A True Homosexual Has Never Been Born


Terral Corp CEO
Mar 4, 2009
Greetings to All:

My goal in this post is to use the New American Standard Bible, Vine’s Expository Dictionary of NT Words, Holman’s Exhaustive Concordance and Webster’s Online Dictionary to prove that a true ‘homosexual’ has never been born. The whole ‘Gay Rights’ debate is argument over a myth.

Paul says,

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from 'the truth' and will turn aside to MYTHS.” 2Tim. 4:3+4.

The King James Bible and Vine’s Expository Dictionary of NT Words cannot help us in defining the Biblical Greek terms for the word Homosexual. That term simply does not appear in the Text. The Lockman Scholars did inaccurately translate one Greek word into ‘homosexual.’ The Greek word is “arsenokoites” (#733a). This word is created from the joining of two Greek words “arsen” (#730) meaning “a man,” and “koite” (#2845) meaning “a bed.” The literal translation here is a ‘bed man.’ The NASB says,

“Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals.” 1Corinthians 6:9.
The NKJV says,

“Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites . . .” 1Corinthians 6:9.
Both of these translations are actually paraphrased attempts at interpreting the Greek for you, instead of being an actual literal translation. But, we can gain a proper understanding from both. The important thing to note is that they are describing people by their behavior. For the record, Paul kicks off his most widely read New Testament Epistle by talking about this behavior, saying,

“Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For THIS REASON God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving IN THEIR OWN PERSONS the 'due penalty' of their error. And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper.” Romans 1:24-28.
Paul closes his discourse on this topic by saying,

“And although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.” Romans 1:32.
Once again, the Apostle Paul is describing people by their behavior, and not by the means in which they were originally born into the world. In fact, when 'they exchanged the truth for a lie,' then God gave them over so that their women 'exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural.' And herein rests the key to unlock 'the truth' of this homosexuality matter. Holy Scripture gives us descriptions of people who have exchanged something natural for something unnatural. Let us go to Webster’s dictionary, as a neutral secular source, and work through a short word study on three related words. Then we can draw some conclusions from the true definition of those terms.

The three words in our study are: Heterosexual, Asexual and Homosexual which all have ‘sex’ as the root of the word. The source is Merriam-Webster Online:

Sex >> http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/sex

Main Entry: 1sex
Pronunciation: 'seks
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin sexus
1 : either of the two major forms of individuals that occur in many species and that are distinguished respectively as female or male
2 : the sum of the structural, functional, and behavioral characteristics of living things that are involved in reproduction by two interacting parents and that distinguish males and females
3 a : sexually motivated phenomena or behavior b : SEXUAL INTERCOURSE

The first (1) definition defines female or male as these two individual forms. Therefore, by definition every person alive today is either female or male. The second (2) definition includes the specific characteristics of living things by their ability to reproduce. So parents reproduce either females or males of our species. Definition three (3a) pertains to the phenomena or behavior of ‘sex,’ as in “having sex.” This definition is restricted in its scope by definitions (1) and (2), where ‘sex’ is a behavioral characteristic involved in reproduction of the species. And (3b) is the ‘act’ of having ‘sex,’ again, about reproduction. The final (4) definition pertains to the sex organs; again, of the male and female of the species from the definitions above.

Heterosexual >> http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/heterosexual

Main Entry: 1het·ero·sex·u·al
Pronunciation: "he-t&-rO-'sek-sh(&-)w&l, -'sek-sh&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary
1 a : of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward the opposite sex b : of, relating to, or involving sexual intercourse between individuals of opposite sex
2 : of or relating to different sexes
- het·ero·sex·u·al·i·ty /-"sek-sh&-'wa-l&-tE/ noun
- het·ero·sex·u·al·ly /-'sek-sh(&-)w&-lE, -'sek-sh&-lE/ adverb

This primitive definition of our prefix (heter) means ‘different,’ or ‘other.’ Add the suffix (ual) and we have a word that describes people of different sexes (male and female) according to their ability to reproduce. Thus Hetero-Sex-ual.

