A primer on the election math of 2020


Gold Member
May 9, 2019
The first part of an election is the BOTTOM of the ballot, the state level elections. In 2020, nobody disputed the result....

35 states ended election night with GOP in control of both state house and senate....

That left 15 without both houses under GOP control, and those get pretty obvious - Hawaii, CA, Washington, Maine, Vt, NY, Mass, CT, NH, Delaware, Maryland - that's 11, and we aren't even out of the solid blue states... some of which Trump actually won.

Hence, to believe Joe Biden won any of those states, one must believe there were voters who voted Biden and then GOP down the ballot. That did not happen. What happened in those states where Biden won after the GOP swept the state level elections was a massive ballot dump of just Biden or Biden and a Dem Senate candidate ballots, WITH NO STATE LEVEL RACES CHECKED ON THE BALLOT. Those ballots, of course, are all frauds, and were piled in late night in Madison, Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta, Phoenix, Charlotte, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, and many other Dem controlled urban areas. In NH, it was simply the machines, which switched Trump to Biden on enough ballots to swing the state.

All fraud.

In both 1980 and 84, Reagan won but the Dems held on to Congress, the "Reagan Democrat." In 1996, many Republicans, disgusted with senile boob Bob Dole, voted Clinton and GOP down ballot. There has not been an election since where that happened, and in those elections, the polls showed that to be the case before the election. Such was not the case in 2020. Joe Biden was up by 10 with a month to go, and then did what Joe Biden always does when voters really check up on him, he went off a cliff, as he did in the primaries in NH and Iowa...

Those shouting down the audit in AZ know Trump won, and they are all traitors, each and every one of them....
The first part of an election is the BOTTOM of the ballot, the state level elections. In 2020, nobody disputed the result....

35 states ended election night with GOP in control of both state house and senate....

That left 15 without both houses under GOP control, and those get pretty obvious - Hawaii, CA, Washington, Maine, Vt, NY, Mass, CT, NH, Delaware, Maryland - that's 11, and we aren't even out of the solid blue states... some of which Trump actually won.

Hence, to believe Joe Biden won any of those states, one must believe there were voters who voted Biden and then GOP down the ballot. That did not happen. What happened in those states where Biden won after the GOP swept the state level elections was a massive ballot dump of just Biden or Biden and a Dem Senate candidate ballots, WITH NO STATE LEVEL RACES CHECKED ON THE BALLOT. Those ballots, of course, are all frauds, and were piled in late night in Madison, Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta, Phoenix, Charlotte, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, and many other Dem controlled urban areas. In NH, it was simply the machines, which switched Trump to Biden on enough ballots to swing the state.

All fraud.

In both 1980 and 84, Reagan won but the Dems held on to Congress, the "Reagan Democrat." In 1996, many Republicans, disgusted with senile boob Bob Dole, voted Clinton and GOP down ballot. There has not been an election since where that happened, and in those elections, the polls showed that to be the case before the election. Such was not the case in 2020. Joe Biden was up by 10 with a month to go, and then did what Joe Biden always does when voters really check up on him, he went off a cliff, as he did in the primaries in NH and Iowa...

Those shouting down the audit in AZ know Trump won, and they are all traitors, each and every one of them....

So now, we're spreading the manure of this conspiracy theory from six swing states out to include another eight states that Trump supposedly won. :)
You righties never fail to disappoint. Not a brain among you. Trump lost. F'ing deal with it.
The first part of an election is the BOTTOM of the ballot, the state level elections. In 2020, nobody disputed the result....

35 states ended election night with GOP in control of both state house and senate....

That left 15 without both houses under GOP control, and those get pretty obvious - Hawaii, CA, Washington, Maine, Vt, NY, Mass, CT, NH, Delaware, Maryland - that's 11, and we aren't even out of the solid blue states... some of which Trump actually won.

