A tweet that did not age well...

Harpy Eagle

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2017

This was exactly 1 month ago...much has changed since then
Really? We have more people tested than S. Korea and they had over a 8 week head start on us. Our death rate is far less than italy's so yeah, i think it is under control.

Why they hell did they have an 8 week head start on us? Just imagine if we had not been sitting on our thumbs and we had acted as quickly as they had.

Things are not under control, my wife's hospital has doctors making decisions based upon how much PPE gear will be used because they are running so low.
Really? We have more people tested than S. Korea and they had over a 8 week head start on us. Our death rate is far less than italy's so yeah, i think it is under control.

Why they hell did they have an 8 week head start on us? Just imagine if we had not been sitting on our thumbs and we had acted as quickly as they had.

Ummm, because Trump shut down travel between China and the US would be my guess. You know that thing you were calling him a wacist for? Face it, Trump is doing OK in spite of non stop fear mongering by the MSM.
GG started this thread as an "Orange Man Bad" ..Let's be real about things, people.

He's a fucking Bolshevik POS.

GG is. Yeah, bitch, Gator my ass, fucking commie is more like it.

You ain't no FL Gator, turdboy.

I'm from FL, 3/4 of my cousins were Gators, the other 1/4 were Seminoles.

Where you from, boy?

Pripyat? Wtf?
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Ummm, because Trump shut down travel between China and the US would be my guess.

So we were behind the curve because Trump restricted travel? That is a stupid fucking comment even by your low standards. What relationship is the between the two?

No, we were ahead of the curve thanks to it. The CDC has been doing to much progressive bullshit instead of what they are supposed to be doing. Add to that the fact that they were lying to the USA about what they have been doing and you can firmly place the blame on the politically correct CDC, and not Trump.

But that blows your bullshit memes out of the water, doesn't it.
Really? We have more people tested than S. Korea and they had over a 8 week head start on us. Our death rate is far less than italy's so yeah, i think it is under control.
The State of Vermont is closed.
This is NOT under control.

Yeah, governments over react. The joys of socialism. You should love it.
Really? We have more people tested than S. Korea and they had over a 8 week head start on us. Our death rate is far less than italy's so yeah, i think it is under control.

Why they hell did they have an 8 week head start on us? Just imagine if we had not been sitting on our thumbs and we had acted as quickly as they had.

Things are not under control, my wife's hospital has doctors making decisions based upon how much PPE gear will be used because they are running so low.
Move to Italy.
No, we were ahead of the curve thanks to it. The CDC has been doing to much progressive bullshit instead of what they are supposed to be doing. Add to that the fact that they were lying to the USA about what they have been doing and you can firmly place the blame on the politically correct CDC, and not Trump.

But that blows your bullshit memes out of the water, doesn't it.

You just admitted that South Korea started way before us, and now you want to say we were not behind the curve. Again, just imagine if we had started testing in mass when then did.
Really? We have more people tested than S. Korea and they had over a 8 week head start on us. Our death rate is far less than italy's so yeah, i think it is under control.

Why they hell did they have an 8 week head start on us? Just imagine if we had not been sitting on our thumbs and we had acted as quickly as they had.

Things are not under control, my wife's hospital has doctors making decisions based upon how much PPE gear will be used because they are running so low.
Move to Italy.

How very fascist of you.
Obama said factory jobs were not coming back.
Bush declared victory and the fighting still went on.
clinton said he never had sex with that woman
bush the elder said no new taxes
reagan said we didnt give guns to south american despots
carter said the oil would run out by 2000
ford hardly said anything
nixon said he was not a crook
johnson said no americans were in cambodia
those are the only ones i remember

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