Asexual >> http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/asexual

Main Entry: asex•u•al
Pronunciation: (")A-'sek-sh(&-)w&l, -'sek-sh&l
Function: adjective
1 : lacking sex or functional sex organs <asexual plants>
2 a : involving or reproducing by reproductive processes (as cell division, spore formation, fission, or budding) that do not involve the union of individuals or germ cells <asexual reproduction> <an asexual generation> b : produced by asexual reproduction <asexual spores>
3 : devoid of sexuality <an asexual relationship>
Here again, the &#8216;sex&#8217; part of the word causes the definition to include &#8220;reproducing by reproductive processes . . .&#8221; Both Heterosexual and Asexual organisms are defined by how they reproduce. That is the common trait of both words that contain the root &#8216;sex.&#8217;

Homosexual >> http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/homosexual

Main Entry: 1ho&#8226;mo&#8226;sex&#8226;u&#8226;al
Pronunciation: "hO-m&-'sek-sh(&-)w&l, -'sek-sh&l
Function: adjective
1 : of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex
2 : of, relating to, or involving sexual intercourse between persons of the same sex.

Right here is where the dictionary fails to hold to the rules of grammar. As defined above, the root &#8216;sex&#8217; appears to signify a means of reproduction. The word homosexual here is void of such language. In fact, these words &#8216;sexual desire&#8217; are wrongly used to describe this behavior. Homosexual activities do not involve reproductive processes. This word does not accurately define anyone according to their &#8216;sex.&#8217; Homosexual is not an accurate scientific term that describes any living thing on this planet. The joining of two sperm cells or female eggs will never produce a &#8216;homosexual&#8217; male or female. By definition it is impossible for two people of the same sex to have &#8216;sexual intercourse.&#8217; Instead, every living person on this planet is either a heterosexual male, or a heterosexual female by definition. They can call themselves homosexual males and females in the same way that people call themselves all sorts of things. The problem is that being male and female places them solidly within the heterosexual group.

This point becomes plainly obvious, when we consider that &#8216;reproduction&#8217; creates copies/duplicates of the male and female parents. Every single person born naturally on this planet is the product of one heterosexual male and one heterosexual female. Therefore, every person ever born is a duplicate/copy/facsimile of their heterosexual parents. Therefore, according to the definition of the terms, a true homosexual male or female has never been born.

In Christ Jesus,

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Hi Diuretic:

You know King James was gay don't you? :lol:

That is funny!


However, I am willing to bet the house that King James had exactly one heterosexual father and exactly one heterosexual mother, just like everybody here and everyone ever born naturally on God’s Green Earth. Would you like to bet otherwise?

The difference is that professing ‘homosexuals’ can change their ‘sexual orientation’ back and forth every day of the week and twice on Sunday if that makes them feel all warm and fuzzy inside. However, nobody here can change the ‘sex’ with which THEY WERE BORN. Of course people ‘can’ play with the plumbing to represent themselves as either sex, but we are talking about the sex (male or female = excepting hermaphrodites of course) that they carried out of the womb. Please take a good look around and tell everyone here just how many of your professing ‘Gay’ friends have anything other than exactly one heterosexual male father and exactly one heterosexual female mother? I do believe the answer from everyone is ZERO. :0)

Why? That is easy and thank you for asking: A True Homosexual Has Never Been Born.


Have you ever had a homo as a friend? I have and its eye-opening. They are genetically program to like men. You can bump your bible folklore all you want, but in the end you will find that you are wrong!

A 9/11 truther also! So you doubly suck!
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Using the Bible and some dictionaries to argue REALITY. Now there's a persuasive argument.

Go back to bible school and pray that God takes you to Heaven soon, because reality is obviously too much for you.
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Hi Amanda, GHook, LiveUninhibited and Colorado:

Have you ever had a homo as a friend! I have and its eye-opening. They are genetically program to like men. You can bump your bible folklore all you want, but in the end you will find that you are wrong!

A 9/11 truther also! So you doubly suck!

Using the Bible and some dictionaries to argue REALITY. Now there's a persuasive argument.