Hence, to believe Joe Biden won any of those states, one must believe there were voters who voted Biden and then GOP down the ballot. That did not happen. What happened in those states where Biden won after the GOP swept the state level elections was a massive ballot dump of just Biden or Biden and a Dem Senate candidate ballots, WITH NO STATE LEVEL RACES CHECKED ON THE BALLOT. Those ballots, of course, are all frauds, and were piled in late night in Madison, Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta, Phoenix, Charlotte, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, and many other Dem controlled urban areas. In NH, it was simply the machines, which switched Trump to Biden on enough ballots to swing the state.

All fraud.

In both 1980 and 84, Reagan won but the Dems held on to Congress, the "Reagan Democrat." In 1996, many Republicans, disgusted with senile boob Bob Dole, voted Clinton and GOP down ballot. There has not been an election since where that happened, and in those elections, the polls showed that to be the case before the election. Such was not the case in 2020. Joe Biden was up by 10 with a month to go, and then did what Joe Biden always does when voters really check up on him, he went off a cliff, as he did in the primaries in NH and Iowa...

Those shouting down the audit in AZ know Trump won, and they are all traitors, each and every one of them....
Link? Since we know right wingers are best at being immoral false witness bearers who deserve no attention in abortion threads.
Hence, to believe Joe Biden won any of those states, one must believe there were voters who voted Biden and then GOP down the ballot.

No, it just means fewer Biden voters filled out the rest of the ticket for Democrats. They left it blank. They didn't vote for Republicans.

And given what a foul piece of human filth Trump is, that's expected. Decent patriotic people came out in droves just to vote him out.

That did not happen. What happened in those states where Biden won after the GOP swept the state level elections was a massive ballot dump of just Biden or Biden and a Dem Senate candidate ballots,
That's just a weird fiction on your part.

Let me guess who you're going to blame. It starts with either a "J" or "Z", right?

The first part of an election is the BOTTOM of the ballot, the state level elections. In 2020, nobody disputed the result....

35 states ended election night with GOP in control of both state house and senate....

That left 15 without both houses under GOP control, and those get pretty obvious - Hawaii, CA, Washington, Maine, Vt, NY, Mass, CT, NH, Delaware, Maryland - that's 11, and we aren't even out of the solid blue states... some of which Trump actually won.

Hence, to believe Joe Biden won any of those states, one must believe there were voters who voted Biden and then GOP down the ballot. That did not happen. What happened in those states where Biden won after the GOP swept the state level elections was a massive ballot dump of just Biden or Biden and a Dem Senate candidate ballots, WITH NO STATE LEVEL RACES CHECKED ON THE BALLOT. Those ballots, of course, are all frauds, and were piled in late night in Madison, Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta, Phoenix, Charlotte, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, and many other Dem controlled urban areas. In NH, it was simply the machines, which switched Trump to Biden on enough ballots to swing the state.

All fraud.

In both 1980 and 84, Reagan won but the Dems held on to Congress, the "Reagan Democrat." In 1996, many Republicans, disgusted with senile boob Bob Dole, voted Clinton and GOP down ballot. There has not been an election since where that happened, and in those elections, the polls showed that to be the case before the election. Such was not the case in 2020. Joe Biden was up by 10 with a month to go, and then did what Joe Biden always does when voters really check up on him, he went off a cliff, as he did in the primaries in NH and Iowa...

Those shouting down the audit in AZ know Trump won, and they are all traitors, each and every one of them....
Ronald Reagan was a popular president. He got votes from democrats. And that was reflected down ballot. How hard is it to understand that Trump is a flippin damn idiot, so self-absorbed that it is a qualifiable mental disease, and hated by millions of Americans. Like Reagan's popularity, Trumps unpopularity resulted in Biden votes. Not so much a vote for Biden, but a vote against Trump, and down ballot votes went to the Republicans.

I mean how many times do I have to say it. No president with Trump's approval ratings has ever been re-elected. That is the only "math" that you need to know.
The first part of an election is the BOTTOM of the ballot, the state level elections. In 2020, nobody disputed the result....

35 states ended election night with GOP in control of both state house and senate....

