A Visual Production Of Bizarro World


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. By now, normal folks know that the actual 'pandemic' is the mass psychosis that took hold of Germany in the 30s and 40s, and has done the same to Democrats/Progressives/Liberals here.
It is the only explanation for this:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

2. My fav radio host, Chris Plante, WMAL, viewed a film representation of what goes on in the heads of Democrats, and noted this:
"....film 'American Insurrection,' 2021....
A group of friends attempts to flee a dystopian near-future America which imposes a system of surveillance oppression and violence on anyone who is not Christian, white, and hetero-normative.

They have to evade the dangerous civilian militia who call themselves 'the Volunteers,' in an attempt to excape to Canada.

...the film focuses on the wretched, sad, genderless paranoia .....practically everybody was gay....while those Christian, white, and hetero-normative, mostly male follks are riding around in pick-up trucks shooting gay people and black people and immigrants, and laughing about it.

.....kicking the teeth out of gay women because they are gay women.....

They are the victims: the non-heteronormative, non-white, non-Christian....one was a Muslim woman...."

3. And this is the sort of movie that Leftist Hollywood green-lights, funded and populated with actors, directiors, key grips....all of it.
A full length movie, and this is what the Democrats, Hollywood, sells: that in American there is a real and imminent danger looming, from white, Christian, heterosexual people who are the real anarcho-terrorists.......unlike all those Democrat vorters who caused over 12 THOUSAND riots, arsons, assaults in the year run-up to the stolen election.

4. This is what you can do if you control the media and pop culture.

5. If you voted for Biden, and, of course, have no clue as to why, what policies you wanted to see put into force, but feel that the indoctrination you have been subjected to might be fading, not standing up to reality, is being battered by the total mess your chosen religion...er, party, has caused.....

.....then you'd best view this film, "American Insurrection," forthwith!!!

In fact......watch it several time.

Then you'll be prepared to vote Nazi.....er, Democrat......in November.
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It has recently been rebranded as "Clown World".

Obama and Hillary have provided enough material to make a great movie about the 2016 to 2020 Democrat crime spree.
It was worse than Watergate.
But, Hollywood never makes movies about Democrat corruption and scandals.

Thoughtful post.

Do you recall who Dalton Trumb was????
The fools how swallowed the propaganda claimed he was a victim of some sort of 'blacklisting' of Leftists in Hollywood, while the fact is that he led the blacklisting of pro-Americans there.

Dalon Trumbo, like any good communist, began a blacklisting of the other side before he became subject of an anti-communist blacklisting. The scholar Kenneth Billingsley found that Trumbo wrote in The Daily Worker about films which he said communist influence in Hollywood had prevented from being made: among them were proposed adaptations of Arthur Koestler's anti-totalitarian works Darkness at Noon and The Yogi and the Commissar,which described the rise of communism in Russia. Kenneth Billingsley, "Hollywood's Missing Movies: Why American films have ignored life under communism",Reason Magazine, June 2000

Democrats lie about everything.
6. We've all seen the polls, and the predictions for November, but proof that there are a number of Democrats who see the light can be gleaned from this half-hearted 'praise' that Variety gave that insane production, "American Insurrection."

The Left would normally be expected to give praise and approval to this paranoid fabrication.....but:

"Working from a screenplay he co-wrote with Jarret Kerr, one of the lead players, Sullivan takes a chamber drama approach to depicting life in an America largely controlled by white supremacists whose goals and tactics might seem extreme even to Tucker Carlson (if not his loyal viewership).

Indeed, it’s easy to imagine someone taking another pass at the script and adapting it into a stage play set inside the secluded cabin where most of the interactions take place, and focused almost entirely on the central dramatis personae: two couples hoping to escape to Canada, a stranger who inadvertently complicates matters, and an Afghan war vet turned right-wing militiaman kept prisoner in a nearby barn.

Evidently, a charismatic right-wing zealot organized and encouraged groups of Proud Boyish militants that gradually coalesced into a coast-to-coast army known as The Volunteers, heavily armed haters dead set on corralling and controlling anyone who isn’t straight, Christian and, of course, white. (If anyone gets killed during this crackdown, well, you have to break some eggs to make an omelet.) The zealot — played by Toby Leonard Moore in TV clips — successfully ran for US President (on a ticket that included, no kidding, forgiving all student debts) and remains in power by employing The Volunteers as a national police force.

Or something like that."

‘American Insurrection’ Review: A Small-Budget Indie Depicts Oppression and Resistance After a Right-Wing Takeover of America

Originally known as “The Volunteers” — the name that still appears prominently on the movie’s website — “American Insurrection” now bears a title that could spark expectations for a modern-day vers…
7. Then, of course, there is the wish-fulfillment scene in the "American Insurrection" film in which the white, heterosexual, Christian male is shackled, and shot to death, because, as we have been instructed, are the problem with America.

In fact, the head of the FBI actually informed us of that:

FBI Director Christopher Wray: 'Majority' Of Domestic Terrorism Cases Are White Supremacy | NBC News​

And we all know how true that is.....

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8. We live in a society that is currently under the thumb of radical Leftists of the Democrat Party, hardly 1° apart from earlier Nazi and Bolshevik totalitarians.

The difference is that with today's technology, the earlier Ministry of Propaganda's couldn't match what these Progressives can do, the film being a case in point.

The problem for them is that it appears not to have the efficacy that they had in Germany and Russia.....

Below is the rating for the film from the usual Democrats, the reviewers, versus that of audience members, who one must assume knew they were going to see the sort of thing they were taught in government schooling.

Yet, note that more than half of the audience couldn't stomach the lies.....versus the "reviewers" who knew where their status and paychecks come from.


2021, Mystery & thriller/Action, 1h 55m


AUDIENCE SCOREFewer than 50 Ratings

9. OK.....so we get a peek into the psychopathology of Democrats.

But it's not really anything new.

1995 film, name “The Last Supper,” because the Left never misses a chance to make fun of religion.

A whole line-up of A-list actors, in a film about Liberals who invite conservatives to dinner delve into their beliefs….and then they murder them.

It’s the ultimate Liberal fantasy. They invite these folks over, and then they kill them for the most Liberal of reasons: they disagree with them politically.

It starts with inviting a Gulf War veteran who stopped to help them with their car, a Christian, a normal guy, who served in the military…so…they murder him.

A laugh a minute.

There is a young woman who is pro-life, get her to state why…..and then they murder her.

A Protestant minister who they judge as homophobic…..so they kill him.

They’re Liberal, and they’re students…..certainly earned the translation ‘Taliban,’ huh?

Gives substance to Coulter’s calling universities ‘madrassahs.’

BTW....Taliban means 'students.'

"After a long discussion led by Luke, the students decide to follow up this event by inviting other conservatives for dinner to murder them, reasoning this would "make the world a better place". The students lay down a procedure for each murder. The guest will be given every opportunity to change his/her mind and recant his/her beliefs. If the guests fail to change his/her ways by dessert, the group offers the guest poisoned white wine from a blue decanter and raises a toast. The bodies are buried in the group's vegetable garden."
10. It isn't just in films.......this is who they are.

Perhaps you'd like to hear the actual rifle shots by a Bernie Sanders volunteer worker, attempting to assassinate Republican Congressmen as they were practicing for a baseball game.


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