Washington Times
Not a bad idea. So it should be a fund which encourages abortion of non-whites. Thus I am ready to pay taxes for this. But we must prohibit abortion of whites in turn.
Abortion was simplified many years ago by the Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision.

A single, solitary vote granted this Nation the right to "choose".

And choose it did. With a vengeance. Tens of millions of children, sisters, brothers, cousins, grandchildren.

I think that R V W has led people to believe that pregnancy is akin to catching the common cold. It's an inconvenience that can be easily remedied with medications or a swift and simple procedure. Why bother with abstinence, birth control, or family planning.

Just make an appointment.

And if you act now... you're covered by Obamacare. :thup:
My penis endorses this way of life.....
Abortion acts as a voluntary population control on non-whites. The white race benefits from this. That's harsh, but true. You see, without abortion, America would already be totally swamped with blacks and Mexicans and would be putting a huge burden on the working white taxpayer. Abortion of non-whites is a necessity for the white race to survive and our country to prosper in an extreme superior fashion.

J. KENNETH BLACKWELL Black abortions a crisis in America - Washington Times
Not a bad idea. So it should be a fund which encourages abortion of non-whites. Thus I am ready to pay taxes for this. But we must prohibit abortion of whites in turn.
Even ones like Rosie O'Donnell?

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