A Tale Of Time

Damaged Eagle

Behind blue eyes
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2015
I have hours, only lonely

A small blue green world orbits a G-2 star at the edge of the spiral arm somewhere prior to the unfathomable gulf that separates the galaxies both of which bear the name of Threshold. It was a fitting name for a planet and sun that perched on the edge of the Milky Way galaxy where the endless black void between the galaxies commenced. Legend has it that the star system has been ruled by a local baron even prior to it's discovery by the Terran Protectorate. It's gentle sweeping turquoise oceans, blue skies, and green landmasses, offered a variety of climates and conditions ideally suited for a variety of life forms. Three moons circle the planet and brighten the dark skies for the inhabitants of this world that seemed ready to fall off into the black chasm.

On a lonely mountainside overlooking a beautiful forested valley there stands a homey bar and grill called the Last Call, Chance & Hope. No one knows exactly why the bar is named that but it seemed appropriate considering its location considering it was over a weeks walk to the spaceport and few lived in the rugged mountains where the bar was located. Though one would think that few would stop here, much less know the place existed, many travelers from across the known galaxy would stop since the bar is well known for its ability to cater to many species and peculiarities.

Made of rough hand carved stone with a slate roof and a cornerstone that has a date on that no one could decipher. The bars furnishings are simple with a large hardwood counter running along the far wall from the entrance. The man that runs the bar is a fair haired human of average height with swarthy skin and sea blue eyes and his family has run the bar for generations. He joked that the large silver coin embedded in the stones above the hearth dated to the same year the bar came into business and that the short sword and the heavy caliber pistol hanging in their sheath and holster below the coin belonged to the King-Emperor himself, but that couldn't possibly be true.

In his simple coarse wove shirt and pants with soft leather boots Greg radiates the air of a simple barkeep who is always there with a ready smile or a word of wisdom. Rumor has it that his family built the bar and has been in business since the foundation of the Terran Protectorate and that his family is directly related to that of the local baron. But we all know how rumors are. However it is here in this simple quiet provincial setting where the people of many species and star systems meet, some to conduct business, others to drink, and yet others to swap stories.



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Far too much "tell" and far too little "show."

And, without introducing your Main Character, I have no reason to be interested.

The innermost moon was climbing into the heavens heralding the oncoming night as the sun set low on the cloudy western horizon casting a red tint through the window. A cool autumn breeze wafted off the slopes of the mountain causing the patrons to seek the shelter indoors. The smell of wood smoke and conversation permeates the bar as the many patrons were finishing their evening meals as they commenced to imbue the spirits of their choice and mingle.

A cheerful fire beckoned those present to sit and relax and drink in the comfort it bestowed. In a well stuffed chair a man sat talking to a young woman as she relayed to him the events of her day. He nodded and smiled as she talked smiling a knowing smile. He radiated an age even greater than the fifty some odd years his well lined and weathered face and silver streaked blonde hair signified. He lifted his stein and took a swallow of his dark ale as she finished telling of her day. With a gesture he handed her the stein and she bounced away to replenish it for him.

Looking around his piercing gray eyes noted the various patrons present that evening. Some were dressed in the colorful garb of merchants, while others wore the rough wove tunics with leather trappings favored by the working class of Threshold. Across the room the somber well cut robes of a pair of Threshold nobility sat sipping wine from fluted crystal goblets watching the other patrons. Yet his attention was drawn to the table in the corner where a scarlet feathered Ques'Cot'L conversed with three other patrons. It was the voice of the multi-limbed Tishna however that drew the Taleteller's attention.

"My homeworld decided that the possibility of time travel would benefit all." Decried the Tishna as it shook itself causing its chitin to click. "So they are researching avenues to achieve that goal."

"The Terran Protectorate investigated time travel and decided to drop that line of research as a dead end." Responded a well dressed human merchant with Asian features as he made a gesture of throwing away the whole subject. "A waste of time an resources when there are so many opportunities to be had in the here and now."



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"My people are convinced there the unusual variations in the equations used for calculating space jumps will make it possible," the Tishna rejoined as she shook her wings while preforming a short dance on her four walking appendages.

"Bah! Your species is not the first to think that or investigate it," retorted the merchant.

"I tell you that my people believe it is possible! The equations support the theory," declared the Tishna as the agitated movements of her mandibles and antenna indicated her distress.

"And I say it is impossible to travel through time," the merchant replied while brushing some unseen dust from his spotless teal robes. After a shot pause he looked up and continued contemptuously, "The whole idea is ludicrous for any sentient species to even consider.

"But think of the possibilities!" Responded the Tishna the slight twitter of her voice relaying her perturbation then continued, "Being able to observe the past or the future."