That left 15 without both houses under GOP control, and those get pretty obvious - Hawaii, CA, Washington, Maine, Vt, NY, Mass, CT, NH, Delaware, Maryland - that's 11, and we aren't even out of the solid blue states... some of which Trump actually won.

Hence, to believe Joe Biden won any of those states, one must believe there were voters who voted Biden and then GOP down the ballot. That did not happen. What happened in those states where Biden won after the GOP swept the state level elections was a massive ballot dump of just Biden or Biden and a Dem Senate candidate ballots, WITH NO STATE LEVEL RACES CHECKED ON THE BALLOT. Those ballots, of course, are all frauds, and were piled in late night in Madison, Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta, Phoenix, Charlotte, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, and many other Dem controlled urban areas. In NH, it was simply the machines, which switched Trump to Biden on enough ballots to swing the state.

All fraud.

In both 1980 and 84, Reagan won but the Dems held on to Congress, the "Reagan Democrat." In 1996, many Republicans, disgusted with senile boob Bob Dole, voted Clinton and GOP down ballot. There has not been an election since where that happened, and in those elections, the polls showed that to be the case before the election. Such was not the case in 2020. Joe Biden was up by 10 with a month to go, and then did what Joe Biden always does when voters really check up on him, he went off a cliff, as he did in the primaries in NH and Iowa...

Those shouting down the audit in AZ know Trump won, and they are all traitors, each and every one of them....

So now, we're spreading the manure of this conspiracy theory from six swing states out to include another eight states that Trump supposedly won. :)
You righties never fail to disappoint. Not a brain among you. Trump lost. F'ing deal with it.

And here comes Cracker Jack again with his complete inability to address the OP and thread topic at all so instead tries to spread his carport manure again with his one-paragraph summary claim that pigs really can fly, that there IS a leprechaun at the end of the rainbow and that Geriatric Joe really DID get 81 million honest votes! :21:
The first part of an election is the BOTTOM of the ballot, the state level elections. In 2020, nobody disputed the result....

35 states ended election night with GOP in control of both state house and senate....

That left 15 without both houses under GOP control, and those get pretty obvious - Hawaii, CA, Washington, Maine, Vt, NY, Mass, CT, NH, Delaware, Maryland - that's 11, and we aren't even out of the solid blue states... some of which Trump actually won.

Hence, to believe Joe Biden won any of those states, one must believe there were voters who voted Biden and then GOP down the ballot. That did not happen. What happened in those states where Biden won after the GOP swept the state level elections was a massive ballot dump of just Biden or Biden and a Dem Senate candidate ballots, WITH NO STATE LEVEL RACES CHECKED ON THE BALLOT. Those ballots, of course, are all frauds, and were piled in late night in Madison, Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta, Phoenix, Charlotte, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, and many other Dem controlled urban areas. In NH, it was simply the machines, which switched Trump to Biden on enough ballots to swing the state.

All fraud.

In both 1980 and 84, Reagan won but the Dems held on to Congress, the "Reagan Democrat." In 1996, many Republicans, disgusted with senile boob Bob Dole, voted Clinton and GOP down ballot. There has not been an election since where that happened, and in those elections, the polls showed that to be the case before the election. Such was not the case in 2020. Joe Biden was up by 10 with a month to go, and then did what Joe Biden always does when voters really check up on him, he went off a cliff, as he did in the primaries in NH and Iowa...

Those shouting down the audit in AZ know Trump won, and they are all traitors, each and every one of them....

So now, we're spreading the manure of this conspiracy theory from six swing states out to include another eight states that Trump supposedly won. :)
You righties never fail to disappoint. Not a brain among you. Trump lost. F'ing deal with it.
This is for aggregating publicly available items of evidence that would be admissible in court, not general election news stories or updates.
The first part of an election is the BOTTOM of the ballot, the state level elections. In 2020, nobody disputed the result....

35 states ended election night with GOP in control of both state house and senate....

