A guide to assigning blame for all this...


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Since most of our "leaders" today are more worried about assigning blame than providing solutions, I say lets play along. How do we properly assign blame for losing our AAA credit, and now the probable double-dip recession we're heading into? And the horrible unemployment, and, well, all our problems today? Lets use some other examples of blame to see how we assign it...

- If a high school is failing at academics, has discipline problems, isn't meeting standards, breaking it's budget......do we blame teachers, janitors, lunch ladies, students? OR the principal?

- If an NFL team is losing all it's games, and not improving, do we blame the assitants? The team doctors? The players? The fans? OR the Head Coach?

- If a business is going bankrupt, losing it's top employees to a rival, stocks dropping, product not selling, do we blame accountants, mail men, salesmen........OR do we look immediately to the current, not prior, CEO?

- If a military unit is failing in the field, not accomplishing the mission, not hitting it's goals, do we blame the grunts? Or the generals?

- If a police department is rampant with corruption, can't catch murder and rape suspects, has no discipline, loses evidence......do we blame the patrol man? The detective? OR...the Police Chief.

I've examined many areas of our society dealing with groups and organizations. In every single one of them, it seems we have always looked to the top of the food chain, the person in total command of the team, the unit, the department, the business, for laying blame, as that person is ultimately in charge.

So when Washington is failing, why all of a sudden do we blame anyone and everyone EXCEPT the CEO/General/Chief/Head Coach/Principle..........President Barack Obama?
If a construction crew is 5 months behind schedule, has lost materials, has employees drinking on the job, has gone beyond it's budget.......do you blame the drunk union member workers? Middle managers? Or the foreman who is in charge of the whole mess?

If a cruise ship is filthy, the guests are rowdy and causing problems, the ship is off course and late, almost hits an iceberg, gets lost, runs out of food, can't figure out how it's lights work...........should the ship's captain be blamed? Or everyone else.

I can go on all day with examples of how society places blame. And I'll still wonder why this has applied to every leader over the last 5,000 years.......until President Obama, who has no blame.
We are trying. But Obama and the left refuse to recognize the Tea Party as an actual faction of the population, and refuse to acknowledge that their ideals just might be the better option for our future. Left wing ideals have failed for centuries.
This Who do we blame? game just cracks me up.

Who had the authority?

That's who to blame.

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