A-Rod Looking to Bailout Trump


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
The AP is reporting that former New York Yankee and Texas Ranger Alex Rodriguez -- popularly known as A-Rod -- is part of the consortium buying the troubled hotel that was briefly a hub for the former president's admirers before he lost re-election."

That's the same guy Trump used to badmouth. Now it looks like A-Rod is getting a part of Trumps failing hotel in DC.

"According to AP, "A-Rod’s involvement in the $375 million deal, which could close within weeks, would make the athlete-turned-entrepreneur an unlikely financial savior for Trump, allowing him to recoup millions he invested and perhaps even emerge with a profit from his money-losing hotel. Asked about the deal, Trump biographer Michael D’Antonio began by telling AP, "This is just more proof that the only thing that matters to Trump is money."

Don't know why he would not take the money, nothing wrong with that.

A better question is why A-Rod would invest in anything Trump. The brand is toxic and I doubt there is going to be much of a recovery there. Hell, the time to buy is after 2024 anyway, there are several more years for Trump to damage his brand even more...
The AP is reporting that former New York Yankee and Texas Ranger Alex Rodriguez -- popularly known as A-Rod -- is part of the consortium buying the troubled hotel that was briefly a hub for the former president's admirers before he lost re-election."

That's the same guy Trump used to badmouth. Now it looks like A-Rod is getting a part of Trumps failing hotel in DC.

"According to AP, "A-Rod’s involvement in the $375 million deal, which could close within weeks, would make the athlete-turned-entrepreneur an unlikely financial savior for Trump, allowing him to recoup millions he invested and perhaps even emerge with a profit from his money-losing hotel. Asked about the deal, Trump biographer Michael D’Antonio began by telling AP, "This is just more proof that the only thing that matters to Trump is money."

LOL you gotta love the MSM spinning any story about President Trump.

He’s selling a property for mad money, and they call it a “bail out”.

You people are total assclowns.
The AP is reporting that former New York Yankee and Texas Ranger Alex Rodriguez -- popularly known as A-Rod -- is part of the consortium buying the troubled hotel that was briefly a hub for the former president's admirers before he lost re-election."

That's the same guy Trump used to badmouth. Now it looks like A-Rod is getting a part of Trumps failing hotel in DC.

"According to AP, "A-Rod’s involvement in the $375 million deal, which could close within weeks, would make the athlete-turned-entrepreneur an unlikely financial savior for Trump, allowing him to recoup millions he invested and perhaps even emerge with a profit from his money-losing hotel. Asked about the deal, Trump biographer Michael D’Antonio began by telling AP, "This is just more proof that the only thing that matters to Trump is money."

So? This kind of business happens daily. In fact, when it comes to sports, many team owners actually lose money year after year after year, but the value of the team often appreciates exponentially over time so that when they finally sell their bottomless losing quick sand of a business, they make out extremely well at the time of the sale. If A-Rod wasn't buying this someone else would. It happens every day.

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