9 more charity events cancelled at Trump's Mar A Lago. Because of dirty food?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Who cancelled so far.







Some had already cancelled, but 9 more since Trump's subtle support for Neo Nazi's and the Alt Right.

Then there were food violations. Actually, it was 13 violations.

You know how Republicans fix food safety? They get rid of the regulations.
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No wonder Trump wants to get rid of "unnecessary regulations." LOL
To be fair, a lot of these inspections find something wrong somewhere. If people have not gotten sick eating at Mar a Lago, they are doing alright overall. My family used to run a general store and when the meat got too old and nasty to sell, my Aunt would bring it home, cook it to death and we would eat it. No one EVER got sick.
Meat has a possibility of breeding bad bacteria at these higher temps but it doesn't mean they necessarily will.
No wonder Trump wants to get rid of "unnecessary regulations." LOL
To be fair, a lot of these inspections find something wrong somewhere. If people have not gotten sick eating at Mar a Lago, they are doing alright overall. My family used to run a general store and when the meat got too old and nasty to sell, my Aunt would bring it home, cook it to death and we would eat it. No one EVER got sick.
Meat has a possibility of breeding bad bacteria at these higher temps but it doesn't mean they necessarily will.
You do realize that Obama used regulations to jack up the costs of everything, right?
No wonder Trump wants to get rid of "unnecessary regulations." LOL
To be fair, a lot of these inspections find something wrong somewhere. If people have not gotten sick eating at Mar a Lago, they are doing alright overall. My family used to run a general store and when the meat got too old and nasty to sell, my Aunt would bring it home, cook it to death and we would eat it. No one EVER got sick.
Meat has a possibility of breeding bad bacteria at these higher temps but it doesn't mean they necessarily will.

I won't eat sushi anymore because of the huge amount of finding parasites..

No wonder Trump wants to get rid of "unnecessary regulations." LOL
To be fair, a lot of these inspections find something wrong somewhere. If people have not gotten sick eating at Mar a Lago, they are doing alright overall. My family used to run a general store and when the meat got too old and nasty to sell, my Aunt would bring it home, cook it to death and we would eat it. No one EVER got sick.
Meat has a possibility of breeding bad bacteria at these higher temps but it doesn't mean they necessarily will.
You do realize that Obama used regulations to jack up the costs of everything, right?

Jack up what? How could he jack up costs to make someone use the right refrigerator settings?

No wonder Trump wants to get rid of "unnecessary regulations." LOL
To be fair, a lot of these inspections find something wrong somewhere. If people have not gotten sick eating at Mar a Lago, they are doing alright overall. My family used to run a general store and when the meat got too old and nasty to sell, my Aunt would bring it home, cook it to death and we would eat it. No one EVER got sick.
Meat has a possibility of breeding bad bacteria at these higher temps but it doesn't mean they necessarily will.
You do realize that Obama used regulations to jack up the costs of everything, right?
How dumb do you have to be to not want to be protected ?
No wonder Trump wants to get rid of "unnecessary regulations." LOL
To be fair, a lot of these inspections find something wrong somewhere. If people have not gotten sick eating at Mar a Lago, they are doing alright overall. My family used to run a general store and when the meat got too old and nasty to sell, my Aunt would bring it home, cook it to death and we would eat it. No one EVER got sick.
Meat has a possibility of breeding bad bacteria at these higher temps but it doesn't mean they necessarily will.

I get your point, but one's family member/parent for their own family making a choice about what be the acceptable nature and extent of variance from empirically/scientifically established limits/precautions and a third party making that decision on behalf of others, when the other parties expect there's been no variance from the established precautionary measures are not the same.

As our maid used to say, "You don't eat just anybody's 'chit'lings'" What'd she mean? She meant that when they've been cleaned to the point that they look nearly like caul fat, they're safe to eat. (It's worth noting that when they have been cleaned to that degree, chitterlings don't stink while being cooked. They smell mostly like musky pork -- if you've cooked boar meat or some other game, you'll know what I mean -- but they don't smell like feces.)

To be fair, a lot of these inspections find something wrong somewhere.
Finding a thing or two amiss is one thing, especially if they are minor and localized to "a corner" of the establishment or isolatable to a specific item. Finding an abundance of them in one place is wholly another.
No wonder Trump wants to get rid of "unnecessary regulations." LOL
To be fair, a lot of these inspections find something wrong somewhere. If people have not gotten sick eating at Mar a Lago, they are doing alright overall. My family used to run a general store and when the meat got too old and nasty to sell, my Aunt would bring it home, cook it to death and we would eat it. No one EVER got sick.
Meat has a possibility of breeding bad bacteria at these higher temps but it doesn't mean they necessarily will.
You do realize that Obama used regulations to jack up the costs of everything, right?
How dumb do you have to be to not want to be protected ?
You think Obama used regulations to protect us????


Obama used regulations to triple the cost of pharmaceuticals.
He allowed drugs to be put on the market that helped create opioid addiction at the same time he drove up the costs.
Listening to a ad for a new drug on TV they spend more time talking about the dangerous side-effects than they do the benefits.
No wonder Trump wants to get rid of "unnecessary regulations." LOL
To be fair, a lot of these inspections find something wrong somewhere. If people have not gotten sick eating at Mar a Lago, they are doing alright overall. My family used to run a general store and when the meat got too old and nasty to sell, my Aunt would bring it home, cook it to death and we would eat it. No one EVER got sick.
Meat has a possibility of breeding bad bacteria at these higher temps but it doesn't mean they necessarily will.
You do realize that Obama used regulations to jack up the costs of everything, right?
No. Obama was too smart to do the stupid stuff the right wing accuses him of. And the fact they believe such nonsense shows the world how stupid they truly are.
So food inspection now has a liberal agenda?:lmao:

I've gotten food poisoning from a restaurant before. Its no joke. I wouldn't even wish it on Trump. That's how bad my food poisoning was.

I rather have food inspectors be overly cautions than be careless. Better safe than sorry.

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