A Chapter In U.S. History Often Ignored: The Flight Of Runaway Slaves To Mexico


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
In a forgotten cemetery on the edge of Texas in the Rio Grande delta, Olga Webber-Vasques says she's proud of her family's legacy — even if she only just learned the full story.

Turns out her great-great-grandparents, who are buried there, were agents in the little-known underground railroad that led through South Texas to Mexico during the 1800s. Thousands of enslaved people fled plantations to make their way to the Rio Grande, which became a river of deliverance.

"I don't know why there wasn't anything that we would've known as we were growing up. It amazes me to learn the underground deal — I had no idea at all," says Webber-Vasques, 70, who recently learned the story of her forebear John Ferdinand Webber from her daughter-in-law who has researched family history.

"I'm very proud to be a Webber," she says.

That's a very interesting tidbit.
Even more ignored...

The fact that the first successful slave revolt happened in Mexico....

By this man........Gaspar Yanga...200 years before the US existed....
In a forgotten cemetery on the edge of Texas in the Rio Grande delta, Olga Webber-Vasques says she's proud of her family's legacy — even if she only just learned the full story.

Turns out her great-great-grandparents, who are buried there, were agents in the little-known underground railroad that led through South Texas to Mexico during the 1800s. Thousands of enslaved people fled plantations to make their way to the Rio Grande, which became a river of deliverance.

"I don't know why there wasn't anything that we would've known as we were growing up. It amazes me to learn the underground deal — I had no idea at all," says Webber-Vasques, 70, who recently learned the story of her forebear John Ferdinand Webber from her daughter-in-law who has researched family history.

"I'm very proud to be a Webber," she says.

That's a very interesting tidbit.

I heard that story on NPR last night while driving home. Honestly, I'd never been aware of it.

What I took away from it was that far more slaves escaped to the south than were ever helped to get to the north by Harriet Tubman, yet they want to put her on the $20 bill...
What I took away from it was that far more slaves escaped to the south than were ever helped to get to the north by Harriet Tubman, yet they want to put her on the $20 bill...
The north had saints, the south had devils- and brown people.
In a forgotten cemetery on the edge of Texas in the Rio Grande delta, Olga Webber-Vasques says she's proud of her family's legacy — even if she only just learned the full story.

Turns out her great-great-grandparents, who are buried there, were agents in the little-known underground railroad that led through South Texas to Mexico during the 1800s. Thousands of enslaved people fled plantations to make their way to the Rio Grande, which became a river of deliverance.

"I don't know why there wasn't anything that we would've known as we were growing up. It amazes me to learn the underground deal — I had no idea at all," says Webber-Vasques, 70, who recently learned the story of her forebear John Ferdinand Webber from her daughter-in-law who has researched family history.

"I'm very proud to be a Webber," she says.

That's a very interesting tidbit.

I heard that story on NPR last night while driving home. Honestly, I'd never been aware of it.

What I took away from it was that far more slaves escaped to the south than were ever helped to get to the north by Harriet Tubman, yet they want to put her on the $20 bill...

Probably because she did MORE than help slaves escape North......

If she helped them escape South, folks like you would still be whining about her being on US currency..so spare me
In a forgotten cemetery on the edge of Texas in the Rio Grande delta, Olga Webber-Vasques says she's proud of her family's legacy — even if she only just learned the full story.

Turns out her great-great-grandparents, who are buried there, were agents in the little-known underground railroad that led through South Texas to Mexico during the 1800s. Thousands of enslaved people fled plantations to make their way to the Rio Grande, which became a river of deliverance.

"I don't know why there wasn't anything that we would've known as we were growing up. It amazes me to learn the underground deal — I had no idea at all," says Webber-Vasques, 70, who recently learned the story of her forebear John Ferdinand Webber from her daughter-in-law who has researched family history.

"I'm very proud to be a Webber," she says.

That's a very interesting tidbit.

I heard that story on NPR last night while driving home. Honestly, I'd never been aware of it.