That left 15 without both houses under GOP control, and those get pretty obvious - Hawaii, CA, Washington, Maine, Vt, NY, Mass, CT, NH, Delaware, Maryland - that's 11, and we aren't even out of the solid blue states... some of which Trump actually won.

Hence, to believe Joe Biden won any of those states, one must believe there were voters who voted Biden and then GOP down the ballot. That did not happen. What happened in those states where Biden won after the GOP swept the state level elections was a massive ballot dump of just Biden or Biden and a Dem Senate candidate ballots, WITH NO STATE LEVEL RACES CHECKED ON THE BALLOT. Those ballots, of course, are all frauds, and were piled in late night in Madison, Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta, Phoenix, Charlotte, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, and many other Dem controlled urban areas. In NH, it was simply the machines, which switched Trump to Biden on enough ballots to swing the state.

All fraud.

In both 1980 and 84, Reagan won but the Dems held on to Congress, the "Reagan Democrat." In 1996, many Republicans, disgusted with senile boob Bob Dole, voted Clinton and GOP down ballot. There has not been an election since where that happened, and in those elections, the polls showed that to be the case before the election. Such was not the case in 2020. Joe Biden was up by 10 with a month to go, and then did what Joe Biden always does when voters really check up on him, he went off a cliff, as he did in the primaries in NH and Iowa...

Those shouting down the audit in AZ know Trump won, and they are all traitors, each and every one of them....

So now, we're spreading the manure of this conspiracy theory from six swing states out to include another eight states that Trump supposedly won. :)
You righties never fail to disappoint. Not a brain among you. Trump lost. F'ing deal with it.
This is for aggregating publicly available items of evidence that would be admissible in court, not general election news stories or updates.

Then take it to a judge. But you've already attempted that. 73 times by last count.
You'd have thought the lesson had been learned and that you'd be regrouping for the next go round.
The first part of an election is the BOTTOM of the ballot, the state level elections. In 2020, nobody disputed the result....

35 states ended election night with GOP in control of both state house and senate....

That left 15 without both houses under GOP control, and those get pretty obvious - Hawaii, CA, Washington, Maine, Vt, NY, Mass, CT, NH, Delaware, Maryland - that's 11, and we aren't even out of the solid blue states... some of which Trump actually won.

Hence, to believe Joe Biden won any of those states, one must believe there were voters who voted Biden and then GOP down the ballot. That did not happen. What happened in those states where Biden won after the GOP swept the state level elections was a massive ballot dump of just Biden or Biden and a Dem Senate candidate ballots, WITH NO STATE LEVEL RACES CHECKED ON THE BALLOT. Those ballots, of course, are all frauds, and were piled in late night in Madison, Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta, Phoenix, Charlotte, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, and many other Dem controlled urban areas. In NH, it was simply the machines, which switched Trump to Biden on enough ballots to swing the state.

All fraud.

In both 1980 and 84, Reagan won but the Dems held on to Congress, the "Reagan Democrat." In 1996, many Republicans, disgusted with senile boob Bob Dole, voted Clinton and GOP down ballot. There has not been an election since where that happened, and in those elections, the polls showed that to be the case before the election. Such was not the case in 2020. Joe Biden was up by 10 with a month to go, and then did what Joe Biden always does when voters really check up on him, he went off a cliff, as he did in the primaries in NH and Iowa...

Those shouting down the audit in AZ know Trump won, and they are all traitors, each and every one of them....
Ronald Reagan was a popular president. He got votes from democrats. And that was reflected down ballot. How hard is it to understand that Trump is a flippin damn idiot, so self-absorbed that it is a qualifiable mental disease, and hated by millions of Americans. Like Reagan's popularity, Trumps unpopularity resulted in Biden votes. Not so much a vote for Biden, but a vote against Trump, and down ballot votes went to the Republicans.

I mean how many times do I have to say it. No president with Trump's approval ratings has ever been re-elected. That is the only "math" that you need to know.
Reagan wishes he was as good a President as Trump. Biden doesn't even deserve to be in the President discussion. He is easily the worst ever.

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