Go back to bible school and pray that God takes you to Heaven soon, because reality is obviously too much for you.


If you guys will put down the stones for one minute: Do any of you have one argument against anything presented in the Opening Post of this thread? :0) No. Do any of you guys know one person who is the product of one homosexual male and another homosexual male born naturally somewhere on God’s Green Earth? Do any of you guys know even one person with one homosexual female father and one homosexual female mother? No? Welcome to the club, because all of my hair is gray and I have been around for some time and have never seen anything like that either. :0)


Okay. I've never met someone who was born from homosexual parents, but with the advent of sperm banks and artificial insemination, I'm sure it can happen. Just because I haven't met one, doesn't mean they don't exist.

And, I don't think that quotes from the Bible are valid arguments. I'm an adherent of observable and testable proofs, not quotes of an ancient book of Jewish myths.

So, there's your rebuttal.
Greetings to All:

My goal in this post is to use the New American Standard Bible, Vine’s Expository Dictionary of NT Words, Holman’s Exhaustive Concordance and Webster’s Online Dictionary to prove that a true ‘homosexual’ has never been born. The whole ‘Gay Rights’ debate is argument over a myth.

Paul says,

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from 'the truth' and will turn aside to MYTHS.” 2Tim. 4:3+4.

The King James Bible and Vine’s Expository Dictionary of NT Words cannot help us in defining the Biblical Greek terms for the word Homosexual. That term simply does not appear in the Text. The Lockman Scholars did inaccurately translate one Greek word into ‘homosexual.’ The Greek word is “arsenokoites” (#733a). This word is created from the joining of two Greek words “arsen” (#730) meaning “a man,” and “koite” (#2845) meaning “a bed.” The literal translation here is a ‘bed man.’ The NASB says,

“Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals1Corinthians 6:9.
The NKJV says,

Both of these translations are actually paraphrased attempts at interpreting the Greek for you, instead of being an actual literal translation. But, we can gain a proper understanding from both. The important thing to note is that they are describing people by their behavior. For the record, Paul kicks off his most widely read New Testament Epistle by talking about this behavior, saying,

Paul closes his discourse on this topic by saying,

Once again, the Apostle Paul is describing people by their behavior, and not by the means in which they were originally born into the world. In fact, when 'they exchanged the truth for a lie,' then God gave them over so that their women 'exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural.' And herein rests the key to unlock 'the truth' of this homosexuality matter. Holy Scripture gives us descriptions of people who have exchanged something natural for something unnatural. Let us go to Webster’s dictionary, as a neutral secular source, and work through a short word study on three related words. Then we can draw some conclusions from the true definition of those terms.

The three words in our study are: Heterosexual, Asexual and Homosexual which all have ‘sex’ as the root of the word. The source is Merriam-Webster Online:

Sex >> http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/sex

The first (1) definition defines female or male as these two individual forms. Therefore, by definition every person alive today is either female or male. The second (2) definition includes the specific characteristics of living things by their ability to reproduce. So parents reproduce either females or males of our species. Definition three (3a) pertains to the phenomena or behavior of ‘sex,’ as in “having sex.” This definition is restricted in its scope by definitions (1) and (2), where ‘sex’ is a behavioral characteristic involved in reproduction of the species. And (3b) is the ‘act’ of having ‘sex,’ again, about reproduction. The final (4) definition pertains to the sex organs; again, of the male and female of the species from the definitions above.

Heterosexual >> http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/heterosexual

This primitive definition of our prefix (heter) means ‘different,’ or ‘other.’ Add the suffix (ual) and we have a word that describes people of different sexes (male and female) according to their ability to reproduce. Thus Hetero-Sex-ual.

Asexual >> http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/asexual

Main Entry: asex•u•al
Pronunciation: (")A-'sek-sh(&-)w&l, -'sek-sh&l
Function: adjective
1 : lacking sex or functional sex organs <asexual plants>
2 a : involving or reproducing by reproductive processes (as cell division, spore formation, fission, or budding) that do not involve the union of individuals or germ cells <asexual reproduction> <an asexual generation> b : produced by asexual reproduction <asexual spores>
3 : devoid of sexuality <an asexual relationship>
Here again, the ‘sex’ part of the word causes the definition to include “reproducing by reproductive processes . . .” Both Heterosexual and Asexual organisms are defined by how they reproduce. That is the common trait of both words that contain the root ‘sex.’