"Even if it were possible would you not be afraid of the possible repercussions to the timeline?" Queried the ranger who had been silently polishing the rich burgundy wooden long bow of his calling. Looking up he stated to all seated at the table, "I do not believe I would care to test this theory simply because of the possible consequences."

"My people do not believe that it can be changed," stated the Ques'Cot'L as he ruffled his crimson plumage and tapped the talon on of his right foot to gain attention. "We believe the pages of both the past and the future are already written by the Lifebringer who warms the Cosmic Egg."

"In which case it will not matter if one travels into the past or future," emphasized the Tishna. "If this good persons beliefs are true then doing so will affect nothing."



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"Then why do it?" Inquired a merchant at the next table. His eyes shined with interest as he added, "On the other hand the profits of new unused resources and never before seen merchandise would certainly be welcome."

"To observe and gather information for all species about the unknown or not well documented is the purpose," retorted the Tishna.

"But you may create changes by traveling into the past or the future." Reiterated the ranger swiping more polish on his bow. A long indigo feather with a silver clasp adorned his raven hair that fell to his waist identified him as a regional captain. A look of concentration crossed his Ameridian features as he glanced in the Taletellers direction and continued, "In which case the story would be rewritten and the ending will be much different than what it once was."

"All of this may be true or something quite unexpected may also be the case." Murmured the Taleteller throwing the area surrounding the fireside into an intense quiet for several moments as he took another sip of the freshly refilled stein.

There was a general stir and muttering from the various patrons seated around the fire. Seats creaked and a general flurry of baffled gestures were exchanged. It was clear that the subject being discussed and the turn it was taking bothered some of the patrons while some who had been seated across the room discretely sidled closer to the hearth. Confounded, curious, and anticipatory glances were cast by all at the Taleteller as he filled his pipe and lit it.



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Inhaling deeply he sat back and stared into the fire then blew a smoke ring that was sucked in as it approached the fireplace. He then removed a pen and notepad from a pocket and jotted down an equation of figures in no known language that those near him could decipher. After a short space he replaced the items. A suspenseful calm now permeated the bar as the anticipation of those surrounding the man waited. Hardly noticing the silence the Taleteller sat back with a far off look in his eyes and commenced to speak in a low carrying voice.

"Once many Terran centuries ago on the other side of the Terran Protectorate from here, in the Scorpius sector to be exact, there was a planet named Galanvad. The system had five primary planets, nineteen moons, and a variety of planetoids, due to a fairly substantial asteroid field. Two of the planets were gas giants orbiting in the cold outer reaches. A large rocky planet circled the primary quite close and was a hot nearly lifeless ball of rock with a thick acidy atmospheric soup. Yet another, which was the third planet out, was much like Sol's Mars though somewhat larger and with more atmosphere. While between this planet and the outer giants lay the asteroid field. That leaves Galanvad, the second planet out from it's primary with it's two beautiful moons to decorate the skies and a gravity field of around Terran normal." The Taleteller paused to take a sip from his stein then continued. "It was a beautiful blue green world with nearly an equal distribution of landmass and water. It had a oxygen nitrogen atmosphere compatible for humans and many other sentient species which gave it a lovely turquoise sky. It was also a planet rich in life readily bursting at the seams in the variety it had to offer."

A log collapsed in the hearth bringing a short pause as sparks flew through the air. The ranger walked over taking up a poker to settle the smoldering wood into a new position. No one spoke but the air was rich in expectation as the ranger walked back to his chair and sat down at which point the story resumed...

"On this world lived a sentient mammalian species that resembled a beaver but there all likeness ended. Unlike the beaver the Uraklamians, which is what they called themselves, were omnivorous. They were also much larger than a beaver massing nearly eighty kilos while being nearly a meter and a half long. That's as long as you exclude the very beaver like tail. They enjoyed a wide variety of meat in their diet and were extremely fond of water creatures. Especially crustaceans and shellfish which abounded in the watery sanctuaries they occupied much like a beaver."

"What's a beaver?" The Tishna interrupted with a wave of its azure colored forelimb. Its feathery bright green antenna waved over its head as it worked its maniples. A wave of sage like odor permeated the area at its distress as a few of the locals chuckled.

"A Terran water mammal with a wide flat tail," the ranger replied as he wrapped his bow in a dark green leather sheath to protect it while not in use. "There is a family of neo-beavers down by the stream. I'll show you tomorrow."

"Here is a picture," hissed the Ques'Cot'L nearly dancing with excitement as he handed a datapad to the Tishna as he avidly returned his gaze back to the Taleteller. "Now be quiet and let the human talk."



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