Zone1 A Matter of Trust


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Much has been said about why Black people should not trust White people because they are inherent racists. But why should White people trust Black people? Several people I know have been accused of "microaggression" at work by Black people for the purpose of diverting attention away from their substandard job performance.
(White people aren't allowed to use this excuse.)

As long as these baseless assertions continue to be supported by Black people, how can White people trust that they won't be stabbed in the back this way if the opportunity arises? This is becoming a serious problem in that an increasing number of White people do not want to take the risk of hiring a Black person.

Are we too far down the road of racial politics to remedy this situation?
If it eases your conscience believe whatever you want.
Where are all these people getting harassed simply for being white? I hear about them from posters who somehow feel the white race needs a defender but in real life I've never really seen it happen.
Not talking about people griping on the internet. Who gives a fuck? When have you ever seen a white person being accused of racism to their face? You'd think it happens all the time to hear you people talk but it's never really happened to me.
Yep. That was me. Someone I knew told me I must be a racist because I didn't hate Donald Trump enough to suit her.

Guess what. I do not give a shit and the loss of our "relationship" hurt me far less than it did her.
Yep. That was me. Someone I knew told me I must be a racist because I didn't hate Donald Trump enough to suit her.

Guess what. I do not give a shit and the loss of our "relationship" hurt me far less than it did her.
Yeah you were probably always an opinionated bore. She will not miss you. I've had to put some distance between myself and several people who got on the Trump train. No great loss. Now I go entire weeks without hearing someone say the Nword.
And you were probably always a pussy-ass little whiny bitch and nobody would miss you if the Trump train ran the fuck over your worthless ass.
I am a southern gentleman and I know my manners. I am polite and direct with everyone I see. I never whine and no stranger could ever hurt my feelings. I treat people exactly how I would expect to be treated. What happened to you that made you think manners are cowardice?
I am a southern gentleman and I know my manners. I am polite and direct with everyone I see. I never whine and no stranger could ever hurt my feelings. I treat people exactly how I would expect to be treated. What happened to you that made you think manners are cowardice?
Well, you can identify as anything you want.
Much has been said about why Black people should not trust White people because they are inherent racists. But why should White people trust Black people? Several people I know have been accused of "microaggression" at work by Black people for the purpose of diverting attention away from their substandard job performance.
(White people aren't allowed to use this excuse.)

As long as these baseless assertions continue to be supported by Black people, how can White people trust that they won't be stabbed in the back this way if the opportunity arises? This is becoming a serious problem in that an increasing number of White people do not want to take the risk of hiring a Black person.

Are we too far down the road of racial politics to remedy this situation?
Microagrressions do exist and thhre are whites on your job performing poorly.

This is another silly thread made by somebody white who wants to prretend the last 246 years of Americas existence is not reason for people of color, not just blacks, to not trust white people. What you cite is not the problem, it is your exxuse to deny the problem and to continue practicing racism.
What you cite is not the problem, it is your exxuse to deny the problem and to continue practicing racism.
So what is the problem and, more importantly, what is the solution?
Where are all these people getting harassed simply for being white? I hear about them from posters who somehow feel the white race needs a defender but in real life I've never really seen it happen.
Everyone wants to be a victim. You have an abundance of white racial grievance identity politicker, white Conservative Al sharpton like figures in the Conservative movement. It's a very lucrative bidness.
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White racism is the problem. Start with yourself, and reduce the problem to irrelevance.
OK so inherent White racism is the problem, and you have no solution. Why should anyone listen to you or even care what you think?
OK so inherent White racism is the problem, and you have no solution. Why should anyone listen to you or even care what you think?
Their solution is GIVE DARKIES MONEY, and it will never be enough. The democrats have trained them well.

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