A Patriot in the White House restoring American decency

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Step by step the stench of trump is being removed from history. The removal of the flag was an act so typical of trump as it arose out of his infantile campaign against a dying POW. Its an act almost impossible to compute unless you do so through the rather blurred lens of trump.

Now the President is a man who loves his country and not himself. Decency is returning to America and the whole world benefits.

Sleepy Joe isn't a "decent" fellow. In fact, he's a purveyor of the Big Lie.

His lies about the number of COVID deaths as well as the number of gun deaths weren't even called out by the Media. No journalist called him out to his face about his falsehoods. Biden declared the 120 million died of gun violence and 150 million of the corona virus. Lies.
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Step by step the stench of trump is being removed from history. The removal of the flag was an act so typical of trump as it arose out of his infantile campaign against a dying POW. Its an act almost impossible to compute unless you do so through the rather blurred lens of trump.

Now the President is a man who loves his country and not himself. Decency is returning to America and the whole world benefits.

Why do you people hate Americans. These people were heroes and not "losers and suckers".
Sleepy Joe isn't a "decent" fellow. In fact, he's a purveyor of the Big Lie.

His lies about the number of COVID deaths as well as the number of gun deaths weren't even called out by the Media. No journalist called him out to his face about his falsehoods. Biden declared the 120 million died of gun violence and 150 million of the corona virus. Lies.
He has done the right thing with the flag though. SUrely you welcome its return after trumps treachery ?
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Step by step the stench of trump is being removed from history. The removal of the flag was an act so typical of trump as it arose out of his infantile campaign against a dying POW. Its an act almost impossible to compute unless you do so through the rather blurred lens of trump.

Now the President is a man who loves his country and not himself. Decency is returning to America and the whole world benefits.

STFU retarded Brit.
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Step by step the stench of trump is being removed from history. The removal of the flag was an act so typical of trump as it arose out of his infantile campaign against a dying POW. Its an act almost impossible to compute unless you do so through the rather blurred lens of trump.

Now the President is a man who loves his country and not himself. Decency is returning to America and the whole world benefits.

MORE proof you don't know shit about the US..keep it up
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Step by step the stench of trump is being removed from history. The removal of the flag was an act so typical of trump as it arose out of his infantile campaign against a dying POW. Its an act almost impossible to compute unless you do so through the rather blurred lens of trump.

Now the President is a man who loves his country and not himself. Decency is returning to America and the whole world benefits.

Why do you people hate Americans. These people were heroes and not "losers and suckers".
YOU are the loser
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Step by step the stench of trump is being removed from history. The removal of the flag was an act so typical of trump as it arose out of his infantile campaign against a dying POW. Its an act almost impossible to compute unless you do so through the rather blurred lens of trump.

Now the President is a man who loves his country and not himself. Decency is returning to America and the whole world benefits.

you don't know what being a man is --as is obvious from your threads
The fringe is slowly being pushed back to where it came from.

Slowly but surely.

Phew. I was nervous there for a minute.
They seem to be twisting themselves in knots at the moment. In their deepest souls they know that they should applaud this but in doing so they betray the sacred legacy of the conman.

I think being a trumper looks like this these days.

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Step by step the stench of trump is being removed from history. The removal of the flag was an act so typical of trump as it arose out of his infantile campaign against a dying POW. Its an act almost impossible to compute unless you do so through the rather blurred lens of trump.

Now the President is a man who loves his country and not himself. Decency is returning to America and the whole world benefits.

Why do you people hate Americans. These people were heroes and not "losers and suckers".
We will never be a together nation again. We won't even unite with a disaster. Only force will that happen now. The socialized tits we suckle off of come with a devilish contract and more and more people join in.
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Step by step the stench of trump is being removed from history. The removal of the flag was an act so typical of trump as it arose out of his infantile campaign against a dying POW. Its an act almost impossible to compute unless you do so through the rather blurred lens of trump.

Now the President is a man who loves his country and not himself. Decency is returning to America and the whole world benefits.

The Harris/Biden Administration's policies are simply a series of "F You"s to Trump.
This is not what unity means....and this is not a rational policy.
It is simply a tiny man occupying an office and using it 24/7/365 to say fuck you to the previous administration.
They talked about how un-presidential Trump was....but these back-stabbing underhanded actions are about as un-presidential and classless as you can get.
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Step by step the stench of trump is being removed from history. The removal of the flag was an act so typical of trump as it arose out of his infantile campaign against a dying POW. Its an act almost impossible to compute unless you do so through the rather blurred lens of trump.

Now the President is a man who loves his country and not himself. Decency is returning to America and the whole world benefits.

The Harris/Biden Administration's policies are simply a series of "F You"s to Trump.
This is not what unity means....and this is not a rational policy.
It is simply a tiny man occupying an office and using it 24/7/365 to say fuck you to the previous administration.
They talked about how un-presidential Trump was....but these back-stabbing underhanded actions are about as un-presidential and classless as you can get.
Honouring American soldiers is, um, Un-American ? Seriously ? Did you graduate from Trump U ?

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