A teacher read a transgender book to kindergartners WTF


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
I know you'll move this to education, if you do merge it with Public Schools & Teachers WTF... Now I will put on my alt/left hat and post, I'll tell you why later...

A teacher read a transgender book to kindergartners, and some parents are outraged
AUGUST 25, 2017 4:25 Pm


A book about a transgender child read during story time in a kindergarten classroom in Rocklin has divided a school along ideological lines and sparked a flurry of vitriol on social media and conservative web sites.


Upset parents called the school and met with administrators. They protested at a June board meeting. Two families pulled their kids from the school. The issue has become so heated that the district hired a public relations firm to help handle the fallout.

Social media posts have shown heated opposition to the story-time choice. Stories on local news stations, conservative web sites and press releases from family values organizations quoted parents who said the school threw a coming-out party that culminated with a boy coming out of the bathroom in girl’s clothing.


England said the school neglected parental rights when the teacher read the book to the children. “No parents were previously notified that this discussion would take place,” according to a press release from the organization.

England told The Bee that parents opposing the teacher’s reading of the book would not talk on the record. Attempts to contact parents who commented on social media were unsuccessful.

“The average parent doesn’t want to have this conversation in kindergarten, and it was forced upon them,” England said.


A teacher read a transgender book to kindergartners, and some parents are outraged

Of course, if the teacher had presented a fairy tale, like the story of Noah, or Moses, presented as 'fact', these same outraged parents would have been fully supportive.
Which is more abusive?
Alt/left hat off...
Parents Frightened: Kindergartners ‘Crying, Shaking’ over Transgender Book Teacher Read

24 Aug 2017

Parents of kindergartners attending a California charter school are frightened after a teacher read her class a book about transgenderism without notifying them.

“My daughter came home crying and shaking so afraid she could turn into a boy,” one parent of a kindergartner at Rocklin Academy said.

“These parents feel betrayed by the school district that they were not notified,” Karen England of the Capitol Resource Institute said at a school board meeting this week, the local CBS affiliate reports. “The kindergartners came home very confused, about whether or not you can pick your gender, whether or not they really were a boy or a girl.”

According to the news report, the book was given to the teacher by a gender-confused child. Parents asserted the same kindergartner “also changed clothes and was revealed as her true gender” during class.


Parents Frightened: Kindergartners ‘Crying, Shaking’ over Transgender Book Teacher Read
Of course, if the teacher had presented a fairy tale, like the story of Noah, or Moses, presented as 'fact', these same outraged parents would have been fully supportive.
Which is more abusive?

That's a no brainer.
It's very simple. 4 and 5 year old CHILDREN should not be introduced to SEX. They have only been in this world 4 to 5 years! Let them be kids. Jeez.
Only some parents were outraged???

Get these sicko pedo-friendlies and gimps away from children, and stop indulging them.
Our right wing friends here sure do have sex on the brain. This story isn't about sex, fools. It's about gender. If ya want a story about sex involving little kids, Google "Catholic Priests".

Why is it that none of you dummies ever accepts the research that shows us that telling kids the truth about gender and gender identity doesn't have anything to do with how they identify?

This story isn't about sex, fools. It's about gender.

What it's about is forwarding an institutionalized delusion.

Sex is a matter of balls and slots determined by genetics. You are what you are.

"Gender" is a matter of language, but as as defined among Progressives it is believing you are what you think you are in spite of the evidence, and the expectation of others to accept your delusion as fact.

No different than believing one is the Emperor Napoleon or Speedy Gonzalez.
Grooming them as young as possible.

Soon, they'll be playing audio tapes while the baby is still in the womb.

Let the baby decide if they are a he or she, or simply a binary being.
Our right wing friends here sure do have sex on the brain. This story isn't about sex, fools. It's about gender. If ya want a story about sex involving little kids, Google "Catholic Priests".

Why is it that none of you dummies ever accepts the research that shows us that telling kids the truth about gender and gender identity doesn't have anything to do with how they identify?

Catholic Priests! Not even close. Google public school. Start with Miramonte Elementary School

Timeline: Miramonte School Scandal
Alt/left hat off...
Parents Frightened: Kindergartners ‘Crying, Shaking’ over Transgender Book Teacher Read

24 Aug 2017

Parents of kindergartners attending a California charter school are frightened after a teacher read her class a book about transgenderism without notifying them.

“My daughter came home crying and shaking so afraid she could turn into a boy,” one parent of a kindergartner at Rocklin Academy said.

“These parents feel betrayed by the school district that they were not notified,” Karen England of the Capitol Resource Institute said at a school board meeting this week, the local CBS affiliate reports. “The kindergartners came home very confused, about whether or not you can pick your gender, whether or not they really were a boy or a girl.”

According to the news report, the book was given to the teacher by a gender-confused child. Parents asserted the same kindergartner “also changed clothes and was revealed as her true gender” during class.


Parents Frightened: Kindergartners ‘Crying, Shaking’ over Transgender Book Teacher Read

Legalized brainwashing. The functioning retard population aren't intelligent enough to realize how they bend over and accept authority doing it as " it's ok" . As long as their gubberment is teaching it even if it's how to have sex at 4 yrs old then hey it's perfectly normal.

Yet if you were at home trying to do the same thing telling a 4 yr old how to get it on, OMG you would be sent up for ten years for some sexual brainwashing charges, child abuse, etc.
GENDER is about SEX. Men go with women, women go with men. For one reason. SEX.
Kindergarteners do NOT need to know this fucking shit until they are older. They are CHILDREN.

Why not show pics of dead Jews during the holocaust, then? Or beheadings in the ME? CHildren should be CHILDREN until they are better formed physically AND mentally. And anyone..ANYONE that says others are idiots for wanting children to be protected from what they will eventually face as tweens and adults? Is a MORON.
This is pretty damned close to pedophilia....which explains why liberalfilth like it so much.

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