Homosexual >> http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/homosexual

Main Entry: 1ho•mo•sex•u•al
Pronunciation: "hO-m&-'sek-sh(&-)w&l, -'sek-sh&l
Function: adjective
1 : of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex
2 : of, relating to, or involving sexual intercourse between persons of the same sex.

Right here is where the dictionary fails to hold to the rules of grammar. As defined above, the root ‘sex’ appears to signify a means of reproduction. The word homosexual here is void of such language. In fact, these words ‘sexual desire’ are wrongly used to describe this behavior. Homosexual activities do not involve reproductive processes. This word does not accurately define anyone according to their ‘sex.’ Homosexual is not an accurate scientific term that describes any living thing on this planet. The joining of two sperm cells or female eggs will never produce a ‘homosexual’ male or female. By definition it is impossible for two people of the same sex to have ‘sexual intercourse.’ Instead, every living person on this planet is either a heterosexual male, or a heterosexual female by definition. They can call themselves homosexual males and females in the same way that people call themselves all sorts of things. The problem is that being male and female places them solidly within the heterosexual group.

This point becomes plainly obvious, when we consider that ‘reproduction’ creates copies/duplicates of the male and female parents. Every single person born naturally on this planet is the product of one heterosexual male and one heterosexual female. Therefore, every person ever born is a duplicate/copy/facsimile of their heterosexual parents. Therefore, according to the definition of the terms, a true homosexual male or female has never been born.

In Christ Jesus,


Thank you for sharing your delusions with us.
By definition it is impossible for two people of the same sex to have ‘sexual intercourse.’ Instead, every living person on this planet is either a heterosexual male, or a heterosexual female by definition.

:eek: There are no gays or gay sex? Nicely done. I do so love it when a man can wrangle semantic abstractions into a desired outcome so masterfully.

So, whatcha doin' later, fellow heterosexual male? Interested in some non-sex activities, perchance? :razz:
By definition it is impossible for two people of the same sex to have ‘sexual intercourse.’ Instead, every living person on this planet is either a heterosexual male, or a heterosexual female by definition.

:eek: There are no gays or gay sex? Nicely done. I do so love it when a man can wrangle semantic abstractions into a desired outcome so masterfully.

So, whatcha doin' later, fellow heterosexual male? Interested in some non-sex activities, perchance? :razz:

i'm thinking show tunes...

or wrestlemania, your call :lol:
i hate them dick sucking fake homos....wait are we addressing only men here? why only the face dick suckers? do pussy lickers not count?

you know its really hard to believe someone is hating on someone due to who they sleep with...as long as everyone is over 18...and legal..and consenting...i say go for it...why should i make any fellow human feel guilty for something they cant control? i really dont think we opt to be homo, hetro or bi..its just who we are...for some its just a walk on the wild side...for others it is the only thing they know...
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Okay I'll humor you line-by-line.

Greetings to All:

My goal in this post is to use the New American Standard Bible, Vine’s Expository Dictionary of NT Words, Holman’s Exhaustive Concordance and Webster’s Online Dictionary to prove that a true ‘homosexual’ has never been born. The whole ‘Gay Rights’ debate is argument over a myth.

Dictionaries only establish how words are generally used to clarify what is being debated, not to make an argument in itself. The Bible only counts as proof if you're a Christian. If I cited the Qur'an or Book of Mormon as proof of a position would you believe it based upon that?

Paul says,

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from 'the truth' and will turn aside to MYTHS.” 2Tim. 4:3+4.

This seems to say that some people will cherrypick facts or turn to lies to rationalize their own lusts. Are homosexual rights all about lust? Do you consider marriage to be an issue of lusts alone? I suppose if your heterosexual marriage is based upon lust alone you might think so, but many people base their relationships on most than just lust, including homosexuals. Interesting how people against interracial marriage tried to make those all about lust too.