What I took away from it was that far more slaves escaped to the south than were ever helped to get to the north by Harriet Tubman, yet they want to put her on the $20 bill...

Probably because she did MORE than help slaves escape North......

If she helped them escape South, folks like you would still be whining about her being on US currency..so spare me

Yes, she often led them north at gunpoint.

There are others who are far more worthy than Tubman...
If she helped them escape South,
She would no longer be a saint- correct?
She is revered because she risked her life as a former slave by helping others escape bondage -- dic suckers like you think the direction in which she helped them escape matters....it doesn't

Here is another history lesson for racist cucks like yourself.....


John Horse of the Black Seminoles.......another guy who gave the US hell in Florida (THE SOUTH) in fighting back slavery.....Did him doing this in the south win him any favor and recognition from morons like you who think which direction you fight slavery from matters??
What goes around comes around. After slavery was outlawed in the U.S. the Mexican government was selling mostly Native American Indians and others called "Yaqui's" captured along the border in the early 20th century into slavery..
What I took away from it was that far more slaves escaped to the south than were ever helped to get to the north by Harriet Tubman, yet they want to put her on the $20 bill...
The north had saints, the south had devils- and brown people.

Sure, that's why most blacks stayed in the evil South after the Civil War, right up to the present day, cuz Yankees were just so thrilled to have freed them n stuff they welcomed them with open arms as they all fled from the horrors of the South.

In other news, blacks are moving back to the South in record numbers from Yankee Land the last two decades, and Mexicans are flooding the U.S. to get away from Mexico; seems they only like Mexican culture in the U.S., where they can get welfare checks for having 10 kids and bennies for just being Mexicans from rich white people who don't pay taxes and like the cheap maids and gardeners.
.... they can get welfare checks for having 10 kids .....

"Foreign-born Hispanic women have experienced particularly dramatic birth rate declines in recent years, too. Since 2000, the number of births per 1,000 Hispanic immigrant women of childbearing age fell 25% "

.... they can get welfare checks for having 10 kids .....

"Foreign-born Hispanic women have experienced particularly dramatic birth rate declines in recent years, too. Since 2000, the number of births per 1,000 Hispanic immigrant women of childbearing age fell 25% "


Sure; that's why we still see all those waves of pregnant Mexicans coming over to have their kids in American hospitals, and the Chinese have an entire industry of safe houses and clinics set up in California catering to pregnant Asian women for the same purpose. You're such a jenyus. And Russian mafioso running the same scams on the east coast for knocked up eastern Europeans
.... they can get welfare checks for having 10 kids .....

"Foreign-born Hispanic women have experienced particularly dramatic birth rate declines in recent years, too. Since 2000, the number of births per 1,000 Hispanic immigrant women of childbearing age fell 25% "


Sure; that's why we still see all those waves of pregnant Mexicans coming over to have their kids in American hospitals, and the Chinese have an entire industry of safe houses and clinics set up in California catering to pregnant Asian women for the same purpose. You're such a jenyus. And Russian mafioso running the same scams on the east coast for knocked up eastern Europeans

I provided a link. Where's yours?
.... they can get welfare checks for having 10 kids .....

"Foreign-born Hispanic women have experienced particularly dramatic birth rate declines in recent years, too. Since 2000, the number of births per 1,000 Hispanic immigrant women of childbearing age fell 25% "


Sure; that's why we still see all those waves of pregnant Mexicans coming over to have their kids in American hospitals, and the Chinese have an entire industry of safe houses and clinics set up in California catering to pregnant Asian women for the same purpose. You're such a jenyus. And Russian mafioso running the same scams on the east coast for knocked up eastern Europeans

I provided a link. Where's yours?

You're a liar and a waste of time; I only respect honest posters, not sicko deviant scum like you. Anybody can look up what I posted, and you can't refute them, so screw you and your silly demands for 'links'. Your lack of any facts is not my problem..

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