A message to the left wing--


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
I'm a moderate Democrat. I voted for Joe Biden, and reject the right wing's labor hating, eco damaging policy's. Now that the Dem's are in power, you folks on the left wing would do well to think hard about something taken from my 66 years on earth, and decades as a small business owner, and that thing is -- Personal responsibility.

i.e. Do you make smart food choices, or do you eat foods you know you shouldn't? Do you exercise daily, or do you make excuses about it? Do you save at least 10% of your pay and build your nest egg, or do you have a problem with impulse buying? Do you have a written financial plan, or do you just drift along and hope everything works out? Do you read on a regular basis, or do you think you already know everything that's important? Do you manage your time well, or to you come home from work and flop down on the couch in front of the TV until bedtime?

It's easy, and sometimes fun to blame those in power for our situation, but many times our plight is squarely in the hands of the person staring back at us in the mirror. :bye1:
and reject the right wing's...eco damaging policy's.

Are you a blithering idiot? Dem cities repeatedly spill hundreds of millions of gallons of raw untreated sewage into public rivers and oceans, so fouling the water beaches have to be closed and swimming banned, because their broke ass sewer systems haven't been updated in 100 years. And its the right wing who's damaging the environment?

Dems pave over the environment with their cities obliterating it and its the right wing who's damaging the environment?

Dems promote 'green' energy policies that require materials and batteries so toxic to the environment to manufacture it had to be moved to China and other shit hole countries willing to wreck the planet, and its the right wing who's damaging the environment?

There I schooled you. :talk2hand:
I'm a moderate Democrat. I voted for Joe Biden

Then you are not a moderate.

Sorry - Joe Biden is as moderate as Democrats come.

Precisely. Joe Biden is as moderate as Democrats come.

Let me rephrase - Joe Biden is a moderate. On the flip side what with the remaining moderate congressional Republicans retiring and leaving the Party of Rump - Gym Jordan, Devin Nunes, Matt Gaetz, Mo Brooks, Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Green, Ted Cruz, Louie Gohmert and RonAnon Johnson will be about as moderate as Republicans come. :rolleyes-41:
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I'm a moderate Democrat. I voted for Joe Biden, and reject the right wing's labor hating, eco damaging policy's. Now that the Dem's are in power, you folks on the left wing would do well to think hard about something taken from my 66 years on earth, and decades as a small business owner, and that thing is -- Personal responsibility.

i.e. Do you make smart food choices, or do you eat foods you know you shouldn't? Do you exercise daily, or do you make excuses about it? Do you save at least 10% of your pay and build your nest egg, or do you have a problem with impulse buying? Do you have a written financial plan, or do you just drift along and hope everything works out? Do you read on a regular basis, or do you think you already know everything that's important? Do you manage your time well, or to you come home from work and flop down on the couch in front of the TV until bedtime?

It's easy, and sometimes fun to blame those in power for our situation, but many times our plight is squarely in the hands of the person staring back at us in the mirror. :bye1:
do you ever mind your own business?....or do you always stick your face where it doesn't belong?
I'm a moderate Democrat. I voted for Joe Biden, and reject the right wing's labor hating, eco damaging policy's. Now that the Dem's are in power, you folks on the left wing would do well to think hard about something taken from my 66 years on earth, and decades as a small business owner, and that thing is -- Personal responsibility.

i.e. Do you make smart food choices, or do you eat foods you know you shouldn't? Do you exercise daily, or do you make excuses about it? Do you save at least 10% of your pay and build your nest egg, or do you have a problem with impulse buying? Do you have a written financial plan, or do you just drift along and hope everything works out? Do you read on a regular basis, or do you think you already know everything that's important? Do you manage your time well, or to you come home from work and flop down on the couch in front of the TV until bedtime?

It's easy, and sometimes fun to blame those in power for our situation, but many times our plight is squarely in the hands of the person staring back at us in the mirror. :bye1:
I'll address your second paragraph as the first one is nothing but dishonest drivel.

If everyone did as you suggest in the second paragraph (Which, by the way, is a Conservative mantra) there would be no need for Democrats or Republicans. There would, in fact, be little need for 90% of Government.
I'm a moderate Democrat. I voted for Joe Biden

Then you are not a moderate.

Sorry - Joe Biden is as moderate as Democrats come.

Precisely. Joe Biden is as moderate as Democrats come.

Let me rephrase - Joe Biden is a moderate. On the flip side what with the remaining moderate congressional Republicans retiring and leaving the Party of Rump - Gym Jordan, Devin Nunes, Matt Gaetz, Mo Brooks, Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Green, Ted Cruz, Louie Gohmert and RonAnon Johnson will be about as moderate as Republicans come. :rolleyes-41:
Let me rephrase - beijing xiden is a chinese bought traitor. strangling AMERICA...
I'm a moderate Democrat. I voted for Joe Biden, and reject the right wing's labor hating, eco damaging policy's. Now that the Dem's are in power, you folks on the left wing would do well to think hard about something taken from my 66 years on earth, and decades as a small business owner, and that thing is -- Personal responsibility.

i.e. Do you make smart food choices, or do you eat foods you know you shouldn't? Do you exercise daily, or do you make excuses about it? Do you save at least 10% of your pay and build your nest egg, or do you have a problem with impulse buying? Do you have a written financial plan, or do you just drift along and hope everything works out? Do you read on a regular basis, or do you think you already know everything that's important? Do you manage your time well, or to you come home from work and flop down on the couch in front of the TV until bedtime?

It's easy, and sometimes fun to blame those in power for our situation, but many times our plight is squarely in the hands of the person staring back at us in the mirror. :bye1:
And what makes you think we blame someone else for any shortcomings?
I'm a moderate Democrat. I voted for Joe Biden

Then you are not a moderate.

Sorry - Joe Biden is as moderate as Democrats come.

Which is to say, not moderate at all. Joe picked a VP farther left than communist Bernie Sanders. Nuff said.
Thats not right.

Biden didn't pick anyone because he is incapable of that kind of decision-making.

Harris was likely picked by a committee and was chosen solely for specific voting blocks.
As Biden is just another callow politician who showed his stripes voting for the predictably catastrophic and obviously illegal Iraq invasion, he is one of a number for whom I could never vote.
Trump is an egoistic, spoiled rich brat for whom I could never vote.
The duopoly is not a moderate organization, it is anti-Constitutional and anti-American. This two party dictatorship must end if the nation is to have any chance of a healthy future.
Perhaps I am not a moderate.

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