The King James Bible and Vine’s Expository Dictionary of NT Words cannot help us in defining the Biblical Greek terms for the word Homosexual. That term simply does not appear in the Text. The Lockman Scholars did inaccurately translate one Greek word into ‘homosexual.’ The Greek word is “arsenokoites” (#733a). This word is created from the joining of two Greek words “arsen” (#730) meaning “a man,” and “koite” (#2845) meaning “a bed.” The literal translation here is a ‘bed man.’ The NASB says,

“Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals1Corinthians 6:9.
The NKJV says,

Both of these translations are actually paraphrased attempts at interpreting the Greek for you, instead of being an actual literal translation. But, we can gain a proper understanding from both. The important thing to note is that they are describing people by their behavior. For the record, Paul kicks off his most widely read New Testament Epistle by talking about this behavior, saying,

Paul closes his discourse on this topic by saying,

Once again, the Apostle Paul is describing people by their behavior, and not by the means in which they were originally born into the world.

LOL. So homosexuality is a choice because the Bible says so? Do you have any idea how unreliable the Bible is? It contradicts itself FFS. :SAB Contradictions

In fact, when 'they exchanged the truth for a lie,' then God gave them over so that their women 'exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural.' And herein rests the key to unlock 'the truth' of this homosexuality matter. Holy Scripture gives us descriptions of people who have exchanged something natural for something unnatural. Let us go to Webster’s dictionary, as a neutral secular source, and work through a short word study on three related words. Then we can draw some conclusions from the true definition of those terms.

Something being "natural" does not make it superior to all things "unnatural." Appeal to nature is a fallacy.

The three words in our study are: Heterosexual, Asexual and Homosexual which all have ‘sex’ as the root of the word. The source is Merriam-Webster Online:

Sex >> http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/sex

The first (1) definition defines female or male as these two individual forms. Therefore, by definition every person alive today is either female or male. The second (2) definition includes the specific characteristics of living things by their ability to reproduce. So parents reproduce either females or males of our species. Definition three (3a) pertains to the phenomena or behavior of ‘sex,’ as in “having sex.” This definition is restricted in its scope by definitions (1) and (2), where ‘sex’ is a behavioral characteristic involved in reproduction of the species. And (3b) is the ‘act’ of having ‘sex,’ again, about reproduction. The final (4) definition pertains to the sex organs; again, of the male and female of the species from the definitions above.

LOL. You're trying to define homosexuality out of existence?! That's hilarious! I tried to take your post seriously but I just can't. :lol:

Right here is where the dictionary fails to hold to the rules of grammar. As defined above, the root ‘sex’ appears to signify a means of reproduction.

You mean language isn't perfectly precise? What an amazing discovery! :doubt:

The word homosexual here is void of such language. In fact, these words ‘sexual desire’ are wrongly used to describe this behavior. Homosexual activities do not involve reproductive processes. This word does not accurately define anyone according to their ‘sex.’ Homosexual is not an accurate scientific term that describes any living thing on this planet. The joining of two sperm cells or female eggs will never produce a ‘homosexual’ male or female. By definition it is impossible for two people of the same sex to have ‘sexual intercourse.’

So a woman giving a man a blowjob isn't sexual. A man fucking a woman in the ass isn't sexual. Sex that doesnt lead to babies isn't sex. You can't be serious. :eusa_eh:

This point becomes plainly obvious, when we consider that ‘reproduction’ creates copies/duplicates of the male and female parents. Every single person born naturally on this planet is the product of one heterosexual male and one heterosexual female. Therefore, every person ever born is a duplicate/copy/facsimile of their heterosexual parents. Therefore, according to the definition of the terms, a true homosexual male or female has never been born.

In Christ Jesus,


Sorry sex and sexuality doesn't only refer to reproduction, not even for heterosexuals.
a true homo has never been born Terral?

well it seems the issue is a draw

a true religmo has never been born either

odd that both factions learn to like crawling up asses eh?

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